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About Rapidvalj

  • Birthday January 22

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  1. When we gonna remove shadowling boys?
  2. Thats precisely why I mentioned the secondary antagonists. To keep the round interesting for everyone else. As well as that, a changeling like I've described wouldn't nearly have similar strength to a full on wizard. Most of a changelings abilities are focused on stealth over brute force.
  3. Here's a few chapels I've DIY'd
  4. This is the primary reason I mentioned the secondary cut-off-parts antagonist.
  5. As I said, for balance, and to add to the quality of the roundtype, I'd like to see the number of changelings reduced to one if their strength was increased. One far more dangerous antagonist vs 5 medium difficulty antagonists is somewhat equal. In regards to how hard they are to detect, when was the last changeling round you remember where their presence wasn't announced in under half an hour?
  6. Changelings since their inception on this server have been, frankly, lacklustre. They don't, unfortunately, bring anything new to the table. Both Vampire, and changeling aren't much more than Traitor in their play styles and objectives, save the fact that instead of "tc" you're awarded some other arbitrary currency to purchase your special abilities with, and since vampire, changeling, and traitor together make up the servers most common antagonists, I feel its important they have some variety. I've addressed my ideas to make Vampire interesting here in flattestguitars post on them, though I also have some ideas for changeling, which I'd like to share. I'm going to start off by saying I don't have coding experience when it comes to byond, I'm purely speculating through rose tinted glasses on what I think would be interesting and !!FUN!!. Some of this may not be viable in the slightest. At some point I plan to sit down and learn, but that isn't right now. Primarily, I think changelings should be a lot more intimidating, which could be achieved in multiple ways. As they are now, changelings are really not that hard to kill, or detect. Most changelings cannot dispose of bodies easily, and can be ended with a few surprise shots, a cuffing and a beheading. As they are though, with changeling rounds having upwards of five seperate changelings on board, all intent on achieving their carbon copy traitor objectives of stealing the same few items or killing a random crewmember, this adds some balance. So to start anywhere with making changelings harder to combat, their number would need to be reduced to possibly one or two a round. It'd also be an interesting way to combat the meta, if they're thrown in randomly to various other roundtypes, alongside their own independent type. I'm sure everyone is sick of the "Its a wizard, so there's nothing else to worry about" or "we have traitors and vampires, so there cant be changelings" sort of thing. So, how would I make Changelings harder to kill, while still making it interesting for everyone else, including observers, with such a small number of actual antagonists? Two main ways, in my opinion. Firstly, give the singular changeling access to every ability, instead of a limit of ten points to choose from. The changeling would have access to far more creativity in achieving their objectives, and secondly, make them able to regenerate much faster, and able to survive beheadings. Some of you will have seen the 1982 film 'the thing'. The creature in that accurately represents how I think the changeling should be able to survive attacks. If the changeling is beheaded, his head grows legs and is inhabited by an observer, becoming a separate being. He loses an arm? the arm crawls away, inhabited by an observer. He loses an toe? The toe wriggles along, inhabited by an observer, and so on. Some parts would evidently be a lot harder to deal with than others, and of course the separated bits would be secondary antagonists to the fully regen-able Changeling, but I think a mechanic like this could give observers, especially those dead to the now more powerful antagonist, a lot more from the round, instead of being taken out permanently from its attacks. Secondly, one of my main issues is, as I'm sure is noticeable already, the changelings syndicate ties, and their objectives similarity to both vampires and traitors. With a singular, far more powerful changeling, I think it would be more fitting for the changelings objectives to be something alone the lines of "absorb x amount of people" x being a fairly large number, depending on the pop, somewhere from 10 - 20, and simply "escape alive", achievable in multiple ways, not just through round end leaving on the emergency shuttle. I think the changeling, like old wizard, or a hijack traitor, should also have free reign on how they decide to achieve these. They could try and go on a horrific spree of murder, but likely get eliminated, or stealthily absorb an ert member, and quietly make their way to central. Now one of the glaring issues with these mechanics, is that /if/ the changeling wanted to go for stealth, or a psychological horror feeling, with only one on board, a ton of husked bodies around maint, or a strange sec officer without his implants, it'd be quickly obvious what the threat was, and I'm sure there would quickly be an easy meta method of disposal thought up by the crew. I think this could be combated in two ways. One, require the changeling to turn into a horror form, similar to the horror form seen on goon, to actually absorb someone, causing both a need to temporarily reveal themselves, and a need to swallow the victim whole to absorb, leaving no trace. And two, have implants, including death alarm and mindshield, to be carried across forms, to add to the horror feeling that it could be anyone. And lastly, FOR GODS SAKES PORT THE TG CHANGELINGS TENTACLE ARM ALREADY, ITS REALLY BLOODY COOL. Again, I dont know if any of this is viable, and I'm sure plenty enjoy changeling as it is, this is simply me throwing ideas out there to make the antagonist less of a copy of our existing ones.
