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Everything posted by Regen

  1. Regen

    Day Z

    Lets just say that there are a LOT of hacks for the SA, the only difference being what information being available to players, and how good you have to be in programming to actually execute anything. That being said, the servers no longer allow for remote execution etc, which means no more "press button to kill everyone" and "we thunderdome now" They basically restricted what players can see and do in terms of data, but stuff like ESP hacks still and will always exist
  2. Regen

    Day Z

    That is already happening, servers restart whenever it gets dark, and other servers are like "300% LOOT ALWAYS DAYLIGHT NO PVP" They'll outright ban you from the server if you kill an admin or a friend of an admin, its hilariously pathetic
  3. I know we've all played or at least heard of Day Z. Some time ago I used to play nothing but Day Z mod, I found it to be absolutely amazing and really fun. Then came the hackers. So we (Deterrent and I) moved onto new Day Z maps and aberrations of the original Day Z mod for ArmA 2 that were not so full of "huehue instakill" hackers, which was more fun as well, more weapons and a whole new map to explore. Then came Breaking point (knows as broken point) Breaking point is a Day Z mod which uses the original Chernogorsk map with tweaks and new additions. As well as that it features a lot of new mechanics and a lot of new weapons. I played DayZ BP for a good while, but the fact that the bugs were never fixed stopped my enthusiasm for playing there (spawn and die, loose all gear) So now with ArmA 3 being heavily modded, and Day Z Standalone continuing its (boring) development, I have decided to hear what you guys think of Day Z. Personally I've taken to playing ArmA 3 Breaking point, which is great fun, I really love what Deathlyrage did to it. I play some standalone as well, but I am so heavily geared there and I find no other players that I just can't find enough motivation to play. I can stream me playing Day Z as well, but only if anyone cares to watch it, I have some clips of funny shit we've done, but they're all in Norwegian
  4. Can still be countered with just not adding the tracker to the Mech
  5. Game intro: Soundtrack: Hands down the best singleplayer game i've played Edit: Some more Halo 3: Assassins Creed 2: Not a game, but fuck dude:
  6. It kind of hit me with mechs and HONK's running around likes headless chickens. Wouldn't you have a safety switch for Mechs that requires a high rank ID? My suggestion is as follows: Allow the RD and RD only along with the RD ID card to access the Mech maint and access panel even when it has been disabled by operator, as well as allowing DNA resets. Why? Because people like to hug mechs and only depart with them when they are destroyed. This gives option #2 as well as allowing the station to recover DNA locked mechs from people who've gone SSD. Why only the RD? Well, I think it would be a neat feature that only the RD could do, due to their job giving them the experience needed to know of such an override, pluss I hate Civilians (Assistants) who will just meta it. For coders Make it a goddamn var, so we can disable it on Marauders etc.
  7. Wop, first with the rank! It still needs some tweaks as to how I do it, but currently it will be forced to users instead of a group.
  8. The avatar takes me back... I think this was mine on RS
  9. It's so fucking odd that it is only this forum though? It is hosted in Sweden, so try some other Swedish sites?
  10. We're trying our new "Paradise or nothing" software that was installed on your computer following the "Terms and conditions" which you so nicely skipped. No but really, I have no idea
  11. We are now looking into further rewarding those who help us out in this open sourced game! Running this community is a lot of work, on top of general server management we also have to have an up-to-date forum and Wiki for our new and old players learning about what we are adding to the game. We are looking for those wanting to go the extra mile and chip in their help towards making our community even better! As this is a charity run community, with the continuous donation of hosting graciously provided by Melandor0 and all donations saved to only be used on server and community, there is not much we can give away other than our thanks and appreciation, and to show our appreciation we have decided to give those who show great effort in helping us a special forum badge This forum badge will represent your amazing work helping us, making our lives a bit easier. To apply for this badge, make a thread in this sub-forum with what you have done in the past and what you are currently working on, this will help us get a good look at what you are contributing, as well as giving other forum workers a heads up on what other people are working on. Badges will be given out on a case to case basis, and has "set in stone" requirements.
  12. Stuff was lost, but at least we didn't get a compete corrupt Database, and we got a better system for it now as well, so at least we can learn from it. If anyone wants to help out in restoring the forum to what it was that would be great, I have some memory of what was added, but I can't exactly remember everything. Contact me with PM or whatever
  13. Just letting you guys know that we are currently debating about this change and if we are going to revert it
  14. Regen


    Woha, these are great! You could always look in the source for reference and inspiration, I would give a link, but I am at work and on my phone currently
  15. This isn't a suggestion, this is a butthurt kid throwing a tantrum. As previously said, monkeys are test subjects and animals, not crew, which makes you an open target on most servers. I've seen you ONCE on the server, and already I,ve seen your name come up in a bad way more than most of our regulars.
  16. To put it short, we're not going to sell out and give karma for people to pay for it, I believe that would flaw the whole karma system, and after a while people would just not care to give it away anymore. Donating is something you do as a gesture of appreciation and support towards the server and its staff, not to get any kind of advantage over other players. We do have the fluff items, which kind of contradicts what I just said, but they we're originally a karma reward, but ponies realized that certain people would get wasts amount of karma, and he didn't have time to manually add custom items all day, so he made it a reward for donating instead. Fluff items are meant to be items that give no advantage in game anyways, while karma is a "currency" of sorts. At least we're not selling VIP and packs that give you three weeks free of preemptive justice from admins
  17. But that would make it almost impossible to release as a traitor :V
  18. So i've been intrigued by DnD sessions in SS13 enough to want to try out the real thing. I do not have a lot of experience with DnD, but I know the basic gist of it, what I want to do is collect a small group of players and a DM for a session of some good ol' Pathfinder (which I have been told is a better version of DnD, I don't mind what we play as long as its like DnD and not Dark heresy) So you want to join this group? Great! Some basic info about yourself pluss your experience as a reply goes a long way, keep in mind that we need a decent DM that are capable of handling new players. You can also send me a PM if you're interested to join and you don't want to reply to this thread for any reason. We will use voice chat and various web resources to communicate, I will provide teamspeak3 server. Some resources to look through if you're a new player and interested http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/resources http://www.smogon.com/smog/issue25/pathfinder
  19. As you can see If its a bag of holding it creates an explosion based on how big it is RETURN if it is another singularity it absorbs the singularity and most of its stuff and deletes it
  20. Thats a myth, Bag of holding won't destroy the singularity, nor will a big bomb or anything of the likes
  21. No, you just created Kidan Vox Tajaran Alien hunter. As is, the race is WAAAAAYYY to OP, for starters, thermal vision is such a great advantage, that giving it as a starter would basically mean instawin for any kind of traitor, "but its only heat" yeah mix that with Mesons and you have the xray without drawbacks. I would like this concept as a separate antag for Alien rounds / Admin spawned, but as a race? No
  22. Join server Observe See this Do I want to know?
  23. This would be up to ponies to decide.
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