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Everything posted by WingedYordle

  1. *Places a block* you wanted a block, right? @PhantasmicDream
  2. The no was more so directed to Fursamie.
  3. I like the idea of the screen being completely black, it would add more to the very little RP this “medium” RP server has
  4. No, but I could agree with this if the vampire was high powered. Security could use the chaplain as a partner, so not front lines, but allow as back up. We would lose less officers this way and less equipment to the highly experienced vampire
  5. What? No.. Fire should burn fur...
  6. If fire burns clothes, logically, so would fur
  7. Name: Gerhard Van Lutz @Normalyman Commendation: Medal of Loyality Reason: Security Officer served to assist the crew personnel of Cyberaid instead assist myself, Wolf O’Shaw, NTR, by escorting me to shuttle bay while terror spider code Prince was nearby. Actions leading to Commendation: From brig medical, decided to assist me by getting me to the shuttle leaving the station and keeping me safe with a little help from armoury. With the Prince was attacking the bar, took me through maintenance and pitch blackness before arriving to point B. The officer could have disappeared and assisted fellow officers and left me to defend myself.  Recommending Person: Wolf O’Shaw, NanoTrasen Representative I, Wolf O’Shaw, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply. [sign]
  8. Isn't there a Wiki for all of this all ready
  9. Have food in hand, click yourself repeatedly until said food is gone from hand. Chicken noodle with water fills your food bar quickly. Stuck in game, press F1 and mentor help for quick assist
  10. The best way to be an apprentice is finding one in round and learn on the spot. Some might feel uncomfortable hiring an assistant but they need to learn not all assistants are there to cause trouble. Ask to be mind shield to gain a better trust between you and security. Even a tracking implant.
  11. I believe the brig doctor room was only to treat minor treatments. They are to be cuffed in all treatments and rolled to medbay if require more serious treatment with security escort. That is how I play it anyway
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