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Posts posted by Regen


    Not going to work


    I won't allow you advertising your social experiments on paradise and a "forum about anything and everything" already exist in the thousands.

    This is like making a bayserver saying it is "different" but with no actual change in anything that you won't get on any other server



    Should be a random salt not being able to calculate so easily, removing the math is would make it literally the most OP tool on the station for any idiot able to use.

    Right now you have to use a sliver of effort in finding / opening a program or spreadsheet.


    A much better thing would be to either make it a lot more expensive to use, adding a longer cooldown to it, or removing it completely.



    I don't know if this is actually how the appeal process works

    Source: I'm a senior admin who's been here since day one


    Why did you write this? What are your sources?

    Did you even ask for permission to write this?



    Let's see here

    First, you're a detective, not a security officer.

    Secondly, why the fuck do you have lethals as a detective.

    Third, because of YOUR internet connection we should change or remove an entire gene just for you?


    Ahelp next time.



    ... Because we aren't going to change policy just for you. Swearing is acceptable in moderation around here, we have no rule against it, if you take offense to that then your only choice is to leave. Referring to someone as, quote, a "fucking idiot" is not against our policy.


    I don't see any substance to this complaint, and Necaladun is correct- apologies if you feel offended, but if you are offended by words commonly tossed around in our community, then this community is not the right place for you.

    So, you don't have any care to the happiness of your players?

    You don't take care to be polite and kind to your members?

    You allow people to just go round insulting each other, swearing and saying they could punch someone?


    I suppose we are all just more jaded on the internet than you.

    We know that most if not all threats are bull, and we usually don't take insults personal or find them "that offensive"


    We're not saying we're not giving a shit about our players, but you need to understand that we will not change our entire policy because you and yes, only you find it inappropriate



    I'd say make it harder to obtain, the reason it is to fucking OP now is because you can get all the things needed for it in the same room.

    Make it require more, make it harder or more dangerous to make.


    You need space carp toxin to create it

    When you heat it, if you overheat it, it will explode and create a small cloud of sarin that kills you dead

    You need to use a dropper or else the solution will splash you in the face and give you a good dose of your own remedy


    I don't think bubblewrapping is the solution here.



    Wouldn't it make more sense to have the disarm have a 5% chance to actually disarm, a 80% chance to count as an attack on the disarmer, and a 15% chance to attack the weilder?

    I have the perfect solution


    20% to actually disarm the wielder

    80% chance to literally "disarm" the attacker



    Supermatter was always my favorite engine because of all the experimenting we had to do to actually make it work.


    I remember when we first added it, Deterrent and I spent ages setting up a working atmos system that was efficient enough to sustain the blasting heat from the supermatter. It took us about 2 rounds before we actually made a stable setup and switched out the singularity.

    This was before it was made easier to handle and optimized, and we also had ZAS instead of LINDA



    I want them gone, I saw no reason to add /another/ tajaran race that were already plagued with spechiul snowflaeks.

    Another thing I definetly do not like is that they were added with absolutely no lore or story, there is no wiki page for them, and I feel like they were added just because "we can".



    Well all things considered, it is true.

    "Friendly" wizards are only something we admins do.

    As a wizard you often get objectives to steal and kill crew members of NT, if you want to be a friendly wizard you ahelp it, or face the consequences.


    On the other side, a wizard can use every asset available to him to complete his mission, this includes releasing the sing, using atmos or any other major "round enders" because the round ends when the wizard is dead anyways



    While this might lean more towards a player complaint, seeing as it goes more against the persons playstyle and attitude as a character, I will keep it in admin complaints because admins are held to a higher standard regarding following the rules, after all they are the ones who enforce them.


    This is a reply to ensure that this is not being overlooked, and that a resolution will be worked out.



    While this all seems really cool and well tinkered out, the real problem with this lies in the coding barrier.

    I am not sure if we have the manpower or competence for this to actually be a possibility, and then comes the question of "is this really worth 3 months of hard work"



    You get the same chance as everyone else


    At roundstart, the server picks a gamemode, then picks out potential candidates based on their preference, and picks from that poll.

    Nothing will increase or decrease your chances


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