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Everything posted by McRamon

  1. more chibi for the chibi god
  2. ipc dont need to breath, they dont need survival kit at all. wires and welder? well you dont see trauma and burn kits in human box, do you? if any, a custom thing may be added, which is like emergency autoinjector, but for ipc.
  3. I support the idea of staffs and meathooks to be possession of a weapon. But overall aside from one or two times, i seen no mining impact on antag/crew balance. Blobs and xenos can be destroyed without any mining.
  4. unfortunately the most fun paperwork ive seen are against the rules to share
  5. Why you so nerd
  6. heeeeey, little art thing for fun. really fun
  7. Greetings! If you happen to have any questions regarding game mechanics - feel free to hit f1 and select mentorhelp! And adminhelp for other questions, like questions regarding rules.
  8. Well, we have specific rules that restrict something like this. If you see someone nonsec validhunting, you should report them to admins. And ofc there are certain valid antags (wizard, nukies, blob, demons) which are perfectly valid to be hunted by anyone, and i dont see any problems for miners to use gear from lavaland to do it effectively. Not like killing megafauna is easy enough for miners to storm maintenance in full gear 10 minutes into the round. Also restricting antags from using lavaland loot is also a bad descision. All the fun around lavaland is to bring loot to station. Also often miners share gear with sec or command.
  9. And right after liznerd here goes slimenerd, Vespa for @Cheeseman
  10. Damn, i was busy, finally got time to do fellow crewmember art. here is one for @CheekyCrenando, his friendly Srusu Rskuzu This time i explored some kind of "comics" style, love it
  11. this is very cool. only little thing that could be changed to make it the perfection - i would like the cap to be either blue (grey-blue), white or black. icon is awesome though
  12. Greetings everyone! Recently i was thinking about karma unlocks and what else could we add to the game. While I understand that there are a lot of things which are more important and have a higher priority, i decided it would not hurt to throw in my ideas, so here they are. It was quiet a big list of ideas, however i cut the least interesting ones, because the list was too big, and left the best of what I have, and made it as short as possible. First thing that comes to mind of everyone who thinks about new karma unlocks is fluff items. I have one idea for that - Medal of loyalty. 3 verions - for 10 years, for 25 and for 50 years of service. I think it would be cool to have each one being unlockable only if you have unlocked the previous one, so, if for example they cost like 5-10-20 karma, the 50 years medal would cost total of 35 karma, that way we wont see many of them around. I also imagine that if you add somehow a medal of loyalty to a specific character, that character would have his ingame crew record automatically updated to represent the fact that this person in fact is working for NT for over 10-25-50 years already. 18 years old catgirls with 50 years of NT work experience inbound Lets not linger for a long time on fluff items and move forward to my first big idea - the karma locked borg module. Now we move to another thing - secondary jobs. And the last thing is - new karma locked job. Here are my suggestions. I hope someone (especially coders and heads) likes them. You can post your suggestions or discuss mine. P.S. Sorry for all the grammar mistakes.
  13. The only problem i really see with karma system is not a big amount of karma unlocks. While it is really stupid to have million jobs and species, some minor karma lucked stuff would be good, like cosmetic items
  14. while there are certainly problems with karma system, its is because any karma system by itself can never be perfect. If i am correct, then the karma system is a system that rewards people for good, intersting or unique roleplay with interesting roles and species. So one player can be a good engineer ten, hundred, even thousand of rounds and never get karma because... well, noone notices him. And not because noone notices engineers in general, but because the person is... just an engineer. Of course certain jobs tend to get karma more than other, that is a problem, but even as an engineer you can renovate kitchen, build fun or interesting room, or just talk with people and involve yourself in RP. Karma system should certainly not be a grind system. While it has its flaws, its better the way it is. I think we need to improve it, not remake. Of course its only my opinion. If you have problems earning karma here are a few tips for the time being: 1 - get known. People tend to give karma to people they know. 2 - stick to jobs that require more interactions with others, like medbay, cargo or command. Especially medbay, since people sometime karma doctors who revive them. 3 - play pets 4 - do interesting stuff (like, as a chef, make a sushi restaurant, or build a pet shop as an engineer and sell kittens, goldfish and dogs), wear memorable outfit. 5 - be very robust as an antagonist
