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Posts posted by Regen


    Either make it unable for normal players to obtain without admin intervention


    Nerf max_health to a reasonable amount


    Normal people have 100 health

    Alien queen has 250

    Normal aliens has 150


    Alien empress has 700


    A reasonable amount would be 350 or 400 at most



    Because it seems that nobody is paying attention when I tell them this.

    By the Lore of Baystation (the one we take from)

    The Deathsquad is a squad that is from what everyone knows, is just a myth.

    Nobody has ever seen the Deathsquad, and there is no proof of it ever existing, furthermore NT has denied any connection, affiliation and existence of the Deathsquad

    Supposedly, NT sends a squad of heavly armored troops to deal with a situation that is no longer in NT's control, such as a revolution that has gone way overboard or a cult that is slaughtering everyone they come over.


    In essence, the Deathsquad kills everyone and anyone on the station, then proceeds to blow it up using the nuke. Leave no survivors.

    This is why it remains a myth, nobody alive to tell the tale, and all connection to NT remains void.


    And a sidenote, we have done this in the past:

    If you see people with deathsquad "gear" persay but without anything that says the words "Deathsquad" (ID or gear) and you yell "DEATHSQUAD" you might end up arrested and shot

    We have previously spawned inn with gear that is similar to deathsquad, but with nothing that would indicate to your In game character that they are a squad there to kill them



    Green - threats to the station have passed. Security may not have weapons visible, privacy laws are once again fully enforced.

    Blue - The station has received reliable information about possible hostile activity on the station. Security staff may have weapons visible, random searches are permitted.


    Bluedownto - The immediate threat has passed. Security may no longer have weapons drawn at all times, but may continue to have them visible. Random searches are still allowed.


    Red - There is an immediate serious threat to the station. Security may have weapons unholstered at all times. Random searches are allowed and advised. The station armory has been unlocked and is ready for use.


    Reddownto - The self-destruct mechanism has been deactivated, there is still however an immediate serious threat to the station. Security may have weapons unholstered at all times, random searches are allowed and advised.


    Gamma - GAMMA Security level has been set by Centcom, Security is to have weapons at all times, and all civilians are to seek their nearest head for transportation to a safe location. GAMMA Armory unlocked for security personnel.


    Delta -The station's self-destruct mechanism has been engaged. All crew are instructed to obey all instructions given by heads of staff. Any violations of these orders can be punished by death. This is not a drill.


    Epsilon (by admin)- Security level EPSILON reached. Consider all contracts terminated.


    Downto means that the security level falls BACK to a lower one, from a higher one



    God damn I wish I had a screenshot of this, but I can explain it.


    Basically I was made a golem and told to "go kick the xeno's ass" since there was aliens.


    I went out of xeno, slammed the RD who took up a fist fight with a golem, took his ID, got a fire extinguisher and found a riot shield, AND OFF I GO!


    So the alien empress waddles over to escape while the shuttle just landed, I see it in the corner of my eye and lunge at it with my golem powers, I start barraging it with carefully placed extinguisher hits to the head while constantly (standing completely still) dodging it's slashes


    At the end I dragged it's lifeless body into the shuttle, went up to the scientists who just sat there in total awe as I took the corpse of the xeno and threw it to the captain and said "Golem kicked Xeno ass"


    Later I was given the title "hero" by the captain and HoS



    Seems like a quite good overhaul, but the armory,BLA BLA BLA -snip-

    This is just so hard to read and understand that I just gave up half way


    Ronald, Deathsquad is supposed to deal with xenos, not ERT.

    DS wipes the entire station clean and nukes it (on occasion)


    We are still discussing the possibilities with this, so that players have ways to set it to Gamma



    We had a meta squad one time.


    Basically a bunch of guys in death squad suits came in and robusted everybody who cried death squad.

    It was fun.

    That was me and neca, originally it was spectre who came on and wanted to just see how the server was, and Necand I decided to join him as body guards, we had nothing on us that had the name "Deathsquad" so without meta we could not be Identified as a deathsquad. (We changed names and descriptions of ID cards and other items)

    It ended up with a detective with a bullet in his head and the whole station being told to sit the fuck down when they tried to arrest the NT official and his body guards.


    My favorite moment from that was when we first teleported inn


    Me: Hold it, unidentified life form ahed

    Me: Life form scanned, Dog

    Me: Status friendly, appears to be "fluffy"

    Me: Do not fire on friendly units

    Neca: Appears to be a corgi

    Neca: Codename Ian, engaging petting



    Yeah traitors are not as creative as I want them to be anymore...


    There are some job spesific items already inn.

    Assistants get pickpocket gloves and Greytide implant


    Bartender gets special slugs that intoxicate you and does more damage based on how drunk you already are


    Engineering gets power gloves


    Chef gets super special "lets murderbone everyone" sauce, that if you drip 4 drops of it in food, it will instantly kill them when eaten (It will take a few minutes after consumption)



    Some of these things (if not all) are used

    But they are admin spawned only

    M1911-p is a pulse rifle that looks like a pistol.

    Manhack delivery grenade is actually a traitor item (new and this server only as far as I am aware)

    Maulers are used by syndicate Deathsquads, so they are actually used



    The Clown Console needs to also function as a Security Camera computer, a non-ID-locked Communications console, a non-ID-locked ID Console, and have the options to set everyone to arrest, release the singularity, and toggle the bolts on all doors on the station Z-level in order to maximize the HONK output.

    You forgot the corrupt AI button

    The "Replace all security weapons with waterguns"

    Shock all doors

    Make all scrubbers eject space lube

    Send ASCII message to centcom showing a clown flipping them off


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