  7. Right, Vampire has always been second on my list of things that need reworks, after changeling. I have a ton of ideas for this, so I'm very happy you've brought it up. I was planning to make a forum post about it myself, actually. Straight off the bat, as I'm sure everyone can agree, we need to see the humanised monkey cheese go. Now that's out of the way, I have a few ideas. Primarily, I'd like to see Vampire be less "Traitor 2 electric boogaloo" and more its own, unique, antagonist. With different objectives, and different methods of play. Now, as much as many of you might see the server as taboo, and lets not go into the morals and ethics of it, Lifeweb does many things for their Vampires very well, and some specific things I would love to see implemented in some fashion. In Lifeweb, much like many SS13 servers, you gain blood by sucking it out of people, which fills up a bar, which then allows you to use certain abilities. A few things are drastically different however, for example, the blood depletes over time even if not in use. Vampires there have no standard organs bar the brain and I believe heart, instead they have multiple organs for "Vitae Storage". Vitae being the blood, which is used to store the blood for later use. If damaged, the vampire is unable to store new blood. Vampires must extend and retract their fangs for use, or disguise, and of course, they have a drastically different set of powers available to them. However, most drastically different, and what I personally would like to see, is the humanity system. In Lifeweb, Vampires start with ten humanity points. They lose points every time their bloodsucking, or any other action, leads to the death of a human. A few points down, or at very low vitae, they'll begin to have bursts of rage where their mob will become briefly controlled by a constantly aggressive AI, sort of like the greytide AI. Once they reach zero humanity, or a little above, they'll lose control permanently. While I don't think losing control to an AI is a very good idea for Paradise, I do think this system of a loss of humanity as you descend into a more bloodthirsty state could be implemented. However, instead of losing control for varying amounts of time, I think it'd be great to see the Vampires physical humanity become less and less noticeable. Sort of like the caste systems people have mentioned. Possibly, a full humanity vampire would look indistinguishable from the standard crew when their fangs are not revealed, with abilities that play to this, with things that are not so drastically brutal, yet still powerful enough to give people an incentive to play as a full humanity vampire. Maybe give only full humanity vampires the ability to turn others into lesser vampires, and give them abilities that aren't so aggressive, like hypnotisation, enthralling, glares, and so on. As a vampire kills more, their humanity would go down, and thus, their human like features would decrease, the stealth of their abilities would go down, and the aggressiveness would go up, until a point where a zero humanity vampire is essentially a bat winged, nosferatu esque monstrosity with no hope for stealth, with abilities concentrating purely on brute force, like increased melee damage, huge, always extended fangs, increased speed, and so on.
