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Everything posted by WingedYordle

  1. I mention you plenty of times, funny how you respond to this one @Ty Omaha 1
  2. Then break the "death alarm".
  3. So... get rid of radio I am not to fond of the idea. You might as well get rid of pAI all together and stick with your PDA and attach wheels since it has all you want pretty much. No radio, flash light, and has messenging effects. With an added fun of blowing them up if someone has set off PDA bomb. I will admit that pAI, being small little robots, should automatically emit small amount of light, like a soft green glow. *Flexes*
  4. Welcome back. Look forward in causing problems with you. :p
  5. *pulls out a long range water gun and fires at* Bad. Bad Vega. Down.
  6. That is amazing thank you. I forgot there was no colours on the reference. Amazing regardless, thanks
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