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Everything posted by swordsith

  1. Well do keep in mind this could be a Borg job subset like the janitor or engineer one, which I would find more preferable than sitting around as a ghost
  2. I guess it would be like a surgeon with no patients, possibly "SSD" could be added to the crew monitor as a state and anyone who's clasified as SSD would be alerted to the *insert job name here* via i dunno PDA?
  3. Coding Difficulty: Simple (In theory?) Scope: The general idea is a new job would be implemented, similar to the coroner but instead of dealing with dead bodies it would be ones that are slightly less dead, The SSD. Now I wouldn't know what to call a job such as this but something simple i'm sure would do. This *insert job name here* would go around and collect bodies which are SSD, with some elated access (Not sure how you could balance the higher than normal access but i'll put some ideas in the Balance area.) and basically taking the SSD to Cryo or in special circumstances take them to their quarters. (EX: Captain) There could be a possibility of maybe having a goal for this job as to how many bodies were brought into Cryo. I would not assume any large or if any map changes would need to be made, the *Insert job name here* could just be spawned in the dormitories just outside of Cryo. Balance: I'll list this in a pro's/con's format providing some detail. Pro's. Ease of work for administrators dealing with people stealing / killing the SSD. More job spots! Mid Round. - This would help reduce the Greytide amount possibly 10-fold. Cleaner hallways and departments, we all know you're not gonna take that SSD person to Cryo, someone has to. Con's Ultimate Greytide with crazy access: the access would be of course limited and anywhere a SSD body was that they could not reach would require the help of a nearby person with access or the AI who would know if there was a body that needed to be cleaned. Some Resolutions and ideas on how it could be structured: The Job could be a Karma Paid job. The Job could have a similar wait time to the head's of staff, 30 day's i think, but it could be longer. (possibly bogging down on grey's who wont stick around long enough to get their hands on it) maybe could be assisted by a PAI or Robot dedicated to helping the *insert job name here* into places with the SSD but denying access to places that their is no need to go into preventing full blown godtide Now that i think about it you could probably just make it a job for Borgs but I've just spent the past 25 mins writing this so if you got this far take that into considderation also that this could just be added as a Borg job subset. Edit: Possibly could have a Loyalty Implant therefor making it a lot more punishing to do something out of character. Any Suggestions? i'll add them here:
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