  8. Name: Volk Xrim Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Skrell Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Chief Engineer, Beautician, Coroner, Nanotrasen Representative Biography: Volk was born in the year 2535 AD in one of the largest Skrellian capitals on Qerrbalak, Ovrelloom. His family was comprised of rich governors and scientists, his mother being the chief of a large bluespace research firm. Essentially, he very much enjoyed the high life, showered with money, love, and luxury. By the age of 16, it became apparent to Volk he was gay. (not an uncommon trait among skrellian males). This was no surprise to his friends and his kin, though, as his "slightly" feminine mannerisms were quite the giveaway. For another 4 years, Volk passed the time clubbing, partying, and generally being spoiled to the bone with absolutely no responsibilities whatsoever. On one particularly rowdy night in the year 2555, Volk returned home after a night out on the town, having spent upwards of almost 10000 Qerrbalakian credits on a combination of alcohol, gambling, and exotic dancers. This was, unsurprisingly, the last straw for Volks mother, and the leader of the family, Borveoolooximqoo Xrim. She made the decision to send Volk away from home to the sol system, or more specifically the Nanotrasen run engineering recruitment program on mars, to, in her own words "teach him some fucking human discipline". Volks journey to mars was eventful in itself. Though given the best transport money could buy, the luxury cruiser he was on was attacked by pirates, not once, not twice, but three times. On one occasion, Volk was shot, leaving some nasty scarring on his otherwise soft, pampered body. This was his first taste of "the real world" outside of the safety and comfort of home. Once he reached mars, Volk began study as an engine technician. While at first his attitude was frustrating for both his peers and superiors, in time, after learning a little discipline, he showed much promise, making many friends, and even his first real, committed partner. Eventually Volk was chosen for Nanotrasens advanced engineering program, and began learning how to maintain and even in some cases manufacture some of the more expensive, coveted pieces of equipment Nanotrasen had to offer, like the relatively new (at the time) tesla engine. After 5 years, Volk graduated, and as he had begun the program with Nanotrasen, immediately went onto employment aboard one of their own vessels, the newly built Plasma research station, the NSS Cyberiad. Qualifications: Ovrelloom Institute of Beauticians and Stylists degree in xenostyling, tier 1 Mars Institute of Technology Certificate of Basic Engineering Mars Institute of Technology Certificate of Advanced Engine Maintenance Nanotrasen Certificate of Advanced Engineering Employment Records: Employed only by Nanotrasen Security Records: Several accounts of public indecency, public intoxication, and petty theft prior to employment with Nanotrasen Medical Records: Volks upper right arm is tattooed with a pink love heart Personnel Photo: In game flavour text: A flamboyant male skrell with a feminine, hourglass frame, delicate hands, long jewelled head tendrils, and violet pupils surrounded by a black sclera and iris. Hes rather camp Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
  10. Name: Sleessask Korleessski Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Unathi Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Engineer, Warden, Shaft Miner, Security Officer Biography: Sleessask was born to a large warrior clan near the equator of moghes. They were held in high regard as feared warriors and intelligent strategists who controlled large swathes of territory, expanding fast. Sleessask was lucky in her birth, born to the daughter of the rich chieftain, she lived in relative luxury, however, when she reached the age of 18, she was bedded by a neighbouring chieftains son in a summer ceremony to celebrate an alliance between the two clans, and it was discovered, a few months later when Sleessask lay her clutch of eggs, that she suffered from Black Egg syndrome. Because of this she was tossed aside by her before-to-be husband, and was declared unfit for breeding, but her father decided that instead of having her exiled like many other females suffering from the genetic defect, she would instead be entrusted with male duties, and was sent to join her brothers. At first she was first mocked for her weakness and lack of skill compared to the men of the clan who had trained in the arts of combat their entire lives, but much to the warriors surprises, she quickly picked up skills with both sword and bow, along with her own bare fists and feet. In time she grew strong and resilient, an independent, no nonsense Unathi, greatly respected by her own clan despite her gender. This state of affairs was not to last however, unfortunately for Sleessask. Sleessask, despite her new masculine role and strength, did not forget her own emotions. One of Sleessasks primary tasks was to scout for following skirmishes, due to her small size yet resilience. On one such mission another Unathi female was assigned to work with her, Isleeki Guwasi. Females were extremely rare in her profession, and Sleessask soon found out that Isleeki had encountered a similar fate to herself, having black egg sydrome and being assigned to the masculine roles instead. Having black egg sydrome was rare enough, but this similar compromise was even more so, and because of this Sleessask was extremely surprised. At first she was indifferent towards this new war partner, but in time they grew fond of each other, enjoying telling the stories of their lives in similar situations and their struggles with the men that dominated their professions on their long journeys through the equators dry deserts. Finally, after the two were camped with only themselves near one of the largest cities in Moghes, they gave into their emotions and fell in love. This kind of love was strictly forbidden, especially between two females, even if they were not fit for breeding. Because of this, the two decided that instead of returnnig to a society where they could not be together, they would flee their old lives. The first chance