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Posts posted by GutTC

  1. 20 minutes ago, Nomzy said:

    Is your art inspired by anything? It feels oddly familiar to me.

    Also, the progression in sketch stages for the vampire face is hilarious.

    Yup. My art is inspired by a lot things and people.

    But to by precise my style is inspired from a guy on deviantART I used to watch his comic and flash animation so much and then.

    Lol, ya gotta start somewhere with the spooky vampire faces. xD

  2. Been trying to draw more of my spessman character, Guthen Charson. Aye.


    1. Guthen with the improvised shotgun. Commonly be seen when he's around as greytide.



    2. "Detective Charson."



    3. Pickaxin'



    4. Some doodle of Guthen rolled Vampire antag role. Wanted to make something of it but never really got full idea so I'd just finish the headshot.



    5. More of Guthen's possible faces, possibly. Lel.


    • Like 4
  3. Patrol in pair with a competent comrade. The more the better. Scattered officers help with location scout and reporting but weak.

    Aim your shot. Practice your taser, especially Disabler mode. Learn how shooting pattern works and how fast it'l take to hit certain location or fast movement convicts.

    Stun Baton sometimes works better in crowded area. And sometimes Harm Baton is necessary against persisting greytides or stubborn goons (powergaming/metagaming). Just be sure not to over do it. Once you hear a crack, that's enough unless you were tasked to kill.

    Pepper Spray is great against most of common personnel that have eyes and if they are nor wearing mask.

    Flash is good to temporary "debuff" your opponent close range as they can't see for a bit and this is your chance to arrest them and not get disarm intent meme.

    Flashbangs like Flash but are more useful and to be use only once each and often life saviour. Using it correctly like cooking it or drop it in the corner out of enemy's vision if they are moving into you way. Note that if it explodes in your hand you'll still be stun despite wearing the sec hud glasses.

    Do not ever forget the Security Records every once you arrest somebody.

    It's all about Spesslaw. Learn it all.

    OOC Stuff. You don't have to really get too concerned with the person you arrested if they begins to salt and even LOOCs at you. Not unless they are RPing and reasoning correctly, and if they are willing to be interrogate. Do just do your thing and throw them in the cell with the correct sentences and timer. After all they did tried to break the law. But if nothing were found nor witness, evidence and security record. They are free to go.

    Code. If it' code red. Lethal can be allowed. Although you might want to keep it cool instead of trigger happy everyone you suspected.

    Use Lethal weapons respectively as how you see fits. Misfire and Friendly Fire bound to happen, but less likely if you know what you are doing. Secure and clear the area should it be a lot of individuals, using police tape sealing the area from non-sec personnel during sec siege-raid is considered to keep the innocent but dumb greytides out of the scenes, arrest them should they disobey. You don't want to shot them dead by accident. But you warned them.

    Plan your own battleground. You don't want to play along your enemy's advantages. Flanking and surround your enemies sometimes works efficiently. Always be prepared. If you need more light to see. You go get more lights.

    Security Borgs are your best bud and superior than you as long they are not hacked or that AI is not rogue. Have them on front lines is the best way to deal with more dangerous threats or places with harsh environments.

    Riot armor and Shield will help you survive longer and maybe save you from bone breaking so you won't waste more time hurting your feet waiting for bone surgery. Use them. Or no one else will after you died.

  4. Like most of common and lesser "Tators", Guthen Charson, usually kept his low profile and stealth when he's up to no good. Till he slip out his Stechkin pistol. Way too close to you.

    Tator Charson_CL.png

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  5. I have no idea. Sometimes you get fucked over with by the crew with meta-knowledge carrying weaponry you are extremely weak at once they know you are there for a second. Sometimes you can't really find places go hide in the station anymore since everyone know the layout of the maintenances and tend to check all the spots out even before your presence raising the code red. And sometimes the noise of cable cuff is so loud that everyone nearby really get the urges to check it out as they already know it's something up to no good, like what, a zip noise? "Mh, must be vampire!"

    My worse or at least most hated are blobs who usually decide to settle somewhere really but REALLY near the arrival and quickly proceed to take over all the accessible in order not to let any new/late joined player take any route escape and kill them then use them as blob zombie. While I don't really like Blob that use the tactics to play with fastmos/internal/pressure damage by breaching some wall in order to make it harder to be kill since hardsuits and spacesuits are not quite common saving it more times to expand. Sometimes people gotta play dirty to greentext.


    On the brighter side however. A lot of people still tend to RP and following the Space law and SOP despite the situations. We ain't losing any hope yet.

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