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Everything posted by Regen

  1. While this all seems really cool and well tinkered out, the real problem with this lies in the coding barrier. I am not sure if we have the manpower or competence for this to actually be a possibility, and then comes the question of "is this really worth 3 months of hard work"
  2. Very good! Thank you for your work!
  3. I really don't see a reason for this, anyone can make channels on the IRC, there is no "off topic" in #crew because there is no topic to begin with
  4. Hello everybody, as most of you have probably already noticed we have introduced a new gamemode from /TG/ called "Shadowlings" You can read all about them on The wiki page Keep in mind that this gamemode is still in a testing phase and that we are still working on balancing and ironing out bugs. Be sure to let us know what you think of the gamemode in the suggestions forum and report any bugs you find on the Github issues page
  5. Very nice! was about to ask around for people to port it!
  6. I see a lot of good work, but very little consistent work, the badge is for those who do continued work
  7. The fuck was that?! Teach me your ways, senpai! This isn't something we teach you--it's something you learn =p Isn't something awful and terrible and currently only two people know how to do it (probably for the best). brb checking the logs to see what he created
  8. Regen


    Yeah no, pretty much what Citinited said. We're not going to have a pool of if we should remove the gamemode or not. especially when it has been played two rounds and 90% of players has not even seen the gamemode
  10. Do we not have the version that has a chance to burn out after a couple of uses? Originally they had 10 uses or so, but were changed so that their uses are unlimited
  11. I agree with this, I don't like how changes are made for shit to be easier for players, I like the game to be hard, challenging, and reward those who use their knowledge and ingenuity to find easier ways into places other than shooting their way inn the front door. As for the chaplain getting into the HoS office, remember when we redid the CE office area, and we were all talking about office balance and how every office needs to have at least one vulnerability? Yeah this is why.
  12. Since the time we became a community? This is a suggestion not a demand for change
  13. It is a good idea, but also a very large idea. It needs a lot of code, balancing, different events etc. If you want this to actually be a thing I suggest seeing what the community things about it, then go ahead and start creating an actual thread for it where you explain your ideas in detail and get more people to join you, that way we are not the only ones creating it, making it a better "round end" for everyone Anyways +1 from me
  14. OOC "aooc good god you're the worst nukeops yet" oops
  15. They're not immune, but as far as I am aware they are less likely to be on the affected_species list
  16. A lot of servers has this, check the thread creation time, its 20 fucking 13
  17. Player left long ago, let this thread die
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