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  1. @LightFire53 (confused on what I said on this that had you @ me, but cool. Oh wait lol you @'d the wrong person. Nice one Light!) 1. community manager who can't be a player.
  2. Yes, but she is always cute though.... also that squishy hair looks great.
  3. Agreed. IAA is Human Resources now. So that would be a NT Rep thing to deal with. Also from my experience ANGEL is a wonderful AI and can deal with a large influx of problems quite quickly. Though some may wish for a secondary assisting AI such as if they are having problems (lag) but don’t want to quit because it may clear up.
  4. I agree with Rumi. Medibots are already damn useful enough as they are. especially with their patrol mode which can already save many crew lives if someone actually makes them.
  5. In my opinion you should just do as you stated. Wipe if they decide to make another AI. Also some objectives that exist are for someone to steal a functional AI. I know you aren’t talking about that but making an AI needs to be able to be done not super easily but doable. From your point of view it seems you have to deal with quite a bit of an annoying science department. I would try to monitor them and inform the captain about your views of having multiple AIs. Secondary I do believe creating an AI without authorization should be theft/grand theft due to their mishandling of important crew supplies to create something for themselves. Personally I prefer 2 AIs die to their useful nature on the station. Typically when there are 2 AIs when I play on insane rounds they work together quite well and assign each other departments to control and assist. Usually 1 Security/Command, the other deals with the normal crew. On another note, I really do enjoy ANGEL as an AI/borg so I do hope you prefer to stay playing on paradise and don’t have to quit due to an annoying game mechanic people abuse.
  6. Yaya is vox good witch hat.
  7. Oh dear that doesn’t look good...
  8. Breaching science I see. Good job.
  9. Holy crap Hylo/Sam, you mad person you. This guide is so detailed I’d think to call you insane. Good job on it and man did you spend some time on this. Also brig phys for 2 years? You need to try out another job once in awhile.
  10. I guess that would have to be a “when finished we may find out” question. Also I wasn’t trying to be hostile just saying I don’t think a new antag with this kind of setup could be compared to what we already have in terms of danger. It’s quite different and looks fun rather than a murder monster e.g. revenant or shadowling. Lore wise I can’t really say.
  11. This is seriously different from a revenant and not even close to a shadowling. It’s obviously weaker than a revenant and not as abusive. Revenant typically abuse their powers in many ways and can make a round unenjoyable very easily by just EMPing everything. Hopefully this can’t murder IPCs and borgs and ruin a shift as quickly. Also I don’t think this can be compared as closely to any antag we have currently due to its limited movement by energy and powers not purposed for murder. I think this would be much nicer to have around and a midround and I wish it can be added as soon as possible.
  12. All security should have their sensors on and talk regularly. A quiet security is a dead security. Really find the comic very noir-like. So I hope you keep it up.
  13. Thanks PhantasmicDream...
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