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Posts posted by Regen


    Doctors that drag you to morgue instead of cloning


    Doctors that puts people in hardsuits in cryo


    Doctors that doesn't check for internal bleeding before putting people in cryo


    Mary sue assistants who defeats the malf AI




    Ert who (used to) blow up the mech armory



    Meh, I like the modular mech thing.


    Make it so you can personalize a mech more, install a "Combat" or "Civilian" board to define it, all that.


    Its a huge project indeed, and not on our priority list right now, so others doing the coding is great!



    They do

    Compaired to say.. Someone working in medbay, you will win a hand to hand fight easily because of the standar security armor which reduces damage taken to you.

    We can't "up" the health of security officers alone, mainly because of how the coding works, so the only thing we can change is the armor values and how armor works.

    Right now, as the HoS you are able to take about twice the amount of brute/burn damage because of your armor, don't let the "coat" fool you, it has huge armor values, the Dermal armor patch even more so.

    As for the mini crossbow, yeah stun in this game is OP, but the crossbow is also a dead giveaway and HAS TO be used 1v1, or else you'll risk someone exposing you and, well then you're fucked anyways.

    This game isn't all "well i am security I am god"

    Yeah you'll probably loose versus a sec officer because you do not have stun gear as a normal Civilian (assistant) and he'll fuck you up good, thats why you need to find better ways to take them out



    Granted. They also happen to be hyper-competent antagonists with you as their target getting you killed less than 10 minutes into the game and hidden in the morgue.


    I wish mechanics had more personalizing options for space pods (and mechs)

    Granted, but they are all catgirl related





    Quality of these videos are decreasing by wast amounts.


    Now there is just an overuse of memes and "funny jumping text"

    This is literally you putting poly in a locker and spacing /it/, but using an amazingly long time doing so.



    I always just get it from the vending machine, just use a string on the silver coin and bam, you might have two cigars... But they can last like an entire round, so I wouldn't suggest buying two.

    Why not two?

    One for you and one for Earthdivine that you pumped full of Amatoxin so she dies when she...




    What a messy thread, I suggest re-writing it for the sake of easier readability and a more appealing look.

    Secondly, if you get fired for healing sec officers wh are injured as brig psy then you're doing something wrong, cause I've seen a lot of people managing to do the job without problems.

    As for your "surgery"

    Brig is not a place for surgery, ic and ooc

    Ic its not propperly sanitized and waaaay below standars of a medbay when it comes to germ levels and propper cleaning.

    There is also a lack of a surgery computer and table, as well as tools, which would indicate that you're not supposed to do surgery there in the first place.


    Also what is this about autopsies as a chaplain? Thats not their job.



    They may very well not be security by they still need the capacity to tag suspects so sec can detain them.

    Yeah, in theory that would be nice


    But its not going to happen


    I can see about making flashproof med huds for blushield



    Granted, now people listens to you... they like listening to you, they NEED to listen to you, they stare awkwardly waiting for you to speak.


    Now my wish, i want Qinetix to change the signature or avatar to something that doesnt make me twitch or make me want to burn things.



    Fokken catbeasts....





    She bakemonogatari-o.gif


    Is tumblr_miy9rjiLBN1r922azo1_500.gif


    A giphy.gif


    QT tumblr_ma27puZHNR1qcifexo1_500.gif


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