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Posts posted by Purpose2

  1. So my rant got one of the most powerful men on side... and we ran 7 hours of MetaStation tests last night.

    This culminated in this PR: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7435 which I just published which fixes all remaining issues... and adds things basically everyone was asking for.

    If that one, #7396 and #7388 get merged.... then we actually have a map worthy of consideration of a rotation.

    edit: The version we ran last night, got ~35% of survey responders say "The map is awesome and ready to enter a rotation now", and the remaining percentage saying "Map requires minor tweaks, but would then be ready for a rotation". One individual decided to respond with "Metastation is unsalvagable", one of the options... but that person also told me to fuck myself and to drink bleach... so I'm going to discount that feedback if thats OK with you guys.

    • Like 3
  2. All of these have been hotfixed now, AFAIK.

    Are there any outstanding that you think have been missed?

    RUN/IGNORESLOW now properly ignores slows instead of increasing speed
    Refactored human movement to be on the species level
    Fixed slowed applying twice to humans
    Animals now obey movement_delay
    Some values may look different, but the effect it the same, due to movement calculation differences.
    Xenos now obey movement_delay
    Some values may look different, but the effect it the same, due to movement calculation differences.
    PAIs now obey movement_delay


    • Like 2
  3. It has been a personal appetite of mine for us to be able to run a map rotation. How great would it be for an end-round poll for what map to play next?

    I began by fixing MetaStation which was ported poorly some time ago, and has since been poorly maintained (Of no ones fault, so don't read into any blame there). There have been barriers from within the coding team (we disagree, which is natural and healthy, but..) delaying my ability to bring this up to the right standard for active use on Paradise... nevertheless in the last month I have personally fixed near 40 separate issue reports on the Github relating to MetaStation, and only one (an aesthetic tweak) actually remains unfixed (and I have a PR up that fixes this).

    My request for MetaStation to have some more playtests however has been denied every time I've asked, for the present anyway. I assume there is something going on in the background that I am not privy to. 


    Delta Station is a TG station initially developed by Okand37. I've made it my own project off my own back to try to pull this together for Paradise, as the basic tenets of the design are ones that Paradise would benefit. Namely. Large. Also I began on this before we used a de-lister and the straw that broke the camels back for me working on this was 191 people on the server (according the to Hub).

    I began working on this to continue towards this personal appetite of mine of multiple available maps, while the arguements and dysfunction slowed down any development on Metastation. Metastation is closest to being able to be actively used live on the server, however lacks some key ingredients that (in my opinion) are required for active use yet.

    I progressed knowing full well that it may be that the Headmins and Maintainers reject it - however, a downstream server may benefit. I did broach this subject with many of them, and the single one that bothered to reply to me, was favourable.

    Now while this is being lovingly ported from Okand37's original work, this /will/ be heavily adapted and significantly altered for Paradise.

    Also, because our codebases are so different, I've had to literally place every single tile, every single item and alter the variables on every single item, after starting with an empty map file.

    Where am I in the process? Feels like the homestretch now, maybe 60/65% done? I've done basically all the awful bits already. All tiles/walls and the floor designs are all in place. Everything is wired and piped, including disposals. Speaking of pipes, Atmospherics, (which is the worst thing I've ever had to build because of all the var edits and grossness) is all done, items everything (even a supermatter shard setup!) the brig is entirely done. Medical is 80% done, Science is 90% done. Bridge is done, on-station telecomms is done, about 60% of service is done, 70% of maintenance is done... 0% of cargo however is done.... then all the play-testing

    Now because I've had to manually and tweak every little thing, guess what, there will a load of errors to catch.


    Now while I'm working on the above, there is standardization work, and simplification work to be done if we are ever to be able to run a map rotation, so some of my work on getting Delta sorted is delayed somewhat for that... this includes re-defining how minimaps work, and working to a standard for the other z-levels.

    Will this ever see use, or even a playtest on Paradise? Thats not a question I can answer, I'm not a part of the official coding team for Paradise.


    Obligatory screenshots of Delta Station (in progress)... All I ask is that you fully read the above post, not skim it just for the screenies. ;)

    Part of the bridge (yes I know about the windoor...) - HOP office... a supermatter shard? how'd that get there.... The detective's office... The Head of Securities office... The Operating Theatre... Xenobio... WHO BUILT A RAGE CAGE?!

    Also, I'm mostly just porting verbatim, before making the Paradise changes, so there are things that'll change. (I'm not happy with the brig currently, for example... also TG's Delta has only one OR in medbay, stuff like that.)

    • Like 4
  4. Hey man, yeah I've squashed about 35-40 outstanding 'Metastation' issues on Github... Once my latest two PRs get merged, there should be zero outstanding issues on Github.

    There is still work to be done to bring it up to a standard where we can run it more often however, in way of features... but its in a much better state now.


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Fox McCloud said:

    Fat can exist, but it merely doesn't alter your sprites; would make life easier, universally for spriters.

    ... Right, but I mean visually there /should/ be an effect otherwise... as @Rumiluntti says... whats the point.

    I'm wondering more on the level of an overlay... not sure what it'd be, but for an example, you handle it like you handle hair sprites.... a fat gut with some torn fibers from the jumpsuit etc... taking the colour of the fiber from a simple var on each one. Then you don't have to do the sprites, you'd just have to have a colour var of the jumpsuit.

  6. You are misunderstanding how the law is written:


    The station is under a quarantine. Do not permit anyone to leave. Prevent, by any means necessary, anyone from leaving. It is impossible to harm anyone while preventing them from leaving.

    Pertinent section:


    It is impossible to harm anyone while preventing them from leaving.

    Meaning you can beat the everloving shit out of them, without ever causing them any harm.

    Its a re-definition and works absolutely fine not being a zeroth law.

    • Like 2
  7. @CPTCoffee it really depends on your target... Paramedic? sick prisoner routine works well....

    Feeling super unrobust? Buy a syndie microbomb, prime it, and chuck it so that at the last second it explodes on them.

    I typically use the items I noted above to gain access to the tools needed to murder someone. Maybe just get a stun prod and an EMP implant? EMP them to cut their headset, stun them, cuff them... toolbox them.

  8. I greentext a lot if I'm really trying... and I always get the following:

    • Storage implant
    • Emag
    • Freedom implant
    • AI Detector

    Storage implant allows you to store your emag and any theft items you need to conceal. Freedom implant, this is for dire emergencies... don't show that you have this early when you get caught unless you have to.

    AI Detector is great for when you have to break in to do something, and functions as a multi-tool anyway.

    Theres many ways to get rid of your left over implants.... one way might just be sticking them in a box, and sticking it in your storage implant. (thats right, boxes... full toolkits etc can all go into your storage implant!)


    What objectives do you struggle with most?

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