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Retired Admins
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Everything posted by Regen

  1. Jesus christ did you die from a cheap lighter or something? Calm down on the sodium chlorine.
  2. Woha phew You almost made it to 20 That was close
  3. That was me, haha, I wanted to do some carnage at the end of the round :V
  4. Calm down, it's super old code thats not exactly meant for some disgusting fetish. If you do end up eaten, you can just hit them from the outside and gib them
  5. Could up a bit more and make it disable implants as well So death implants actually have a counter other than surgically removing them
  6. Way off topic of this thread, and our rules can't contain every single detail. Until you give us a good reason for it to not be taken seriously* As for this thread, I think you need to realize that a lot of what you're mentioning is completely one sided, you do not see what we see, and a "Threatened player over LOOC" could be everything from "I am going to fucking find you and murder you, you fucking faggot" to "I am going to metagrudge you so hard!!!" You have no context except the ban reason, which serves to give the Admins and the banned player information about the ban, the player knows what they did, and if not the ban reason should be enough to explain it so they understand it, and admins can check logs / ask the banning admin about clarification if they are unsure. They are not meant for players such as yourself to be descriptive of the event that lead to the ban, so using that as "evidence" is not viable at all Other than that I think Necaladun pretty much summed the rest up, we might not be perfect, but expecting us to be in the face of some of the shitlers I have seen in my days as an admin would be extremely unfair.
  7. Write access to the wiki and a big slap on the wrist? Don't get too comfortable about making and editing lore etc, we still need to appove it
  8. Thank you for taking the time to map it out, really neat! It'd be cool to get something like this in game for engineers or something.
  9. FNAF had an interesting story I guess. But the games were.. bad. This adding to the fact that a lot of the community of FNAF is one of those communities i want absolutely zero to deal with, I am going to have to say NOPE PS: They tried to add it to other games such as Gmod and TF2, it's just filled with little kids that can watch paint dry over and over again and it'd be just as scary as the first time.
  10. Make vulps have no genitalia, thus no testosterone or sexual drive. They have no reason to get a partner of the different or same sex for any reason other than remaining friends. They're racially friendzoned by themselves.
  11. From my original post. Yes it is possible. BUT The real bottleneck is, are we capable? Again coders do this as a hobby, this is nowhere a job or obligation to them. This might be a huge project that nobody is willing to commit to.
  12. While it is an interesting topic I am going to have to set my foot down. Baseless accusations of "OH THE CODERS FUCKING LOVE THIS" is not only very rude, but also plain out wrong. It doesn't have to be "loved" it is simply just the best option. I enjoyed ZAS more than I enjoy LINDA, but I know that ZAS also killed our entire server as soon as someone did plasma canister + welding tool. Keep the discussion on topic or this thread will be locked, it's pretty obvious that this is a giant salt mine for many, but understand that we, as a team running our server are not able to flick a wrist and make code happen. Our coders aren't paid programming graduates, most of them are self taught and do this as a hobby. Asking for something way beyond their abilities, then get angry because something is outside of the coders can't do it, is downright selfish and has no place here.
  13. Or you could ask the HoP for additional access.. Or the temp captain
  14. For the wiki, don't use in game "trials" to figure stuff like this out. You need to look through the code to find the overdose rates, most can be found here https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradis ... ts/newchem Look for "overdose_threshold" And "addiction_threshold"
  15. we're working on expanding and clarifying SoP, but it is a major task that needs to fit into the game we're trying to create.
  16. Blueshield doesn't need even MORE special snowflake job privileges. He can fetch a security hardsuit if he needs one.
  17. Which means all weapons you can see when you examine someone, which in turn means no weapons in your armor at all Going back to this, SOP has been updated to "All threats to the station have passed. All weapons need to be holstered and privacy laws are once again fully enforced."
  18. Actually SOP says any visible weapons. Which means all weapons you can see when you examine someone, which in turn means no weapons in your armor at all
  19. You're not supposed to chat, you're not supposed to talk to each other. This goes against the "as little as possible meta information to mentors as possible" and just makes more senseless spam for admins. There is a LOT more mentors online at times, 5 people talking on top of our existing logs would be very counter productive.
  20. It's just a prank bro! It's just a prank!
  21. There are some actual differences between the 3 damages, most notable are: Brute has the highest resistance on most armors, such as body armors, hardsuits etc. Burn damage seems to cause more pain damage than brute, if not then it should Toxin damage will not heal on its own, and you have no resistance to it, where brute and burn have armors that will take away some of the damage, toxin damage will always do the full amount unless treated Toxin damage can't be "externally" treated, you need to get pills etc to remove it, unlike brute and burn, where you can apply salve and bruise packs. This makes toxins harder to treat if you're alone with no access to medical (If you're a traitor on the run, for an example)
  22. You're all forgetting that blueshield is supposed to be a /bit/ better equipped than your average sec officer. Thats why he originally had a pump shotgun, because it gave him something unique, but he had to either have it on his person or inn his office with the taser to back him up. The revolver ranged instastun that can literally floor any antag, regardless of gear, it's not something I'd like more than one of, namely the detective's It's quite obvious that the blueshield players want to be the retired deathsquad major corporal lieutenant blueshield, but it is way above what they're supposed to be, and I get that a reality check that might nerf it back into what it was supposed to can sting, but it was bound to happen
  23. *Regen has tightened his grip around generic vulp 3* *Regen starts applying the electrical colar to generic vulp 3*
  24. Right now wizard fireballs are very hard to aim propperly, and usually ends with the wizard blowing both their legs off I suggest making the fireball spell do the same that disintegrate and petrify does, give them an in hand item which they can throw the spell from, making it so they can click where they want the fireball to go, rather than just wherever you're facing.
  25. Is this the epic battle to get the "nice Meme" tag?
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