they got, the couple hitched a ride on a Sol Cargo vessel, hiding inside the storage compartments illegally, sneaking their way within with the skills they had learnt as scouts for their clan. The ship ended up docking on mars, within the planetary capital, Lowell City, though the two were unaware of this at first when they fled the ship. It took them time and much disorientation to discover where in fact they were. When they did, the full force of the situation they had gotten themselves into hit them. They were on an alien world, with no identity, and no money. They could do practically nothing. They were no one on this planet, and essentially did not exist. They had only one real option, and so they took it. The two discovered Nanotrasen officers seeking the homeless and unemployed for contracts aboard their new station, the NSS Cyberiad. The contract sounded simple enough. Sign a slip of paper, and you'd get a job, an education in what they believed you were most suited for, as well as food and shelter, and skilled doctors to provide you with free medical care. The two did not realise, however, until they had signed and been transported, that the contract was binding, and the education they recieved would have to be paid off, with twenty years of unpaid labor aboard the station. Now it's been 6 years, and Sleessask and Isleeki are still together. Sleessasks roles aboard the station were primarily picked to be engineering, mining, and security, to her masculine strength and skill in combat, as well as her slightly rough nature. She holds some resentment towards Nanotrasen for their manipulation of her and her partner, but it is, she tells herself often, better to work on this station than die of starvation, homeless and without money or friends, which is what her fate had looked like prior to the contract she works now. Employment Records: None prior to working aboard the NSS Cyberiad Security Records: None Medical Records: Noted to suffer from the rare Unathi genetic defect "Black Egg Syndrome" Personnel Photo: Medals: None In game flavour text: Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
  11. "300% not robust, and even if something is super suss will probably roll with it." "Hey, you know what tastes really nice? Ether." - Revenant [2560]
  12. (I know this is submitted again from my other post, Rapidvalj characters, but I plan to write another story for another one of my characters, and I decided to have them seperate. Also I just majorly redid the bio so, theres that.) Name: Ssseifiij Giis Age: 26 Gender: Male Race: Unathi Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Surgeon, CMO, Nanotrasen Representative Biography: Ssseifiij was born to a small nomadic clan following the hand of the vine, clinging to the old unathi traditions inside the northern reaches of moghes. Life was harsh and incredibly unforgiving, and Ssseifiij led an extremely simple lifestyle with very little technology available. He was chosen to train as a healer-acolyte, somewhat to his dismay at first, as it was not a masculine role, but he found, in time that he enjoyed learning to use what could be scrounged from the dirt to create poultices and potions for the treatment of infections and viruses, to help his clan in ways that the uneducated members found somewhat magical. Ssseifiij would often sight ships, usually from traders passing into orbit, and ever since he was born he was fascinated with them. He would ask about them, but his clan would brush them aside as harmful, and to be avoided, though this only fuelled his interests in what was beyond what felt like the small world his clan inhabited. It was a harsh night, a storm striking at the camp where his clan were hunkered down, when Ssseifiij's life changed drastically. For better or worse he still questions. Ssseifiij at this point was one of the primary healers of his clan, despite only being 18. It was not a surprise to him, then, when a battered and bruised hunter of his clan, Xalnassa Sissskiss, barely hanging onto life, was brought to him. He had been caught by an opposing clan hunting in their territory, and their retaliation was to attempt to kill him. Ssseifiij began nursing him back to health, a long process, with many hurdles. The two spent most, if not all of their time together for the first few months as Xalnassas wounds were treated, and it wasn't long until they fell in love. Xalnassa admiring Ssseifiij for his gentleness and kindness in his treatment, and Ssseifiij admiring Xalnassa for his bravery. Such love was forbidden by the clan, not only because producing new children was a priority, but because the idea of their incompatibility was not lost to this traditionalist tribe. and as such they kept their partnership a secret, even questioning its morality themselves. However, eventually, Ssseifiij and Xalnassa were caught together, with their tails and lips twined, and were condemned by the clans elders. To take up guwandi or die. They were given a night to decide, and while the clan slept, Ssseifiij fled into the desert, stealing as much as he could hold on his back, in fear that if he was left in the desert with nothing, and no combat skills to speak of, he would be killed or starve. His journey was long and brought him close to death many times, with Ssseifiij possibly not seeing food or water for days or even weeks on end. Ssseifiij was not built, and still is not built, for that kind of task, with his short, feminine frame, likely, he believes, why he was picked to be a healer in the first place, usually a females job, over a warrior or hunter. However, on the brink of death, after a long trek without water through the mountains that protected the untouched lands from the encroaching wastes, Ssseifiij made it to civilisation. A large city, more advanced that hed ever seen before. The technology and lifestyle he discovered here shook him to his core, and figuratively blew his mind. It was as different as possible from his old life with his clan. When Ssseifiij crawled his way through the cities gates, he was broken mentally and physically. He was left to his own devices by the population, ignored and disregarded. Seeing such a world as he had never seen before was a culture shock that Ssseifiij found