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GutTC last won the day on July 8 2024

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About GutTC

  • Birthday April 14

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  1. GutTC


    Mia Jowers,
  2. GutTC


    Detective 0 A very serious videogame about Security and Anti-crime story on a Space Station. Starring: Drunken Dame Dane and 24-Hours Detcurity guy (Kennard Rose and Guthen Charson) Bonus poster edits
  3. hehe... woods.
  4. GutTC


    Doodle of what is the opposite of Guthen about his Western Cowboy genre? The answer would be Eastern. hehe.
  5. I've been playing since 2016. So that's 6 years for me. Although I've created Byond accound since 2015, one of my friend who introduced me Dwarf Fortress in 2014 invited me to try out Space Station 13 considering he noticed my interest in DF over a year nerding about it. Then I haven't tried to play again until 2016 and Paradise was just there on one of top list. What keeps me still playing SS13 is mostly because I do enjoy what the game intent to be "You do your job with other players and don't die". I do REALLY enjoy games that involve Team-Role with other players and there's just so many jobs to pick regarding of how useful and useless each are. SS13 being the Roleplay game with complexity of controls, your character's needs to survive, combat, chemistry and atmospheric system all mixed up together violently in a dying-looking pixel engine game. I loved it. Paradise to me would be the only stable M-RP server that I can handle than all the servers out there. With High-Pop and English speaking server visible on Hub still living today and not really dying out. I did tried TG but I didn't got far as how fast-paced it was. What else that keeps me playing more still today would be the Detective job. I got inspired to play as the Detective when during my first time playing in 2015, my friend got brutally murdered in Maintenance. Then a Detective came to the scene, drag my friend's headless body out and draw a large line with Security Tape to secure the area (We don't use that anymore but those were f u n to use). The Detective then start asking around and I told him the victim was my friend, then he pull me along into the Brig for more interrogation and it was super cool. Fast forward to 2016, I've been playing as Roboticist for a bit to get my bearing of the game and Roboticist became my first job that I learnt along until I got comfy with the control and Roleplay nature of SS13. When I finally try out Detective job for first I just cannot get enough of fun. And it went on from there and still today. And whenever I try out other server, Detective job would be my first pick. There were good times and bad times. Some players appreciate the way I RP and Playstyle. Some don't. Sometimes I got myself too far and make mistakes OOC-wise. Making friends along the way each rounds and few became my meta-buddy ever since. I appreciate who played Kennard Rose so much as two Detective mains. (This was when I tried out BayStation for first few rounds when they still used BoxStation.) Although I don't have much of clear stories of each rounds I've played over the years. I still have some screenshots left where I most likely kept for good time footages. I still remember how I decided to make my character, Guthen, officially adopted to Cowboy styles when I found a cowboy hat and a coat on the floor. That'd be some times around 2017. I do say, I miss the old people I've met along the lines playing on Para during my first three years. Very few I keep on contract Online-IRL-wise. There were a lot of times where I do get my Boomer moments to stop and having flashbacks whenever I remembered some iconic memories. When I RP with people I do enjoy being around, When I greentext'd, When I had my gaming moment and When I get admeme'd. And so on. Time sure flies indeed.
  6. GutTC


    Autumn Aggley The Librarian,
  7. GutTC


    Two little doodles. Practicing how cowboy hat works. Probably would make something out of these.
  8. The Showdown..
  9. GutTC


    Hi. It been a while. And this happened.
  10. GutTC


    Hey. 2021 was hell. But whatever, "Just go."
  11. Suggesting about having two Detective job slots by default instead of only one. With the server being on high-pop and usually busy and Detective's gun being less salt mine at least for now, when it comes to lone detective being called into multiple crime scenes at once wasn't quite a good experience. Been playing as Detective for sometimes and I do enjoy to actually do the job as it meant to be such as gathering evidences against the suspects then perform the complete dossiers to present rather than "point-n-click" this and spill the names then hurried up to the next location before the crewmembers get really impatience on your late arrival, be it the Security waiting for you to scan things in the Processing, Engineer waiting to fix the emagged door or Janitor waiting alone in the dark maintenance to clean up the blood runes. Not having enough time to further investigate your old cases and papers nobody really want to read except of you because it's your job. Detective job can also be very lonely at some point, most of times Security do not really have time to dive into Detective's detailed effort on evidences but wanting the suspect's name of the prints you found and move on unless the cases were that "interesting". I think having second Detective (and officially a real Partner) would improve the state of Detective's roleplay nature on any scenarios, having someone whose got the same job and SOP as their. Also it'd make Detective job less unpleasant (or boring) in someway. Having two Detective sharing tasks or working in separated cases. The two debating together or to talk with about the evidences they gathered, two brains to share ideas and solving the cold cases. Or one could even go undercover while another work on uniform and on the desk. However fits their style. Which is fun. So, are there any downsides to think about? Surely, redoing the Detective's office to actually fits for two people instead of one. Honestly, I do not really have bright idea with this. Weather to enlarge the office in the current location or completely relocate and re-create it. This is probably a big problem unless someone already got an idea about this. If so, big change or not, cool. Next up would be having two Detective means another player in Security. Despite the Detective's SOP they still pose as major problematic to certain antagonists. Two Det-curity might not be nice to certain perspectives, but that's IC related as long nothing too awful happens for validing as Detective going against their SOP. Feel free to share your thoughts, things I missed, and feedback.
  12. GutTC


    A bored-doodle-hours stuff and getting used to Krita software. Pew pew pew.
  13. GutTC


    Quick subject made from GIMP. Mh... Good friend made bad decisions.
  14. GutTC


    Ah... Terror Spiders... My favorite disaster. I'm trying to finish this but now I'm too stumped with so many details I've planned ahead. So it might a while. Enjoy what I got!
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