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Everything posted by WingedYordle

  1. It can be good or bad. It can be against or as nukes. I am generally want something to read. I will start. This is back when I started playing SS13, played a human named Tyne Reinhardt. Nukes decided to go stealth and break into my office without being caught. Back then, I hid my nuclear authorisation disk in that safe with a 5 digit code. I carried the pinpointer on me. I was radio maybe fifteen minutes into the shift that nuclear ops were spotted leaving my office with the disk. I am not sure where all four ops went but I had my pinpointer online and it took me to science maintenance alone, just below the solar maintenance on the lower left side just before the room. Of course, back then I was new, I went solo after the disk. I caught up to just the one operative, who was clearly alone, in putting codes into the nuke as it was clear they had the disk inside it. They didn't hear or see me before it was too late because I had the rapier out just stabbing him. I had no hardsuit so it hurt when he exploded, I was deaf and in critical but manage to get to the nuke and eject the disk and call for help in maintenance, HoS and a bunch of officers wasted no time getting to me, I kept repeating myself to them that I had the disk on me before blacking out. Cyberaid won that day.
  2. I like my stretchkin myself, but I am more of a hands on kind of Vulp. 7
  3. Please. I make others do my work.
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