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Everything posted by PinkJester

  1. Hiya guys, My CKEY is PinkJester, and I'm making my introduction like almost 3 years late. I started playing on paradise almost 3 years ago, starting with an old byond account with a CKEY of Antcolon3. Actually, I just recently had all my data and karma purchases moved onto PinkJester, because I used that account for everything other than SS13. My main character is a pink slime person named Dan Jello, and he's got a pink guitar as his fluff item. I won't say you probably have seen me around, but I often spend my rounds in the bar playing music. Dan Jello isn't much of a fighter, so if he got into a fighting situation he'd most likely be the one to suffer the most. To be honest, he would always avoid getting into a fighting situation anyways. I dunno what more there is to say about Dan Jello, So lets move on. I have a secondary character called Mr Bees, which is a Kidan I normally use when I'm looking for a little fun. He's normally a botanist, and the one responsible for the bees in botany whenever he's around. He's not a very serious character, but since the server isnt high rp, I use him occasionally. Since he's not a serious character, I would much easier find myself in a fighting situation than if I was playing as Dan Jello. I can be kind of a douche sometimes when playing as an antag, Bring it to my attention if you feel I shouldn't have done something and I'll make sure to try not to do whatever it is that bothers you again. Theres not much else for me to say, so I guess that wraps up my introduction. I hope to see you ingame! I probably typed too much lmao
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