  15. A few useful tips: 1) in a box with oxygen tank and mask there is enough espace to add extra items. Good idea would be (depending on your race): splints and medications, welder and wires if you are an ipc, crowbar for power outage events. You can get very creative with it. 2) style is everything. If you are a generic looking officer with mask and helmet on green alert level, people outside of sec will less likely cooperate with you. 3) dont assume that after a couple of rounds you are a machine of justice, unstoppable and invincible. If you walk around maintenance alone looking for trouble, believe me, you will find it. A lot of people can kill you in a matter of seconds and nobody will even notice you dissapeared from crew monitor. Dont patrols dangerous places like maint with known vampires and lings or posdible cult base alone. Pair up eith another officer or two, security cyborg is even better option. 4) oh right, always set suit sensors to maximum! You can do it by rightclicking on your jumpsuit and selecting the sensor option. Even if criminals and punks can now locate you, it means nothing compared to whole security team and cyborgs being able to locate you and help. 5) lategame - as the time passes, there are more powerful tools available for you, especially at rnd. Things you really want - advanced energy gun (AEG) which is like taser, but also has third lethal option and recharges by itself over time, telescopic shield (will give you extra protection, basically like riot shield IIRC, but can be stored in your bag), magboots (so you dont get memed by breaches, also ask science guys for a "slime speed potion" , there is a chance they will give you one. Activate magboots and click with potion on them. Now any slowdown effects is removed, and you are always protected from slips and atmospheric problems (slime speed potion can be used on any other equipment like hardsuit or riot armor)). Different weapons, implants, tools and other useful stuff you can ask from rnd - there is too much to talk about, better play some science rounds to see what can be produced and how it works so you will know what to ask for. 6) bring at least two, better three pairs of cuffs with you. You never know. 7) as a detective you can use screwdriver on your revolver. Now it accepts lethal ammo from autolathe. Keep in mind - you need revolver to be empty from bullets before screwdrivering it, or it will just damage you in the process, and shooting with lethals has a chance of backfiring (instead of shooting, it will explode in your arm, it will damage you and force you to drop the gun) i do not recommend using it, if you need lethals as a detective (for example to fight wizard) better get a normal gun. But there is an option. update security records and add notes to arrested crew, dont be lazy. You can not even imagine how many times i have freely walked out of brig because officers did not communicate and did not have a full picture of my crimes. And i tell you, i was worth if not execution, then at least perma. 9) use screwdriver on stunbaton - it will drop out powercell. Ask science for a best powercell possible, and you might get infinite charge stunbaton. Or at least a stunbaton with extended capacity. Just insert new powercell in it, no need to use tools. Ultra, super, hyper capacity or bluespace powercell are what you are looking for. Charged slime core - infinite powercell. Thats all for now
  16. True, but... Most people will have same character, and if anyone had two different chars for antag and not, would you really know that? And is it really a bigger metaproblem than me as a hop announcing codewords roundstart and walking around with syndi balloon? Even right now, most of the time i play mindshielded personnel and if i am suddenly an engineer or a doctor - most likely i am a traitor. How many people had known that? I guess zero. Therefore i dont think that will make it any worse
  17. But.. it was used before the answer about instructions came in... I would issue no compensation in this case!
  18. I generally dislike borers as a midround event. I would love to see them reworked and becoming rotation antag, some sort of cult style. I understand that this is just the game and all, but i just cant understand how sometimes cute girl characters look at borers like how they look at fluffy kittens, when in reality they are gross slugs who enter your body through only god knows which holes. Being infected by a borer and then helping them reproduce by puking more borers from your mouth is like one of the most awful things that exists in the game. Anyway, i agree that they need to have some negative effect on the crew, so people would treat those disgusting abominations as they deserve to be treated. Antag-borer symbiosis is a valid option, tator can consider helping borer in order to benefit from its chemicals, however it must have downsides, so not every crewmember would allow themselves to be infected like it is right now.
  19. Yeah i am up for "if antag is rolled, you get certain character" I think there should be an option that allows you to choose one of your character for antag preferences. So i dont have to choose between trying to get an antag and playing my nonantag character. It will also allow to get cling or vamp even if you selected ipc character for roundstart.
  20. Problem is, 9 out of 10 times people would ride their metafriend cyborgBaround station shouting WEEEEE WOOOOO
  21. Imho too memery and will not benefit good rp
  22. I think if a person gets warned, in 99.9% of the time there is no need f.or invisible note, for example "1.3.37 69:69 pm was warned for attacking ssd", there is no real reason to make it invisible, imho. In rare cases, where admin wants to add a note with some sensitive info so it should be invisible, i see no problems with adding two notes, visible and invisible. If a person does not get a warning and a note is like "looks like a person is borderline selfantagging, keep an eye if such behavior continues", there is no problem with a note being invisible
  23. update on sprites. this idea is getting coded, lored and sprited, so any ideas and suggestions are appreciated.
  24. current sketches of sprites
  25. Its impossible, such fashion has to have its downside, in favor of balance
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