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About MickyD47

  • Birthday 09/20/1992

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  1. I think the point is for them to throw out baldies not hunt antags. Having them only have basic equipment would support this.
  2. As you point out Diona are just a mass of Nymphs which is why I suggest giving the genderless option to them. Same with slimepeople too I guess. To a species without sex gender is either going to be a cultural thing they developed or copied from humans when they got into contact with them. They may just choose to go with a gender to fit in better on human stations. From what I understand of vox arent they all bio engineered? They dont reproduce via sexual intercourse so I always assumed they didnt have sexes they just assumed genders to fit in with human crew. Of course none of this is necessary but you could say that about lots of thing added (The snowman suit wasnt necessary but it was added regardless) my thinking is we have this new gender option added for IPCs and other species would benefit from having it too. Being unable to tell the difference between genders (or lack of genders) seems to be the perfect thing for a space station full of aliens.
  3. Perhaps this is a little off topic but can you explain how opening more clown slots is griefing? Service is the HoP's department and surely they should be allowed to hire more clowns if they want. I know a lot of people who play clown just act like morons barely above greytide but shouldnt you be blaming them and not the HoP? If they do act up the HoP should demote them anyways. (I know I've done this to shit clowns. Security is often more than happy to bring the clowns ID in) Also if it is considered griefing how come multiple times I've seen admins increase the slots for all jobs and make an announcement from CC saying it includes clowns and mimes. I'd just like additional clarification on this matter as I feel like HoP has enough restrictions on what they can do already which can make it feel like a pretty powerless job sometimes.
  4. Now we have the genderless option for IPCs I was thinking there are few more races who have no genders and would suit having this option. Diona for sure and possibly Vox? Any other races too that I cant think of.
  5. I do agree the psychologist's office should probably been in a more public place so people can just wander in and talk. As it is now they have to get through the front doors of medbay then walk off to a corner in medbay to reach the office.
  6. Far as I can tell you can't tell what headset a person is using just by the chatlog, only the type (Intercom, Bounced Radio, Headset, Bowman, Borg/AI) so I'm not sure what you're going at. The major thing people are complaining about here is that the voicechanger can't let you imitate the Captain/Blueshield/HoS/Warden/Sec Officers or Detective unless you get your hands on a bowman first, or vice versa if you have a bowman and try to imitate anyone else it'll stick out a bit that you're using a method they can't. You can see what headset they are using down to the department. The icon is quite small but you can see the different colour for each department. Replacing encryption keys wouldn't help at all though. Lets say you are an engineer and try to impersonate someone from science people will see you are using a engineering headset right away and know you are using a voice changer right away. The only thing changing the keys would do is hide the fact you might have stolen a particular headset but if you talked on a channel using a headset that usually wouldnt have access to that channel the fact you stole that headset would be revealed anyway.
  7. That sounds reasonable Shaz. Id just like avoid situations where people can tell what a headset is down to a department I can see how AIs and intercoms might sound different but how does a cargo headset differ to a service headset for example? Something that would lessen this issue is having some sort of proper IC reason as to how you can tell the difference.
  8. Pretty much what the title says. I cant think of any useful purpose for this other than to metagame voice changers. How would you even tell the difference between different headsets anyway? Do they sound different? One part of it to possibly keep is an icon to tell if the comms message came from a headset, radio or intercom purely so you can tell just where the sound is coming from.
  9. Honestly I think this was fine. I mean IC they made the terrible choice of choosing a brain that just wasnt the suitable to be an AI. Not all brains are suitable for borging/AI and I think it is something people should stop and think about before they do it. I don't think there should be any mechanics that stop people from making others into AIs but the people doing it should understand the risk of turning people into AIs without asking them first.
  10. I've never liked the look of a lot of the weird coloured furs but I'd never say it was a problem. It's something that should really be handled in character. Dont like the way someone looks? Say it IC could lead to some RP.
  11. You could just combine this idea with another suggested in the past and that is just removing green/red text. You could just have the objectives show up at the end and if the antag made it out alive. Why leave something cool out just because it's impossible for the game to detect if they completed it or not?
  12. Is changing your antag options really that hard? It's like two clicks to do and how often do you change characters anyway? Coding out a challenging antag option that some people like just because you are too lazy to click a few times seems pointless.
  13. I'd love this too. Nothing is worse as a journalist than not knowing if anyone is reading your stuff or not.
  14. I see no reason to remove it. Yeah its harder but as a plasmaman with vampire set to on you should know the risks. Also it is doable there was a plasmaman chaplain who managed to complete most of their objectives and survive the whole round.
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