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Everything posted by AzraelKnightquest
Here is fine. Hopefully, the Admins accept it. It'll be one step closer to making the server that much more awesome.
That's why you're awesome, Heady.
Well, in that case, why not simply make a hazard vest with a metal sheet on the front and back. I was simply hoping to make it simpler and easier for you. You're doing a lot of great stuff for, a lot of work I can't do. I wanted to be reasonable to someone who was helping a project I really believe in. But by all means, feel free to add whatever you like. I'm just trying to say, when it comes to making sprites, you're the ONLY ONE EVEN TRYING, the ONLY ONE INTERESTED and I am making NO DEMANDS, so anything is better than nothing for me, I'm grateful for anything. All to your standard and convience, brother.
5 pieces seems pretty reasonable to me, for the duct tape wallet.
You could also make it attainable from a YouTool. Just out of curosity, anything on the shiv? And again, what are your feelings on the makeshift armor with a symbol that's nothing but an armored vest symbol with duct tape on it? HONESTLY. Again, not wanting to make a super-armour or comparable to security or anything, just a BIT more than a heavy jacket or something.
I really like what you did! If I had to pick just one, I'd pick the first taped one. Taped wallet is great, lol. How many pieces of duct tape does it take to make it, do youthink?
That's fine, if nothing else just make it a glass shard symbol with the lower half looking like wrapped tape. That's what worked on other servers I've been on. What's your view on makeshift armor? On the other server, the symbol was virtually the same as the body-armor symbol but with patches of tape on it. It was NOT great armor, it was more of just "oh crap, stuff went to hell, better prep with whatever I have" type armor. The idea behind makeshift armor is "It's not good, it's barely above wearing a jacket in terms of gameplay but it's SOMETHING and it can be assembled very easily in the event of an emergency", not "let's craft stuff equal to security!". The idea is to be able to craft protection that is better than nothing or just clothes but FAR from anything significent like chaplain's crusader armor or security's body armor.
In that case, why make the glass shiv breakable? Don't get me wrong, I used one IRL before and they break fairly easy if you try to stab someone with it and they can break fairly easy with a slash, but then again, if we're talking realistically here, how many stabs to the head with a spear or slashes to the neck with a shiv does it take to kill someone? Takes more than ONE in the server. Wouldn't that justify not making a breakable shiv? RESPECTFULLY asking, got nothing but love and respect for you via your assist.
Well, thanks for working those hours! Very impressed someone did that! However, if you're going to make the shiv break, you'll have to recommend the same for a spear made with glass to be fair and balanced (then again, what about making it to where a spear with a kitchen knife instead of a glass shard? No change in anything, just make it do more damage and more durable). Ultimately, I think it's great but it's up to the bosses if it'll be implemented. THANK you though!
Yeah but the coders probably won't go for it. Again, I'm talking a crude knife. Really, think about it: A spear with a glass-end would probably only work for one or two strikes before the blade breaks.
I beg to differ. If you use the wielder to properly soften the metal and press it into a general blade shape for the majority of the length and it extends longer than what is classified the maximum length of a knife, you have a sword. It's crude but it works. Like I said, a CRUDE/MAKESHIFT sword. Throw some cable coil or something for a handle. To make it sharp, use a file or whetstone on the flattened edge of the blade. Also, do you think it should be a crude katana or crude claymore? Or maybe get to choose one?
I was referring to an improvised weapon that fires a modern shell. However, a hand cannon is more akin a pneumatic cannon only with gunpowder instead of oxygen as the propellant. "Crude" firearms are thousands of years old, but that only supports my argument of "We can craft shotguns but not a sword?", in that a crude/makeshift sword takes even LESS materials than a firearm and less time and less precision to craft. However, in order for that hand cannon to work, you'll need more than a match and a sealed tube with an open end. You'll need an appropriate fuse and you'll need gunpowder and appropriate ammunition. In short, you're making a ball-and-powder firearm from scratch. Also, since you're using it open end, you'll need to clean it afterwards and you'll need a sizeable portion of gunpowder to get a metal ball to fly any kind of decent range. An "improvised shotgun" would be a crafted weapon. That fires a shotgun shell appropriately. THAT is what is available in the game, THAT is what I was referring to and THAT is far more difficult than just, "Sealed tube with an open end". So, that leaves where you are going to get the black powder, the proper measurement of it, where you're going to get the appropriate fuse, how long it takes. REALLY ask yourself if you wanna be bothered with all that during a firefight. The improvise shotgun's FUNCTION is realistic, it's crafting something THAT complex so quickly that isn't...and crafting a sword is STILL easier than a hand cannon. If you think otherwise, please feel free to craft them yourselves. I assume NO LIABILITY for any injury or damage done by your actions, by the way. My argument is, you can make a sword out of metal. A wielding torch and metal and if you want it sharp, get a file of some kind to make it sharp. And you got a sword. A hand cannon? More complex, more difficult, more materials. Craftable, but nowhere near "easier than a sword". An improvised shotgun? Much more precision in crafting, many more materials (one of which is just LAYING AROUND) and more difficult to make overall. But somehow, very available. And personally, I would just like a sword. I can craft a buckler, why not a sword to go with it and some crud armor? While we're on the topic, when it comes to a HELMET, would you suggest a hat or ushanka with some metal and duct tape?
