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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. When there's a war going on but there's 8 peacekeeper borgs during a nations round
  2. Brother, I require the oats
  3. The thing is. The station goals are very often either unfinished, or neglected. This would lead to an objective similar to the "steal a plasma tank/unused slime extract", that is, a ridiculously easy objective that may as well be free
  4. After some discussion, I believe this suggestion should be taken in a whole other direction: Instead of pretty much reviving the moth subtype PR, which died for legitimate reasons, make moth wings simply a cosmetic option for Kida, without changing the rest. This would, along with giving them more options in terms of personalization, fit the lore of the species, as it's clearly stated that some individuals can possess wings, though, just like their extra pair of arms, they are mostly vestigial, and serve no purpose for actual flight.
  5. Despite the kinda memey nature of the post (pls no bulli) I think Kidan subtypes would allow for more customization, and hopefully make an extremely neglected race even slightly more popular. I definitely support this.
  6. You can move the white ship. You just need to find the computer board, which is hidden on a certain space station. I'll let you figure that out by yourself.
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