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Renomaki's Achievements

Botanist (6/37)
This seems more in place with HIPPIE than Paradise. As said before, having these gimmicky ERTs is not what people expect when an ERT is called. ERTs are serious matters that are called in during times of distress. And even moreso, it wouldn't really be balanced if you had a chance to get a super human who can kill people in a single punch regardless of their armor. ERTs are rarely supported anyways, because admins don't want players to get dependent on them to solve all their problems. This would just make it more annoying for admins to have to deal with the constant ERT requests for the silliest reasons just because people want a chance to see One Punch Man.
I don't have much of a problem with secborgs myself.. Although I do hate how they tend to be one of the more picked jobs, along with engineering borgs. It seems to be the most popular choices, with medical borgs being the second most popular, and janitor and entertainment borgs being the least popular.. Hell, how often do you even SEE entertainment borgs? If only they had more features, maybe more people would play those. Even the janitor borg, as unpopular as it is, can do a lot despite not having arms, which makes it more common compared to the least used borg on the station... If secborgs were removed or heavily nerfed, all that would happen is the number of engineer and medic borgs would rise. I'd rather find a way to make it so players wouldn't just lean towards the funnest borg job (or when a malf round happens, the most tactical choice). Again, I'm not too bothered, and in some cases, thankful to have security borgs when security is running short on staff. They could use a little tinkering maybe, but then again, ALL the borgs could use some tinkering to kinda change the status quo and give the lesser picked borgs more reason to exist.
On CM, breaches are a lot more dangerous. I assume this is the ZAS a lot of people speak of. It is a shame that it causes a fair bit of lag, though.. I do agree that the current one is only really dangerous with big breaches, otherwise it isn't too problematic for engineers to fix and atmos to fix. Maybe one day someone will tinker up something that takes the best of both codes to make something that is a little more like ZAS, but with a bit less lag, you know?
As long as the RP objectives aren't too harmful to people around the person in question, I myself think it would be a decent little idea to give a non-antag something to work towards to spice up a shift. Science already sorta has a form of objective for its staff to tackle, so maybe allowing more people the choice of getting an objective of sorts to aim for to challenge them would make things more interesting for everyone, even if it is as mundane as speaking with a British accent. I'd take on that challenge no problem.
Whenever I get traitor, I don't really bother rushing it. There is normally 2 hours in a shift, so you have plenty of time to do your objectives. That does't mean to ignore an easy opportunity if you can get it.. Although depending on the objective, you might want to hold back your urges even if you have an easy chance, because causing panic too early in a round is going to make your life hard. I aim to be subtle and sneaky, acting loyal and trustworthy to pull people into a false sense of security. Depending on your role, earning trust from people is incredibly important. I had many rounds as HoP where I did my best to ensure the captain didn't suspect me of being a backstabber, and even managed to greentext a few times without them ever even realizing it was me all along.. Although, being a HoP, I just make the AI do the dirty work for me so I can focus on my paperwork.. Which is another thing you have to consider: DO YOU JOB. Just because you are a traitor janitor, you don't get to go traitoring it up.. You got messes to clean after all. Remember, sometimes the best traitor is a subtle one. If you go about doing your normal job in between agent actions, you'll be able to keep people off your back. Depending on your job, however, it can be harder than others. Traitor HoP, for instance, is one of the harder jobs for me because I don't like leaving my office for extended amounts of time due to the fear of people suspecting me for being an agent.. After all, why else would the office be closed for a long period of time other than the HoP being SSD? Again, depending on your job, if you have a murder objective, you should try to figure out a way to indirectly kill them rather than directly. A chef and barkeep can poison their food and drink, for instance, command staff with access to the upload can make the AI kill their target for them while they work, and if you have a pizza delivery, you could always swap out one of the pizzas with a pizzabomb and hope the right person opens the box. Get creative, and hope for the best. Most importantly.. Don't focus too much on greentexting. My motto is: if you can't ace it, just get out alive. As long as you complete at least one objective, you at least did something, so it isn't a total failure. Better to get 50% and get away alive than to get 100%... Only to be put to death before the shuttle arrives to pick you up. It can be quite temping though, and if you think you can do it, give it your best shot.. And expect things to go horribly wrong, since sometimes things just happen, you know?