They have a hatchet and a spear, but I'd like a sword. Also, my father was a tinkerer. He could make knives and so forth out of scrap metal and 550 cord easy, long as he had a hammer, file and a wielder. I ain't seen a shotgun properly made. Last I checked (And I COULD be wrong, I only spent 9 years in the US Army as a Forward Observer, attached to both Infantry and Tankers, I also worked with S2 and S1 and S6 when i worked at the Battalion TOC, so you could very well know much more than me), making a proper shotgun ain't exactly easy. In fact, in the game, without the modular receiver (Which one round I found flipping FIVE OF THEM JUST LAYING AROUND MAINTENANCE!), you can't make it at all. When I attended a class on improvised weaponry prior to my second deployment in Iraq, someone asked the individual teaching it, a SFC with a special forces tab on his shoulder, about crafting handguns and firearms (As, maybe COMPLETELY DIFFERENT with your experience, but in mine insurgents were able to scrounge and find old mortars and rockets and even sometimes made makeshift rocket launchers we called IRAMs but we hadn't seen any improvised firearms yet) . It was stated that crafting a makeshift firearm would be far more difficult and require exact measurements to the ammunition, as well as exact pieces to make an even moderately tolerable firearm. And that crafting the shells would be a difficult process in and of itself, so most insurgents hadn't even tried as they prefered to make IEDs on the road, VBIEDs, suicide vests or just use old rifles and weapons left from previous conflicts in Iraq. I could craft a makeshift sword with a hammer, file and a wielder and some metal scraps IRL. Wouldn't be pretty, wouldn't be the best sword ever, wouldn't be the most amazing thing Conan the Barbarian ever had, but it would be FUNCTIONAL. Personally, you probably could do. It'd take a bit, but you could manage it. I severely DOUBT you could make a functional firearm without precise tools, materials and measurements beyond a toolbelt and metal. Personally, I think it would take quite a bit of training as well. But maybe you're vastly superior to me in this area of expertise, if so, please state how easy it is to craft a shotgun or handgun. I'm rather curious as the only method I know of, again, requires pipe of the exact diameter of the shell to be fired, cut to an appropriate length, along with certain parts to put together and craft a fairly complex firing mechanism to make sure and hit a nub that hits the primer at the end of the shell, thus igniting the shell and producing the desired effect of the gunpowder going off and propelling the round forward, all properly connected onto a wooden stock and frame with a proper trigger design. Perhaps you know a simpler method?
Guys, I love all your ideas for duct tape, I really do. There are a TON of things I think should be craftable (If you can make a friggin' shotgun, pneumatic cannon and shells and bombs, why the heck not a sword to go with the buckler?!) but I gotta say, I think only a few will do it and most coders are so swamped with suggestions, they prefer something quick and easy. I myself am trying to learn a touch of coding but it's going to be a while before I am anywhere near ready to do stuff for SS13. So don't get heartbroken if they only take a few suggestions.
i think the Duct Tape roll could be used for various other things, such as crafting stuff that I've seen in other servers. I think it would be useful and smart to borrow from these applications. Of course, WITHIN reason. I'm not expecting to be able to make a dang Gundam out of duct tape and so forth and I know that of course, there would have to be "balancing" done. But I stand by my belief and support of these ideas. Duct Tape + Tray = Makeshift shield Duct Tape + 2 knives + Boxing gloves = Knife Gloves (If you don't support this, Wolverine will get you) Duct Tape + Glass Shard = Shiv (one that DOESN'T cut your hand) 2 metal + Hazard Vest + Cable + Duct Tape and use a Wielder = Makeshift Armor (I'm NOT suggesting something on par with security armor) I believe Yogstation uses this and therefore the necessary logo's/symbols and coding should be accessible from there.
