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Everything posted by Kavrick

  1. To the admins and relating staff: In regarding the way the server is treated the same way as it was back when it was listed and heavy rp and the way this should be at least talked about if not changed The biggest think that bothers me is that the rounds go on for 2 hours on average, getting through this as certain jobs is painful especially if you play rolls that rely on antag activity to have anything to do. Back in the listed days, you could pass this time rping and being social. Since the server has become listed it's a lot harder to pass the time this way as not as many people are willing, and those that do are from the listed days and rarely interact with those outside their group. On another note related to two hours rounds, i think if the round ends with a transfer, i think that's a failed round. The other thing is partially related to the former, the restrictions on what antags can do and what they need to ahelp to do. Although i dont know the details because i dont play traitor when i am an antag, i would like this to be clarified. Lastly is rules when it comes to playing in certain ways and rules about what is considered self antagging. Although i agree that mass greytiding isn't good for the server, but every now and then players causing shit can be beneficial to the round, depending if there isn't a major antag being active at the time. On a related note, i've also found that sometimes admins can become involved with things that should really concern security, and not admins, many things could easily be seen as breaking the zeroth rule but i think unless it's extreme, such as racism or repeatedly going after a certain play through different rounds, this should be handled by security. So the question is, what do you think should be changed about this or do you even think this should be changed?
  2. Very nice, the only problem i have with it is "suddenly he was a syndicate agent for no raisin"
  3. Me and a friend are starting to make hair styles for the Diona, so any suggestions for styles would help, here's an example of one we're doing right now I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place for this thread though
  4. That's not a huge deal, what about the other things?
  5. I dont mind them being slow, but they're kinda painfully slow at the moment, that's why i said make them slightly faster with fire weakness, they can still be slow, but not as slow as they currently are, or some sort of way to move faster
  6. Right now the Diona have no customisation apart from eye colour, which you can barely see. Diona are my favorite race to play as and roleplay as, but i feel like there's not enough to them, as for customisation, hair styles would be nice in the form of leaves and such in different styles, maybe different body types for different plants, as in different colours and maybe different models. So as far from customisation that's what i'd like to see, because at the moment every diona looks exactly the same. As for balancing there's only a single problem i have with them, they are so goddamn slow, their run is slower than a humans walk, i understand why they're slow and it makes sense, but i feel like they should at least be made a little bit faster, you cant run away from anything and getting around takes goddamn forever, and it makes a lot of jobs hell. as for speeding them up and keeping them balanced, i think it'd make sense for them to be more susceptible to fire, as in taking more fire damage and harder to put yourself out by rolling. Also one last thing, i found a bug regarding the Diona, well i'm not sure if it's a bug but it doesn't make much sense. Diona nymphs need air, i dont get why adult ones dont and they do, and this also causes another problem, when you merg with a nymph as a adult, you cant choose to drop them, they can only de attach. so if you go into space while having them merged with you, it kills all of them. I dont mind if they completely remove merging, but i think this should be fixed *edit 1 Also another thing that would be nice for roleplaying sakes, other races have some chat modification, and i think it'd be cool and make sense if maybe their o's and a's where extended, so it seems like they are talking slower
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