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Everything posted by McRamon

  1. In case its necessary for hos to wear a space protection suit, there are plenty in EVA.
  2. Do you really mean to add anomaly cores and mechs as maint loot?
  3. Welcome to the THICC club
  4. Ah a man of culture as well! I love thicc skrell too
  5. Some experiments on captain design
  6. Uwu whats this~ Maybe i will add a thing or two later Excellent guides, Dreamy!
  7. Hell, if only i was not lazy and actually did the same... A man can dream Awesome sketches, good practice, i am saying this as an artist!
  8. more wetskrell to the god of wetskrell
  9. i am back! here is Mariya Sankinov, comission for @Rebel0
  10. I generally use this technique: What would i do? I am not antag in real life. Can i shoplift? Yes, i did that when i was a kid. You can compare it to stealing some meds from medbay fridge or insulated gloves from engineering. Would i, when bored, drive to nearby police station, ram wall and steal their guns? Certainly not. Neither would i go to clinic and steal last cancer treatment research data. Or poison food in grocery store. And so on. Anyway, while case described by tongoe is pretty clear, there are indeed situations which are not completely covered (super rare but still) server rules. And ahelp system helps greatly in such cases.
  11. Imho some stuff, even if its not one of traitor objectives, should stay grand theft. Highly dangerous stuff. Weapons, explosives, slime cores which may result in horde of angry monsters eating crew, and so on
  12. That would require quiet some balancing thinking, i am not even sure where to start
  13. Nothing is more amusing than a group of traitors lurking around station punching people in groin
  14. Well, everybody is aware of clockwork cult. And as far as i am aware, heads would love to see as much content as possible. But who is going to code clockwork? Thats the question. Also clockwork has nothing to deal with blood (and its basically fluff reskins), why would you replace a reskin with completely different antag? Clockwork comes on its own. If you make the clockwork/bloodcult interactions, it can easily be clockwork/death or clockwork/hell
  15. I like the palette!
  16. Hello and welcome! Dont forget to hit f1 and use mentorhelp for game mechanics related questions!
  17. I vote for 7, then for 2
  18. Who won? Did it end as usual?
  19. i once saw her as a Miss S, cyborg in my nuke ops team, looked fun
  20. So, sometimes onboard our station i meet a lovely borg named miss M. This character's design inspired me to make an art, so here is it
  22. holoparasite in action
  23. They will die if they dont activate helmet quiet fast
  24. I enjoyed, thank you for making this
  25. aaaaand (quiet a lot arts recently eh) Emily-7, ( @Christasmurf) lovely IPC. Maybe too much lovely Wearing new Nanotrasen Representative nanosuit (so this art is basically art of Emily and concept of some lewd clothes at the same time)
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