Well, I've posted it before but I'm gonna post it again HERE in the hopes that it gets some more noteriety as I got some support but it seemed to not get noted. I was thinking for a form of non-lethal combat, we could modify the Grab Intent abilities to make it possible to wrestle or use some Judo-like combat. Personally, right now it's "Shove, Grab, Grab Aggressive, Grab Neck, Strangle" if I'm not mistaken. I'd like to think that a shove should be recovered from quickly asit's just a shove. But I think Grab, Grab Aggressive then a third click should be Throw Down which could cause a moment of stun. Whenever I was doing Judo or wrestling, if someone threw you good and hard, you ended up with the wind knocked out of you for a moment. Like the Legsweep, but harder to do, as with Krav Maga gloves you just click and WHOOSH he goes down. In this case, getting three clicks on the Grab intent is often fairly difficult. Why not reward it with a throw down or takedown? No real DAMAGE, just puts them down. If clicked a FOURTH time, I'd like to see it PIN him, then strangle ONLY if clicked a FIFTH time. That way, instead of being forced to choke him or let him go so he can kill/attack you, you can just pin him and call for Security. Another option, would be the idea of the fifth click also being Body Part focused. That is to say, Strangle if your damage zone is focused on the head. If focused on the arm, make it an armlock that can, over time, break an arm. Sam ewith the hand. Leg. Body does nothing, perferably, so you can pick it if all you want to do is pin them. I mean, you got boxing gloves and you can punch in the holodeck lockers. You also have wrestling shorts and luchadore masks. Why not make a form of wrestling to go with it? For just flat out fun (And I know this is LEAST LIKELY but still) I think it'd be cool if we had some gloves or whatever that allowed pro wrestling moves. Example: Undertaker gloves allow you to do the Chokeslam, really just the Legsweep but called the Chokeslam and the gloves are black instead of red krav maga gloves. Throw in a Tombstone Hat and Trench Coat, you got Undertaker, lol. I could see something like that for the Chaplain or maybe in HoS's locker or in the Warden's spot or something like that. I think it'd be neat if the Tombstone Hat,allowed a Boo ability, like the lights flickering or dimming. Or anything else, like maybe making it so that the Wrestling Masks give the ability to do a Body Slam or Suplex or something that works like a Legsweep. I just think it'd be funny and/or fun, even if maybe they were hidden on the derelict station or something. Just suggestions, let me know what you think. Please LIKE it if you support any of the ideas.
I appreciate the support, Saul. I was also thinking maybe we could make it a TOUCH easier to grab them in the first place. It's VERY hard to grab them and pull something off easily if they can resist so quickly and almost IMMEDIATELY get out of it. I'm not against them being able to resist and break free of the grip (that's just a good thing to have) but in general, I'd like the idea of using a Judo/Wrestling form of combat to defend yourself easier. Hopefully, someone more experience like you, can recommend this to a coder that might be interested.
A good point, Valkuma. Hopefully, a generous coder will approve this as well.
In short, I noticed that the Grab intent is kind of like Judo or Wrestling for SS13. What I was thinking of, was a way to make it more effective as a fighting style for self-defense, WITHOUT being lethal. The main inspiration from this was due to the fact that, quite frankly, sometimes people like to push your character around or disarm and keep shoving you. Calling Security or an Admin for something so minor is, quite frankly, wussy and a waste of people's times. As such, I'd rather just stick up for myself and defend myself. The problem? Well, the Attack intent can do some hefty damage and no matter how much they provoke you, as long as they stay within the letter of the rules, you get an Admin upset with you or disciplining you for punching him too many times, to say nothing of swinging a crowbar at the guys face. I'd like to try ANOTHER method, one that DOESN'T have the risk of serious injury or killing the player but still stops him and maybe lets him understand that you aren't much for that kind of joking or pranking. 1. When you Grab and then Reinforce, you grab them Aggressively. Reinforce one or two times seems to throw them down on the ground, with you still grabbing them. If the person hits "resist" enough times, this can be a harder to do than most think. Why not make it to where if you throw them down from Grab Intent, it knocks the wind out of them and leaves them stunned for a pit? Or make the "Disarm" shove do far less, as most times when I got shoved, I was able to scramble back to my feet almost immediately. 2. When on the ground, if you reinforce, it seems to go STRAIGHT to strangling. Rather than make it go STRAIGHT to choking the opponent, why not make it to where it first pins them so you can detain them without harming them? THEN, if you reinforce Grab after that, THEN it starts choking. It'd work for stopping someone without the risk of eventually killing them or harming them. 3. The LEAST likely to get approved and of SMALLEST importance, but I thought it would be neat if, say, like when you Harm and your focus is on the head, your strikes or weapon is geared towards the head, focus is on the arm it's geared towards the arm, etc. Why not make it so that if your focus is on the arm from Grab, if you go on the ground, instead of CHOKING, have it TWIST his arm in a jointlock that damages the arm the same as if you had cut his hand or something, prevents him from using it so well, Focus on the LEG and it makes him limp or slow him down? Just suggestions, if anyone finds them interesting.
I was wondering if there was some way the White Space Ship could be given the option to fly to other places. Such as the Derelict Station (Also called the "Russian Station"). It would be awesome in my opinion if you could somehow get a whole bunch of engineering stuff on it, a few assistants with Engineering experience and tools then try to see if you could get it up and running. Or maybe get it to go to that DJ station. Also, concerning that crashed clown ship (which is awesome, by the way). Would it EVER be possible in ANY WAY to somehow make it to where you could get that thing back up and running then back at the SS13? Just the idea of the crazy stuff you could do with a fully operational clown ship and stuff....friggin' crazy. It would also just be easier to get the blasted banananium and tranquilliote (or whatever) ore out there. The bananarade is awesome too, just wish there were more of them. As well as the Clown Soldier clothes. Why not a honk-rifle and Mime Pilot outfit? That'd be fun too. Just some ideas to make exploring space a TOUGH more interesting and fun (in my opinion).