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Regen last won the day on February 28 2023

Regen had the most liked content!


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Head of Security

Head of Security (24/37)



  1. hes so ı am the DinoBoi1222 ı have got command banned for being afk more than 30 mins withaut sayying ı will go ssd ı have not sayyed that beacuse first ı had to get off fast and second ı did not know what to say as aı as for that sorry ı will probebly not do it again if ı don t forgor

  2. The edit reason text is the same color as the background Unread replies text is hard to read (appears when you are in a thread that get new replies)
  3. Quotes are (AFAIK) at the wrong spot? Edit: Might just be because the original post is so small that it looks out of place
  4. I would spend them all on soap
  5. It's just inspired from SS13, it has a bunch of other inspirations as well
  6. Ya'll fucked up Go to start without picking up $200
  7. Here I'll start you off Zero
  8. The suspense is killing me It's literally killing me, dreamy is the murderer
  9. sudo retcon -rf /redspace/
  10. Said it before and I'll say it again I hate the name redspace
  11. No ?
  12. Because it makes the antag exclusive to IPC owners, a karma locked race. Vox raiders can be anyone
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