it hard to process, especially due to the experience that he had just gone through, and the loss of essentially, in his eyes, his entire world, and his one love. He was seen as a savage by most. Arriving in ragged clothing, clanging as he walked with daggers and glass jars, and spitting an odd dialect of sinta'unathi that was mocked somewhat by the natives. He was an outcast to the highest degree, unacquainted with the customs of the city and its people, frowned upon and avoided by the natives, and lacking useful skills to sell. Because of this, Ssseifiij made the decision to leave moghes, his home planet, in search of something or simply anything else. He remembered the ships he used to see in his clan, approaching the skies, and thought to pursue them. Selling all that he had, and his last connection with his old clan ,ornate knives crafted by his elders and himself, and vials of poultices, both that fetched a high price to collectors. With the money he raised he brought himself a passage to the human home world, earth. lax immigration laws allowing him to slip inside mostly unnoticed, inside a vox trading skipjack. The travel was a learning experience about the vox, and the universe outside his small world on moghes in general, for Ssseifiij, as well as the other cultures that he met along the way, and only spurred on his thirst for exploration and a new life. He found himself becoming quite acqainted with the vox way of life, and even made friends, in the widest sense possible, with some of the crew, but when he arrived they left to continue their trading, and Ssseifiij had quite literally nothing once again. No money, no friends, family, or contacts, and no home. He knew he had to make his way up from the bottom, and he was determined for it not go the way it did before, on his own terms this time. Ssseifiij was picked up quickly by the vast, sprawling underground that Earth had to offer as a cheap and easily influenced customer and worker. He accepted his new found location on the ladder of society for a time. Selling his body and his labour Ssseifiij would earn money, which in return he would pay black market surgeons for training, to build upon the only skills he thought he had, medicine. It took him many years, and many hard nights, and the sacrificing of much of his dignity, and his own moral codes, but eventually Ssseifiij began surgery on his own. Still on the black market, as he had no formal education. He would carry out unethical or frowned upon procedures, in return for money from his clients. Something happened however that caused Ssseifiij to flee the somewhat questionable life he had built. In an argument with a rival gang member, Ssseifiij was shot multiple times and left for dead, in the process losing his right arm, and even his own eyesight. He managed to survive the ordeal, only just clinging to life once again, and with time both lost body parts were replaced with prosthesis. However, fulled by paranoia that he would be persecuted again by his assailant, Ssseifiij, with only the money he had earnt, fled to the moon of a major planet within the neighboring star system, Luna. Shaken by the events on Earth, Ssseifiij decided it was time to start again, again, and he decided to pursue a real education. He spent all that he had earnt in his black market days to study at The Lunar University of Medicine, and after 4 years of hard work, and what he felt was discrimination from almost everyone around him, he earned his degree. Ssseifiij retired to working in a small emergency clinic, slowly paying the loans he owed to his university, a process which at the rate he predicted, would take the rest of his life. A high price for a high education. Here though, he met another unathi man, Iksseelass Slosiiski, who was coincidentally also his first patient, who, like a similar other unathi, changed his life drastically. At first he was hesitant to admit his feelings to himself, having suppressed his desires for comfort in anothers arms for most of his time since what happened with his first love, though it was not him who made the first move, and after accepting his feelings, the two became deeply infatuated with each other. Ssseifiij discovered Iksseelass's story was not too different from his own, having been forced to leave the planet after great dishonour befell him. While the two enjoyed their time together, it was only a matter of time until his lover would have to leave the planet, to work aboard the NSS Cyberiad, to fulfil his contract to nanotrasen. Ssseifiij decided that instead of leaving him, and abandoning yet another love, he would follow him to the Cyberiad despite his original plans, to be employed as a surgeon. His application was accepted, and he now works there, full time, to be with his lover and pay off his loans. Employment Records: Studied at the Lunar University of Medicine, then going on to be employed at the Seymour Emergency Clinic, before finally being picked up by Nanotrasen for work aboard the NSS Cyberiad Security Records: It's noted that there are no records of Ssseifiij Giis prior to his 24th birthday. It is unknown why this is. Medical Records: Due to injuries obtained due to to unknown circumstances, Ssseifiij lacks an organic Right arm, and organic eyes. Both have been replaced with Xion Manufacturing Group brand prosthetics. Personnel Photo: Medals: 3x medal of distinguished conduct 1x medal of captaincy (stolen) In game flavour text: A slightly shorter than average, lithe Unathi with a particularly long and thick tail. He seems thinner than most, and has almost no muscle mass to speak of, which fits his slender, feminine frame and face. He's visibly tired constantly, with dark bags under his eyes, and a slightly drooped stature. His right arm and hand are robotic, along with both his eyes, which glow with a dim blue light Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
  13. Haha it was only really meant as a joke when I was checking out servers to see which ones I liked the most, but since I found myself playing on paradise pretty much exclusively I thought it was probably better if I changed it. And yeah I added that in because my actual boyfriend introduced me to ss13, and occasionally plays on paradise as Zioko Titanium.
