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Everything posted by Regen

  1. Regen

    AI "Nodes"

    Sorry to burst your bubble there buddy, but AI's does not exist in real life, and if we were to try to make it realistic to "sci-fi" standards we would either make BYOND sentient or throw our computers against the walls in frustration. Point being, AI right now is frustrating because of our high population, but I don't think having multiple people playing as the AI at the same time would be such a good idea, especially because time and time again everyone proves that people suck working together with people
  2. Phazons were initially made for admins, so yes for special ERT's / Deathsquads
  3. Really like this, would be a lot better than our current system
  4. Needs more Heather and my other character Snow Flake Please
  5. Seems like... Is this from FTL
  6. Gibbing is rarely used anymore for removing people from the round, usually we delete them. As for the stunning? They get a red "ADMIN" text floating above them and get an unique effect that covers their entire body, it is pretty damn obvious when someone is frozen by an admin Edit: Pic The effect is basically electricity running over their body
  7. Please post a thumbs up (by writing :+1:) in the PR https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/1971 if you want this change If you are against the change please post a thumbs down (:-1:) to vote it down.
  8. Pull request for mechweapons in lockboxes as promised https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/1971
  9. I will attempt to code this inn and post the PR later
  10. Regen

    Slime Gun

    Could be much for fun for science to research, maybe it can use slime bodies as ammo? Add a little extra to the punch by giving it a beaker holder which you can fill with plasma or blood, then add a slime extract to it as well for a bonus effect
  11. Regen


    Remember that nothing is as easy as "just doing it" Porting abductors probably needs a lot of time and effort to be done, if you want to have a crack at it then by all means, but right now I think there are other priorities.
  12. That's just an easy balancing issue. When we had meltable walls the walls inside toxin mixing were fireproof r_walls that couldn't melt, and plasma windows can't melt either
  13. And right now plasma fires are easier to prevent as well as starting, because the room doesn't instantly fill with plasma. Only reason of plasma fires I see nowadays are those who are not accidental.
  14. Bump for interest, need at least Fox to respond to this, as he is the one who removed "chocolate walls"
  15. After LINDA was added, plasma fires has been a breeze, if you get killed by one you either got trapped in the room or were somehow disabled. Right now plasma creeps slowly up on you, and fire moves even slower. I suggest making fire spread quicker, because it's a fucking ignitable gas, and readding the all fun wall melting, so that plasma fires who are not accidental and actually made for the purpose to kill everything does it's job and doesn't just sit around until it eats the floor or the oxygen, whatever comes first.
  16. You focus a LOT more on the "MUH BALANCE" than the actual RP of the game. I am all for this change, because the combat mechs are meant for security not robotics personal "you can't touch me tool" If they want their own mech, it is pretty fucking simple. Strike a deal with HoP, get him to open the lockboxes, or give you access to do it. Are you a traitor? Congratufuckinglations use those OP as fuck emags to open the lockboxes, and you can now frame the warden / HoS / HoP / Captain saying they gave you access It would also pretty much mean that roboticists would never build mechs, ever. No point in building a toy you can't really use--another negative side effect is that it would definitely increase the amount of meta when was built (and for sure if one had a weapon). "So and so is a traitor; he's building a mech that's not a RIPLY!" It is not always that the robotics even get to build the combat mechs, they will still build ripleys, firefighters and Odysseus. If they play robotics JUST to get "muh combat mechs" then bad fucking luck, using them would be grief anyways.
  17. Should be a random salt not being able to calculate so easily, removing the math is would make it literally the most OP tool on the station for any idiot able to use. Right now you have to use a sliver of effort in finding / opening a program or spreadsheet. A much better thing would be to either make it a lot more expensive to use, adding a longer cooldown to it, or removing it completely.
  18. I don't know if this is actually how the appeal process works Source: I'm a senior admin who's been here since day one Why did you write this? What are your sources? Did you even ask for permission to write this?
  19. Let's see here First, you're a detective, not a security officer. Secondly, why the fuck do you have lethals as a detective. Third, because of YOUR internet connection we should change or remove an entire gene just for you? Ahelp next time.
  20. I have the perfect solution 20% to actually disarm the wielder 80% chance to literally "disarm" the attacker
  21. Librarian alt title sounds good. A private investigator is not someone hired by NT, so you'd have to get all the stuff by yourself.
  22. You are sure you are using the domain name of the forum and wiki, and not the IP?
  23. Well all things considered, it is true. "Friendly" wizards are only something we admins do. As a wizard you often get objectives to steal and kill crew members of NT, if you want to be a friendly wizard you ahelp it, or face the consequences. On the other side, a wizard can use every asset available to him to complete his mission, this includes releasing the sing, using atmos or any other major "round enders" because the round ends when the wizard is dead anyways
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