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Everything posted by WingedYordle

  1. O’Shaw here. How are changelings, agents, vampires, shadowlings and other parasites get pass Central hiring process? Are they blindly ignored and setup as tests? Or am I going to assume that NanoTrasen is wiped out entirely and that truely the Syndicate has taken over for the better?
  2. I mean, departments aren’t allowed to change or construct without permits from the CE and this is not being enforced. It is part of SoP too. How do we know the new SoP would be enforced if it was passed?
  3. 17 throat punches before throwing Fennofen into the pot with lid over top
  4. I hate when the brig doctor is out of their office. They should be remaining in brig all times unless collecting supplies. Oh well, better luck next time.
  5. I am agreeing with McCloud. Buckets are easily obtainable anyway if you really need 120 units. CMO will normally give you their tool with omnizine in it or find a friend to eat a donk pocket and dialysis it. Rounds will be instantly ruined with the pin pointer alerts. Just no I don’t eat sweets. That is why we have chefs
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