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Posts posted by Regen


    I think a better option would be just limit the number of hardsuits (two in EVA, one or two in secure storage, maybe make EVA CE access only) and give engineering soft suits instead.

    Because in all honesty, a "hard" suit offering less protection than some wool and cotton is just unbalanced in favour of security (who never have their armours nerfed I've noticed).

    Making the hardsuits rarer and harder to actually aquire would adequately justify their value in combat no? Especially since engineers are always the ones who end up going up against the likes of space carp/xenomorphs/blobs.

    I agree with just lowering the amounts of hardsuits on station instead of nerfing the armour it has.



    Open source+puzzles/secrets = solved the day after it's released--sadly.


    this, sadly, I mean, is it possible to liscence part of the code differently, if it's written completely from scratch?


    Probably, I guess we can just create parts of the code to be hidden from github, but it would defeat the purpose of open source



    Well.. Yeah? Of course it would make antags stand out like crazy when they're running around with a Fire axe on their backs in code green.

    This is why it is allowed for antags, but you're risking something for having one of the best melee weapons in the game.



    Yes.. There is a computer there that can BSA any part of the station

    I thought that was there for show after a pubby used it without our consent, did you guys add the actual computer back in when you redid the admin room?


    EDIT: I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell the story. Once a while ago, Dave was helping a pubby out with something and had to take control of them to fix it. He then hopped over to the admin room to test something of his. There was a bug back then that, when we control a person for a small while and then make a new body for us, said person was put into the body rather then us. Said pubby got teleported to the Admin room, and IMMEDIATELY, WITHOUT HESITATION, ran up to the Computer and shot the BSA.


    Fucker was aiming for Central Primary too. Barely missed the bridge.


    *Takes cigar out of mouth* I remember that day like it was yesterday... *blows a huge puff of smoke out into the air, it smells like burnt clown*

    It was just a routine check.. He was just supposed to be there for a mere second, but we could not stop him... Our beautiful BSA.. SHOT BY A MERE MORTAL!?

    *Flips table*



    Funny enough our server rarely suffers any real "lag" without there being some special circumstance such as the singularity being loose.


    Ideally I'd like singulo and explosion lag gone, as well; getting a new GC slotted in will help immensely towards this; ZAS will still be an issue, but that could potentially be tackled, too.


    Just a matter of effort, time, skill, and knowledge of the code, really--ours and others.


    Oh yes, definetly, I am just saying that the master controller is not a main problem, personally I think ZAS is more of a bitch.

    We should always be open for optimization, but maybe not when it would require 7 hours of work for a slight increase in performance, of where there were no real issues in the first place.



    All I saw was you putting the fire axe back right after me "showing" that I have joined the server, It simply looked like you had taken it despite me telling you not to, and put it back in hopes of me not noticing.


    Regens felt that this was powergaming and nearly banned me at this point.

    Didn't know you had the power to anticipate just what I am about to do? Or are you just trying to make this like I am even worse?


    I've had other people complain about me, I don't hold a grudge against them. But as others have said, we do not like it when people just take the fire axe for no reason other than "I like to have it".



    I banned both the guy who blew a huge hole in the shit and the guy who released smoke. Why? Because it is against the rules.

    The smoke was Chloral hydrate, impredezine and some other things, and the reason I banned him was because he did indeed release it before round end. I strike down at it because next time it might be Polyacid.


    Ban first ask later is something most admins do at shuttle, simply because its a full chaos, any attempt to communicate will just get lost in admin logs of people hitting each other, deadchat and red text of people hitting each other.

    I would also like to note that chemsmoke is one of the easiest way to grief on the shuttle, so its a huge red flag.



    Yeah, LOOC = OOC


    Think of it like this: Would you say it in OOC?

    Also, saying "Please borg me, I don't want to be executed" has a direct influence on IC events, you're "speaking" to IC characters so to say in LOOC.

    I've seen a lot of people abusing LOOC, for things such as "my left arm is broken" or "I have a lot of toxins" and yes, this will get you banned.

    Just don't talk about IC things in OOC / LOOC, sure being a ghost seeing a nuke ops robusting 3 security officers with a stamp and a fork is funny, and you can give praise and "hahaha" in LOOC, but nothing that influences anything in game, such as "hahah thats funny, but one of the officers is still alive!" or "Hey you forgot your esword stuck in that guy"


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