  14. Name: Ssseifiij Giis (previously known as Lifts-His-Tail) Age: 26 Gender: Male Race: Unathi Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Surgeon, CMO, Nanotrasen Representative Biography: Ssseifiij was born to a small nomadic clan following the hand of the vine, clinging to the old unathi traditions inside the northern reaches of moghes. Life was harsh and incredibly unforgiving, and Ssseifiij led an extremely simple lifestyle with very little technology available. He was chosen to train as a healer-acolyte, somewhat to his dismay at first, as it was not a masculine role, but he found, in time that he enjoyed learning to use what could be scrounged from the dirt to create poultices and potions for the treatment of infections and viruses, to help his clan in ways that the uneducated members found somewhat magical. Ssseifiij would often sight ships, usually from traders passing into orbit, and ever since he was born he was fascinated with them. He would ask about them, but his clan would brush them aside as harmful, and to be avoided, though this only fuelled his interests in what was beyond what felt like the small world his clan inhabited. It was a harsh night, a storm striking at the camp where his clan were hunkered down, when Ssseifiij's life changed drastically. For better or worse he still questions. Ssseifiij at this point was one of the primary healers of his clan, despite only being 18. It was not a surprise to him, then, when a battered and bruised hunter of his clan, Xalnassa Sissskiss, barely hanging onto life, was brought to him. He had been caught by an opposing clan hunting in their territory, and their retaliation was to attempt to kill him. Ssseifiij began nursing him back to health, a long process, with many hurdles. The two spent most, if not all of their time together for the first few months as Xalnassas wounds were treated, and it wasn't long until they fell in love. Xalnassa admiring Ssseifiij for his gentleness and kindness in his treatment, and Ssseifiij admiring Xalnassa for his bravery. Such love was forbidden by the clan, not only because producing new children was a priority, but because the idea of their incompatibility was not lost to this traditionalist tribe. and as such they kept their partnership a secret, even questioning its morality themselves. However, eventually, Ssseifiij and Xalnassa were caught together, with their tails and lips twined, and were condemned by the clans elders. To take up guwandi or die. They were given a night to decide, and while the clan slept, Ssseifiij fled into the desert, stealing as much as he could hold on his back, in fear that if he was left in the desert with nothing, and no combat skills to speak of, he would be killed or starve. His journey was long and brought him close to death many times, with Ssseifiij possibly not seeing food or water for days or even weeks on end. Ssseifiij was not built, and still is not built, for that kind of task, with his short, feminine frame, likely, he believes, why he was picked to be a healer in the first place, usually a females job, over a warrior or hunter. However, on the brink of death, after a long trek without water through the mountains that protected the untouched lands from the encroaching wastes, Ssseifiij made it to civilisation. A large city, more advanced that hed ever seen before. The technology and lifestyle he discovered here shook him to his core, and figuratively blew his mind. It was as different as possible from his old life with his clan. When Ssseifiij crawled his way through the cities gates, he was broken mentally and physically. He was left to his own devices by the population, ignored and disregarded. Seeing such a world as he had never seen before was a culture shock that Ssseifiij found it hard to process, especially due to the experience that he had just gone through, and the loss of essentially, in his eyes, his entire world, and his one love. He was seen as a savage by most. Arriving in ragged clothing, clanging as he walked with daggers and glass jars, and spitting an odd dialect of sinta'unathi that was mocked somewhat by the natives. He was an outcast to the highest degree, unacquainted with the customs of the city and its people, frowned upon and avoided by the natives, and lacking useful skills to sell. Because of this, Ssseifiij made the decision to leave moghes, his home planet, in search of something or simply anything else. He remembered the ships he used to see in his clan, approaching the skies, and thought to pursue them. Selling all that he had, and his last connection with his old clan ,ornate knives crafted by his elders and himself, and vials of poultices, both