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Everything posted by Jovaniph
Secborgs shouldn't be stronger than security officers, period. I agree with neca on this. Cyborgs are borderline NPCs and majority of them (except the round start one) are joined by those who are observing the round. Especially if the AI/Cyborg are rogue. There needs to be security officers that can put a stop to them if it does.
I don't care if action is not is taken, I just want to know that if I send the fax, I get a fax back that it is received. It's a confirmation that there is a GA paying attention and I'm happy with just that alone.
can you post a picture with a humanoid wearing them?
I'm not going to take the excuse that it's going to "add stack to the code" when there is so many parts of the code that already goes unused. If I were to make a PR about them, people would complain for improving it instead of delete it. All it does is gather dust. This isn't just for mute IC. This is for other things as well including blindness and even colorbindness! If I recall, being a colorblind vulpkanin allows you to see through the dark better and if they were to take mutadone, they lose that ability. To say that mute doesn't need to be mechanically disable is wrong. You can't scream, cough, sneeze loudly which the game forces you to do if infected or being bashed by a toolbox. In regards to dust gathering, this could be deleted (I didn't make those comments): https://thumb.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/_261c4a9a8ec07d6999be7e8f8b4ffc22-png.jpg
But mechanically I wouldn't have to do that.I don't see it being a problem if this type of feature was added to the game. It's just for roundstart disabilities and nothing else. Unless there is a legit reason, which I don't see any, then that is something that should be discussed.
So you're suggesting that I shouldn't have IC disabilities?
Well whether you see it or not. Why do you not want people to have the option?
Cloning is easily avoidable, just ghost away from your body is simple enough. As for opting all healing meds, that's pretty exaggerated. Mutadone on the other hand is more specific to a single medication. Let's look at two scenarios 1. We can continue to make the argument that if someone has a disability, they can be cured by mutadone plain and simple. This just makes disabilities useless even at round start. 2. We can remove disabilities from the creator, but people might lose their minds and reject that idea because "immersion and roleplay". Do you see the dilemma?
"Ohh your mute? why not take mutadone? It cures your genetic disease, guaranteed! It's almost a miracle!" This is more or less a personal suggestion. I don't think mutadone should be the cure all solution to someone's genetic problem. Space Kuru for example is incurable or being cluwned, etc. I had to write my IC's medical record to make a work around on why mutadone is bad for them. Other than that, i'm finding it very annoying that, that is the end all solution. Mutadone needs to have its limits. I'm proposing that an option is made in the Character Creation for those who wish to opt out having their diseased cured by mutadone. So if I myself decide to play my mute IC and someone feeds me mutadone, it won't work. In addition, It allows creatures like Vulpkanin to keep their color blind ability to see through the dark, etc. I think this would add a layer to RP, so someone like myself doesn't have to come up with an excuse on why my IC is mute.
Aren't shadow people technically players that injected themselves with slime juice? As for Golems. Anyone can kill them even without provocation. Why did you get bwoink? send an admin complaint. The rules aren't very clear. This is just another "spirit of the rule" scenario that kinda annoys me. The Administration really needs to look at this. I really want to know as well.
Paradise should continue to keep up with the MRP standards. To say that Paradise would lose lots of their current players is questionable and not totally true. Paradise took in the wrong type of crowd and I have to sit next to them regardless of how uncomfortable it is.. Hell, the server is just too big as it stands right now to the point that we are what? Semi-listed? If the administration has the backbone to enforce and encourage MRP, I would be right behind them. I join this server thinking and wanting MRP. I'm not about to bend over backwards for the wrong type of community.
Aright, I got the understanding that their won't be any jobbans. Now the only concern is just Station Goals in general which i'll leave keep the discussion here https://nanotrasen.se/forum/topic/11397-remove-station-goals/. There is still the concern of the IC direction. Is the NSS Cyberiad really and feel like Science Station? The second question is, why do I feel like even though we claim to be MRP, we generally lean towards LRP? To explain the second question a bit more. Based on personal accounts, I see just about more than half of every round I join are nothing more than a meme. I'm only viewing this during present time and I understand we are basically coming into the Holiday Seasons just about. I also understand that we are trying to make every round fun, but I believe that draws the LRP crowd in which some intend to stay and I'm hearing more and more claims that they don't come for the RP in general (mostly on discord). Once that happens you get a conflict of interest and it kinda messes with the balance with what we have, action and roleplay. Not "action or roleplay, it doesn't matter to us".
