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Siaca Ozahara

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I do really like the idea. plus it would kind of give people creative freedom a little with their characters especially when they are traitor. Plus it might also fix some things with 'noticeable' traitor activity. it often kind of times feels like traitor rounds, all be it the slow rounds people enjoy, kind of get increasingly redundant. (Because traitors mostly do the same things currently, kill X person, space body wait till end of round. or steal x thing wait till the end of the round). The chef thing seems kind of fun, granted you would have to make something to where people do notice the fact that what they are eating is 'strange meat' or something. alternatively, you could make that objective itself vary a little, as sometimes it might not be Human Meat. sometimes it might require Vulpakanin, or Tajaran, or you to make X amount of Roburgers and feed them to X amount of people (whether forcibly or just getting them to trust you when they eat them though the problem is how would you code that?). Also giving a traitor clown or Mime like scary objectives that are stupid hard for no reason would be funny (like the clown has a nuclear self-destruct code like a nukie, and he has the die gloriously thing as well and his objective is to blow up the station. wild-card kind of thing.) Anyways! I won't say more due to fear of boring people. I really like the idea. +1
  2. I feel like the underlying issue here isn't per say balance or an in game conundrum. it comes more from, at least what it appears based on all that i have read so far, an OOC problem. not an IC problem or a balance problem, but who is playing them problem. That being said, i think the issue should be handled in a slightly more reasonable manner. as opposed to removing a cyborg class that is already weak unto itself, because of people abusing it. that just feel like calling water bad and globally banning the consumption of it, because some people have drowned. (PS analogies are my favorite way of trying to get points across.) To be honest, i think the Chief of security or whoever is in charge of security at the moment, should keep an eye on their secborgs as much as the Ai should. further more, should that borg start 'power gaming' one should A-help it (sorry admins, don't mean to create more work for you). Additionally, if they, as a player are over stepping their boundaries a little bit by ignoring space law because they are cyborg the CoS or whoever is in charge of security should order the borg shut down. as not even borgs are outside of space law. in fact, playing a borg should require the player to be able to obey more rules than usual because not only do they have space laws, but they have their laws as a cyborg to obey. My final point is, don't remove a job/cyborg class because some people are awful. don't cut off the flower. the power gamers will just switch modules and do something else to abuse their way to the top. you need to go to the root of the problem, and deal with them OOC. if not a ban, a discussion with them about what the problem is so things can run smoothly. also before i go. i have seen a lot of sec borgs die in my time. granted it isn't 3 years of play time, but i have seen sec borgs get annihilated in combat personally
  3. Thank you for the welcomes guys, and you prolly don't see me much because i play miner a lot. but seriously, thanks again for the welcomes! :3
  4. So, hi, i have been playing on the server long enough to have all the base jobs unlocked. i play here kind of casually, and i mostly do mining and occasionally try to get antag roles as an observer. My main character is currently Rafflesia Kerrii, a vulpakanin with an excessive profanity problem. Anyways, this is like one of the few games i play on PC. i do sometimes play Magic The Gathering (the one off of steam)... uh... and then i am a no life Warframe player on console, that dabbles in Overwatch and plays Fallout 4 to dick around. Uhm... i think that's it? thanks for having me aboard.
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