that fetched a high price to collectors. With the money he raised he brought himself a passage to the human home world, earth. lax immigration laws allowing him to slip inside mostly unnoticed, inside a vox trading skipjack. The travel was a learning experience about the vox, and the universe outside his small world on moghes in general, for Ssseifiij, as well as the other cultures that he met along the way, and only spurred on his thirst for exploration and a new life. He found himself becoming quite acqainted with the vox way of life, and even made friends, in the widest sense possible, with some of the crew, but when he arrived they left to continue their trading, and Ssseifiij had quite literally nothing once again. No money, no friends, family, or contacts, and no home. He knew he had to make his way up from the bottom, and he was determined for it not go the way it did before, on his own terms this time. Ssseifiij was picked up quickly by the vast, sprawling underground that Earth had to offer as a cheap and easily influenced customer and worker. He accepted his new found location on the ladder of society for a time. Selling his body and his labour Ssseifiij would earn money, which in return he would pay black market surgeons for training, to build upon the only skills he thought he had, medicine. It took him many years, and many hard nights, and the sacrificing of much of his dignity, and his own moral codes, but eventually Ssseifiij began surgery on his own. Still on the black market, as he had no formal education. He would carry out unethical or frowned upon procedures, in return for money from his clients. Something happened however that caused Ssseifiij to flee the somewhat questionable life he had built. In an argument with a rival gang member, Ssseifiij was shot multiple times and left for dead, in the process losing his right arm, and even his own eyesight. He managed to survive the ordeal, only just clinging to life once again, and with time both lost body parts were replaced with prosthesis. However, fulled by paranoia that he would be persecuted again by his assailant, Ssseifiij, with only the money he had earnt, fled to the moon of a major planet within the neighboring star system, Luna. Shaken by the events on Earth, Ssseifiij decided it was time to start again, again, and he decided to pursue a real education. He spent all that he had earnt in his black market days to study at The Lunar University of Medicine, and after 4 years of hard work, and what he felt was discrimination from almost everyone around him, he earned his degree. Ssseifiij retired to working in a small emergency clinic, slowly paying the loans he owed to his university, a process which at the rate he predicted, would take the rest of his life. A high price for a high education. Here though, he met another unathi man, Iksseelass Slosiiski, who was coincidentally also his first patient, who, like a similar other unathi, changed his life drastically. At first he was hesitant to admit his feelings to himself, having suppressed his desires for comfort in anothers arms for most of his time since what happened with his first love, though it was not him who made the first move, and after accepting his feelings, the two became deeply infatuated with each other. Ssseifiij discovered Iksseelass's story was not too different from his own, having been forced to leave the planet after great dishonour befell him. While the two enjoyed their time together, it was only a matter of time until his lover would have to leave the planet, to work aboard the NSS Cyberiad, to fulfil his contract to nanotrasen. Ssseifiij decided that instead of leaving him, and abandoning yet another love, he would follow him to the Cyberiad despite his original plans, to be employed as a surgeon. His application was accepted, and he now works there, full time, to be with his lover and pay off his loans. Employment Records: Lunar University of Medicine, Seymour Emergency Clinic, NSS Cyberiad Security Records: None Medical Records: Robotic Prosthetic eyes, Robotic Prosthetic right arm Personnel Photo: Medals: 2x medal of distinguished conduct 1x medal of captaincy (stolen) In game flavour text: A slightly shorter than average, lithe Unathi. He seems thinner than most, and has almost no muscle mass to speak of, which fits his slender, androgynous, almost feminine frame and face. He's visibly tired constantly, with dark bags under his eyes, and a slightly drooped stature. His right arm and hand are robotic, along with both his eyes, which glow with a dim blue light Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
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