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Retired Admins
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Everything posted by Regen

  2. I'm seeing a lot of new entries on certain items, while this is good work, I am uncertain of how useful it really is, especially considering it not really linking from anywhere. I recommend checking this out viewtopic.php?f=43&t=2328 While it may be outdated, I believe there are still some things needed to get done
  3. Make Ian go when splashed with colorful reagent
  4. I like it! It solves the problem with a wizard needing to revive, it just adds more flavor to being a wizard. Balancing issues comes with damage it heals / how much damage it heals
  5. Oh my god I just realized its comdom not condom My whole life isa lie
  6. I can already foresee the 5 minute blob rounds and lazy crew growing ever so more lazy. Agree with fox here, they should deal with the problem instead of just launching a part of the station away.
  7. There's not fingers as specific limbs, but there are hands. Wirecutters have the proper vars to dismember, but their chance of doing so is very low (6% once a limb's max damage has been reached). Is it possible that we could have a patch that makes it when you aim for the hand with wire cutters and have harm intent on the chances of hand dismemberment are greatly increased? Here, a representation of one type of wirecutter, looking somewhat like our sprite. Please explain how this can cut through bone
  8. Already have a group for 40k My Eldar Farseer will reck everyone
  9. Hello there! Some time ago, half a year maybe, a group of players from Paradise including myself joined up as a group to play some DnD (5th ed), but due to some rescheduling in our DM's real life work plans, we had to quit after only three sessions. Non-the less we all found it to be very fun and exiting, thus I am writing this forum post, in hopes that someone else wants to DM a new campaign with our group. We were all completely or relatively new to DnD and tabletop games in the first place, so no real requirements are put on you if you want to apply, only requirement is that you are fair and follow the DM rules. We have a teamspeak and Roll20 accounts all set up for communication, so you do not have to worry about that. PM me or reply to this thread if you'd like to give it a shot, or if you may want to join as a player, no promises though.
  10. I don't understand, it is just our normal atmos setup with the left part removed, forcing it to go through the heaters and coolers
  11. Very nice work! Congratulations on your new badge! *stamps with Wiki stamp*
  12. I was going to come with a witty comeback, but I can't really be arsed to come up with one..
  13. And the award for the laziest admin goes to...
  14. It's all fun and games, but it won't fit our community, or any community other than goon. I am strongly against it, not only because of the huge negative response from it, but also because of the coder who made it, whom has gained quite the infamous reputation on both paradise and bay / tg
  15. Dave was bazoozled by the simple switcharoo. Shameful dispray
  16. Sounds good! Give us a headsup with some of your work on our wiki and we'll go from there
  17. Got a razer blackwidow. I can probably do the same on my mac keyboard, will try.
  18. http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english Show me what you got nerds http://10fastfingers.com/share-result/1 ... 025_178633
  19. HAH! How about no? They are internal notes set by admins KNOWING that they are not to be viewed by the player. This servers no other purpose other than let those who "did good at one point" boast around about it, while making huge discussions about "WHY IS THIS IN MY NOTES!?" They're called admin notes for a reason
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