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Posts posted by Regen


    this server is turning into an IRC & catgirl circlejerk isn't it?


    Fixed that for you

    I don't know where you got this view from

    We average 60-80 people

    30-50 at low times, 80-100 at peaks.


    The IRC is filled with all around different people, who represent only a fraction of the Paradise community.



    I sometimes go to this house, it is a an institution for clinically insane, but I just call it a madhouse.

    When I get there it is always the same shit, some 40-ish guy steals another 40 year olds toy and they start fighting, people bashing things into walls or just staring into the abyss.

    I do this because sometimes I need a reminder that I am not that bad off, I have it a lot better in life compared to others, and that my reality is so much different than other peoples.

    So when I sit there, looking at people smearing shit on the walls, beating each other with their bare fists or fire extinguishers I just observe, I wait and pray for someone to really cross the line.


    Thats when I ban them.

    Yes, my hobby is going on SS13 and watch you insane fucks try to operate a space station.



    I remember it once being a rule that if you can photograph a xenomorph or a nuke operative in full armour + weapon, then admins could call for Gamma Alert.


    That isn't a rule anymore.

    No, Ponies had an idea of you being able to scan an alien / syndicate gear and the station would go into Gamma.

    It was an idea of concept and never actually added or worked further upon



    pAIs should be able to edit security and medical records to have more use for doctors and officers

    Fuck no, not when all pAI's are slaved to their masters, it would be so easy to just get your pAI to set every officer to arrest, or remove your arrest status, or even purging your security records completely



    Kluys shouldn't even be handling a situation relating directly to himself.


    Yet another example of unprofessional conduct.

    He isn't handling it himself, he is explaining his side of the story, now stop posting in the complaint if you can't contribute



    The map changes were due to being just "thrown" together and prepared for new stuff that was never added.

    The race abilities were removed due to slimes instantly ventcrawling to the capts office and getting themselves a spare ID, vox was the strongest against sec and the strongest as sec, they could easily take out any traitor by lunging at them and taking their traitor shit



    Okay I like that idea, here's a brainstorm for you:


    We use NT as the main thing here, by lore NT is supposed to be this big research company doing research on plasma, NCS Cyberiad is a state of the art space station built by NT to conduct research and serve as a point of interest for aspiring civilians looking for work.


    Here is where we can make it interesting, we make it by lore that NT stands out like a company seemingly like either Apple or Google, they have very little dirt on them, but there are some people who have come with conspiracy theories because hey, there's always going to be crazy people like that.


    Now lets introduce some of the things that can make one a sceptic, lets start with the derelict.

    A Russian space station blown to pieces by something that looks like the syndicate, there are evidence and manuscripts as proof that the syndicate blew it to hell and back, and we can built upon this to perhaps aim it more towards a conspiracy.


    Next we can make destroyed outposts on the mining astroid, think of it as an isolated outpost that reassembles the one that is filled with bones and alien weeds north on the astroid.

    Except this one is filled with destroyed tiles, hacked doors, charred ID's that looks like they could be from NT and a LOT of bullet casings, how did that get here? Why were nobody informed of this outpost and who used to be here before?


    Next, lets think of a ship for those "lost miners" who used to be on that outpost. I am thinking something like the clown ship you can find on a random Z level, except it is not crashed into a meteor, rather it looks like a missile or bomb hit the engines and it was forced to stop. Upon closer inspection you can find the captains black box, which can be used to obtain the ships communication.

    The box is partially damaged, but you can make out as much that they were attacked, and their engines dying. The last log is the captain explaining that they will try to settle on an astroid that shows good mineral readings with no life or salvation close by, meaning this was before NCS Cyberiad was around.

    Basically, they were hit by NT for an unknown reason, something we can figure out later, but what happened was that they figured out something that they were not supposed to know, and they got killed by NT for it, their outpost was destroyed by an NT cleanup crew.


    Now we move on to the next phase, fixing the broken ship and figuring out where they were headed. I can't start to imagine this whole scenario right now, so help me out with this one. Maybe this can lead back to another destroyed station, maybe even the derelict.


    Thats all I have for now, will continue whenever I can come up with more, everyone is free to help out on the story


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