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Everything posted by Regen

  1. Splat Singuloth feeding from Zoey's love for adam
  3. Thats another thing he's working on, but a lot of stuff is dependent on other coders
  4. Railgun (me, probably going out right before HL3) Nations custom gamemode Addictions and meth / drug making, this will make customs actually worth doing. Xeno invasion gamemode. Underwater base (yes, water in SS13) Just some from the top of my head
  5. Sounds like a good warden, really
  6. AI does not need buffs like these, at least I don't think they do. So here is my first question for it: WHY. The AI does not really need this, they got borgs slaved to them. Secondly, can YOU code it? We have a LOT on our lists of to-do, and if we wanted this, then it would fall low on the priority list, so if you can code it then it has a much larger chance of actually getting implemented.
  7. I like what Fathuran is saying here, Karma is not something you need to play the game, it shows that you've done good, and players have given you karma to show for it. Karma shouldn't be your reason to play, that would just be taking the fun out of the game. And lastly, if you did some research on this, you could have seen that we do give out karma for stuff like Sprites and spriting contests.
  8. Professional opinion: You made an application, which is the wrong way to apply for mentor, you are supposed to just send a small PM to Necaladun giving him a nudge of your interest, give a few traits about yourself and why you want to become a mentor. Secondly, don't take it the wrong way, but you are way to childish for any administrative position, just today you gave me a rather... irritating chatlog of spam on byond, as well as your previous behaviors and bans on the server. Unprofessional opinion:
  9. Yeah we might fix that... AI's getting their core dragged and hidden on the station is becoming a trend and a pain, since its not how the gamemode was originally designed. Should just add "AI tracker" to the Pinpointer so you can actually tack the AI core with it, would stop the "LOLOLO AI HIDE&SEEK"
  10. Regen

    New Medbay

    -Waiting area for patients who needs surgery too small, needs lockers for their personal items. I like the lobby, but not the 3 chem dispensers. -Cloning should be next to genetics, genetics should be more separated with the modifiers and remade, it doesn't look that good and its too easy to hide as an antag there right now. -CMO office is too small, and needs more of a "Cheif" feeling. Surgery is too big and clunky, make the walk to the tables less and try to mirror the two operating area's, also needs an examination area. -Cryo is badly optimized, the doors should be at the bottom while the canisters should be at the right side, so you don't have to walk the way around with a dying guy screaming for help. Morgue needs to be at the top, since Robotics and detective has access to it. -I see no advanced medical scanner anywhere, there needs to be at least one in the medbay and one in surgery, if not two in surgery
  11. It was originally for balancing, cause right now machine people only has 2 types of damage, while everyone else has 4 or 3 I'll run this by ponies, see what he thinks about it
  12. I don't see how people can fuck up as malf AI Plasma fire = win N2O = win Atmospherics = win Just blow up chem dispencers and telescience and you are golden
  13. Air is 80% nitrogen 20% oxygen Break that balance and the air becomes unbreathable (or so it is supposed to work)
  14. Adding something new to unbalance a balanced race that only a few play, which would require code that is not easy to just copy paste from somewhere else, as well as making sprites for both the mob and the tail? Short answer: No Long answer: No, if you want it you can code it yourself and we can review it, but this goes to the bottom of our priority list simply because there are so much else that needs attention
  15. Or make cure grenades and ask people to huddle up
  16. Do you actually do this on station just when you feel like it?
  17. We wont make the game easier because of ignorant people. What do we look like, Blizzard?
  18. Vox raiders sometimes gets the kidnap objective
  19. I bet you guys didn't even know I made this
  20. You obviously have no idea on how the code works
  21. Its so fun to break all lights in station, and set ghost glow to a normal PDA flashlight
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