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Grey Tider

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  1. 1) SS13 is in space. We spend most of our time in space. But not OUT in space but within closed walls. What if we were given 1x1 space ships to travel and explore as a new custom job? One will have to construct a ship with the sole purpose of space exploration for research. These explorers do not have weapons as they are not fighters but researchers. 2) Magazines for taser/laserguns/eguns so that no one has to hoard all the guns for any reason. 3) A paramilitary group hired by NanoTransen for the station. Just like ERT. These guys are handpicked by the admins via application. These guys do not jump into station anytime they want. In fact they are strictly not allowed to enter the station unless given authorization by the captain and for good reason. They only handle real threat like Nuclear Operatives or a death squad. They can be considered as a go to guys if ERT is not enough. 4) Game Mode: Faction wars. Not bullshit "Nations". Legitimately build your own faction, research your weapons/armor/technology. Build your own station. Actual politics, wars and power. A game mode only via admins. Ends with admin's judgement too. 5) I love the medbay layout. I wonder how the rest of the departments would look if the same treatment was given.
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