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Everything posted by Regen

  1. A new issue has been brought up on the BYOND forum and the subreddit where windows 10 and possibly windows 8.1 users have problems where BYOND crashes as soon as you try to enter a server A way to fix this issue can be viewed here http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=2008046
  2. So, with Science being literally 10 minutes away from being maxed, and items such as the bluespace wormhole generator and https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3007 being discussed to add to the game, I see a whole new issue with high level, meant for end game items being made 30 minutes into the round. It makes the game into a powerhouse of being good at science, get toys, steamroll everyone's faces. My suggestion is to limit the prints of these kinds of weapons, the medibeam meant for ERT's only is a huge item that could be mass produced for everyone to use, and this restriction also restricts us from making several more high tier weapons, the fact that once the research levels are high enough, Science can turn into a factory churning out more weapons than people can fit in their Bags of holding. So what am I talking about? Some form of very rare very limited material either available from roundstart or found by completing some hard task This will give us a way to lock away the really really good stuff, and make them a rare occurance that people will actually WORK for instead of following an excel sheet or website to max science then fuck off. It gives an actual challenge to extend a scientist round from 10-30 minutes of putting items into a machine, then waiting for someone to open lockboxes or doing something else. What else? Well, with a change like this we can make more overpowered weapons, because they'd be limited by exotic materials, you won't have 10 officers and the blueshield running around with the best and biggest guns that only damage traitors and goes through walls, they would have to first get the exotic materials first, then you can create 1-2 of the best weapons. For easier comparison, see anomaly cores for phazon construction PS: This does not serve to further lock our current arsenal, rather to give us more leeway to create another tier of equipment that requires a lot of effort. For easier
  3. This doesn't warrant a special section in Space Law, it is a very recent thing thats been happening and I urge you to adminhelp it. Locked
  4. No This is not an actual problem, and you're the only one making it out to be.
  5. This is literally you just venting because you got bent by security. They found you with traitor only chems and you throw a fit in adminhelp, then go off to make this.. Suggestion? This doesn't belong in this subforum.
  6. Being banned for releasing the Singularity was probably because it looked like grief. Having this a bit rewritten as an appeal would get you unbanned really quickly, as we only really perma those who we deem unfit for our community This includes people whom may seem to be obviously griefing. We're very easy on permabans here compared to other servers, but we also accept a lot more appeals, the reason is that we feel it is much more of a learning experience to reread the rules. This is to show that you've understood what you did, so that you won't just wait 3 days to log back on and do it again
  7. I don't think you understand the gravity of this race. It will be too much focus on a singular race. These arguments have quite the pull to them. I think we need to contain the discussion. something something singularity pun
  8. Regen


    Hi Everything is good qt nymph
  9. Space law 201 and 301 "Assault" and "Assault of an officer" has some minor changes From To And To And updating the description on assault of an officer to
  10. Calm the fuck down, your point is not more valid because you increase the size of your profanities. The job gets a "murderous" weapon when they are a traitor, and traitor only. It's a fun murder tool to use that goes well with the job, it's not super OP and it's not game breaking. You'd be better off just eswording the guy to death if you just wanted him dead, this just adds more flavour
  11. I like these tweaks to the flashlight, gives more reason to actually toggle it rather than keep it on all the time. As for the directional light, the problem with that is that we already see the character and 360 degrees around them, having directional light doesn't make sense with how a lot of SS13 works.
  12. It's been debated already. Your argument is deemed invalid because: a) BoH in BoH is a fancy reference that is loved by our coders. It is so old that it's basically become an argumentum ad antiquitatem. b) BoH in BoH is balanced. Balanced against bans. Sorry, but as you can see, your argument is invalid. Pretty sure you're going to kill someone with all that sodium chlorine
  13. With the mining update and such a huge population I can agree, not remove it but replace it with a different effect. I like the idea of bluespace translocation and perhaps spawn a rift in spacetime?
  14. I close my eyes for two seconds and bam full on ragewar.
  15. Topic now longer global, link to server is directly on the forum
  16. I didn't realize the bot was down :V
  17. Regen

    Make logs Public

    Yeah I don't think this requires more discussion. It's not happening, not soon anyways.
  18. Regen

    Make logs Public

    It would require more effort than what its worth, right now the only arguments I see for it is "Because it can be interesting" and "Because it might help coders"
  19. All of my yes Remove neon colored snowflakes and give them like.. A pulse destroyer for all I care
  20. .|. Look, its a dick, haha!
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