This is something I can agree with to a degree. Yes, it is annoying when you take a certain job, only for a clown to barge in and suddenly start doing your job for you. As a moderate RP server, it is expected that there would be a slightly higher RP standard while still allowing some freedom to take it easy. But when I go engineer, I expect people to be asking me to help build them things, rather than them just grabbing some tools and suddenly becoming experts in construction and modeling. It is understandable for agents, yes, but non-antag assistants being able to pull off incredible feats despite their position? A little excessive, I believe. On the other hand, there are a lot of IC reasons why you can get away with certain things that you normally don't expect them to do. Medical patches, for instance, are like super bandaids.. You just apply and BANG, you done.. Don't really need much training to use a patch. Tables are of the fold-up type, so assistants building tables is not totally unbelievable. And cooking and drink brewing? Well, I assume everyone knows how to cook IC, and there are probably lots of people IRL who can mix their own drinks with little issue. It is only a problem when you have people like mimes setting up the engine or gardeners doing surgery. Unless they have a good reason as to WHY they can do this, it is kinda bollocks and takes the job away from others who joined TO do that job..
Paradise Squadron (War Thunder)
Renomaki replied to Lorenzo_The_Marauder's topic in Other Entertainment
I used to play it for the tank combat.. I didn't have fun after awhile, because I swear, finding the sweet spots on russian tanks is a pain in the ass.. I kinda just moved on after that. -
It is always nice when a bit of remodeling is done on the station. Spices up the rounds a bit, yeah? As engineer, I always do some remodeling of my own, although I never really take pictures of my finished work, sadly.
Bumping up because waahh, I worked hard on these ideas and barely anyone shared their opinion with meh... Sad face..
I usually do it because I'm bored tbh. Not even hoping to catch antags. I find a stroll through maint relaxing. It'd be weird if one green sec were the only people not allowed in maint though. My thoughts on the matter is to reduce Validhunting. While it is heavily frowned upon for other jobs to go patrolling maints when they should be doing their jobs, officers are given a licence to validhunt, since that is their job.. So of course they check every nook and canny while they are in there and aren't expected to be punished for it. However, on green, I expect officers to be focused on keeping the peace in the main halls. You aren't going to help much in maints, and going out of your way to fuck up a traitor you found prepping a disguise or sucking the life out of someone in one of the many rooms in there on green is a bit excessive.. Players should be rewarded for stealth and keeping the alert from going to blue too soon. Blue and higher is punishment for sloppy work as a traitor, after all.. Getting screwed over because someone found you with a megabomb in maints on green really blows.. That is why I figure it would make more sense to discourage green maint patrols, and only allow it on blue or higher.. But then again, that is just me.
Aw, I never thought of that.. The only downside with that though is that it costs more. Then again, in all my times as traitor, I never really used a gun yet. I always tried to kill indirectly and with stealth tools most of the time. I gotten so many kills with just a pizzabomb alone, target or not.. and I'll never forget the time I managed to kill the barkeep with a deadly pie as chef.. Good memories. Oh well, it was an attempt at making a more covert pistol at least.
Back in ye olden times, the IAA was known simply as a lawyer.. And was an RP job only. An assistant with a fancy suit.. Then I come to Paradise years later, and find the IAA, an advanced lawyer that can do so much more.. But still has room for improvement. It would be nice to give them the option of becoming parole officers in their spare time, so I am with adding this to their job description.
I imagine the pen simply showing up as "Pistol" when fired, so you won't be able to tell it is just a pen. If someone tries to report that you attacked them or have a firearm, you can let them search you in confidence and they won't have any proof that you fired a gun. Just play it cool... Or get a disguise, that is what I do. As for the Mind Hack Dart, you forget there are other Capital Crimes out there. Murder, for instance, can cause a person to be put into perma/death row regardless of who they work for. I should know, I had it happen to me while I was an agent and pretended I threw someone into space in a fit of rage with no intent to kill. They still put me in perma regardless. So if you know your space law, you can use it to set someone up. I assume 20 seconds (not in Byond time, of course) would be enough to not be overpowered but still enough to get a person in serious trouble. Bonus points if you get lots of witnesses to see it.
That kinda sounds like bossing around the AI, though. Again, the point of these laws is to make it fun for them, not make them a slave. I don't "Give orders" to AI, I upload a mission to the AI, and then check up on it once in awhile. This makes them feel more free and makes it fun for both parties involved.
Guaranteed to work one out of every hundred tries on the extremely off chance someone doesn't insta-strip you. Not worth the TC. Unless it could be used while moving too. To be honest, if security saw you trying to unlock, they'd stun you down anyways. It is best used when you aren't being watched.