I'm only saying that, because it's highly possible given the direction the station goals has taken. Even when playing an Atmospheric Technician, I had CEs threaten to fire me because I refused to help build it. As long as it continues to be the duties of the Engineer to complete Engineer Station Goals, I feel like jobbans would be something that is likely going to be considered in the future unless the station goals are fixed.
You mean like a station where Department Heads has more control of their department than the Captain? That's honestly how it should be really. The Captain shouldn't be overstepping any department head on departmental decisions. For Example: If I play Research Director, I should have the final say about what goes around in my Department. The Captain still has power making big decision, but those decision should only reflect the bigger picture. Not micromanagement. It's too bad that the Captain tends to do whatever they want and if you go to ahelp it, the response you would get back is "Its an IC issue". The biggest and most obvious offense is when the Captain thinks he's HoS+
Maybe have magboots inside the lockers, yeah?
I agree with @DrunkDwarf. Research is more or less a memory game to try to max reseach in the shortest period of time. I suggested to remove station goals on this post here: https://nanotrasen.se/forum/topic/11397-remove-station-goals/ . It nothing more than a burden to the engineers and I believe that is why I stopped playing as one because I hate when someone makes a threat to fire me and I don't want to get risk getting jobban for something, that is in my opinion, stupid. Other than that, yeah. When I play, it doesn't feel like a science station. If it was, then we would of had more scientist than other jobs and the science department would of been bigger and have more stuff to do. The problem is that the argument of balance comes into play and I think it's a pretty weak argument given the fact that an assistant can take over your job behind your back. Such examples would be, a construction of a new medbay somewhere in auxiliary storage or someone putting a protolathe and other research components in the middle of the bar, etc. Its pretty LRP and it breaks the direction of what Paradise should be, MRP.
Here is an idea. How about we make it so that only a selected few are able to understand sign language, however those who are mute/deaf know it fully. As in out of 100 players, only like 5-10 would know sign language if selected during round start. In addition, If they don't get it, they lose the ability to understand/speak the other languages. As for those who are mute/deaf, they don't have to go through that same process.
Is the gateway a wormhole to another wormhole somewhere in the universe or in a whole new universe? Because if its in a different universe, where did the syndicate gear come from? I mean if It is a different universe, we can maybe have reskins on the gear you find on the gateway?
Name: Jovan Taru Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Vulpkanin Blood Group: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Scientist (Researcher, Medical) Atmospheric Technician Biography: Error: No records found. Please initiate record maintenance. Qualifications: 2555 - 2557 AD Fire Science Technology 2557 - 2558 AD Certified Pharmacy Technician 2557 - 2561 AD Certified Nurse Practitioner Employment Records: Fire Rescue: 2554 AD - 2561 AD Volunteer Firefighter Nanotrasen: 2561 AD - Current Researcher and Medical Assistant Atmospheric Technician (Part-Time) Security Records: [REDACTED] Medical Records: Warning, unauthorized access detected! Medical Record Clearance is required. Please swipe ID. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): ((WIP)) Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other/Important Notes: Not 100% Canon The profile WILL be subject to change I might just have it deleted
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He said/She Said
Jovaniph replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Security Officer's Union's General Discussion
Both the CE and Robonerd pretty much have access to the same resources. Lets start with the cries for help. What are the chances that the suspect playing the victim in the situation? It's almost uncommon. They are both in deliveries so I am assuming Cargo? If its Cargo, who is around? Are they alone or is their witnesses? What is the alert level at? You find the CE and the Robonerd is on top of them. Is the Robonerd fleeing? He has the CE in restrains. is he hurting him? Did you examine both their injuries (ie, He/she appears to have burns or bruises). What does it take for someone to craft a stunprod? Cable Cuffs... CE has Cables Cuffs in his bag. Did they make two by accident? If possible, check his toolbelt. Does he have any more cables? Do the same with the Robonerd in the same examination. Those are the questions that need to be answered. -
If you have a smart geneticist that doesn't just give syringes like handouts and understand how to make copies of multiple SE AND knows how to fix instabilities....Still makes the DNA not worth it. the instabilities can be fix so easy, its almost like you never had it in the first place.
overdose_threshold = 50 /datum/reagent/medicine/holywater/overdose_process(mob/living/M, severity) M.adjustBrainLoss(1) So something like this? This is just an example.
Yeah. Let me tell you right now...The DNA vault powers can be obtain by genetics as an alternative...Yes all of the abilities. Edit: The DNA vault is just not worth it.
Well there you have it folks...Removing Public Defender will not be a thing so try again next time.