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  1. In late july of last year or something like that, a pair of my friends were bugging me about trying "this space station game" Telling me it's "really indepth, you'll love it", and after a while of boredly sitting in teamspeak talking about goofy things at four-five in the morning, I cave and eventually download Byond, then join the server. They gave me the briefest rundown of what to do and what to absolutely not do, and directed me to the rules, then after observing for 5 minutes and thinking "this is retarded how can anyone play like this" (I didn't understand ghostears/ghostvision) a new round starts and I join as a miner. After learning the UI pretty quick, and figuring out mining to the point of going outside and picking up ores for a while on the east asteroid, I came back with not much and got yelled at by the QM, then went to wander around the station. I went over and checked out the medbay, and some guy in chemistry got my attention "Hey Gabe" he says (first character name), then asks "Want something to do?" to which I respond "Yeah of course." (now what I didn't know here is that this chemist guy was one of my two buddies and he knew what I was doing.), he gives me a beaker of 100u krokodil, a dropper, and tells me to go put it on food, now it didn't quite click with me what krokodil was at the time (nor was I aware of it's connection to the real thing), and tells me it's got some other good stuff in the beaker, and to just go put it on the food, which I do for a while and that ends up really messing with people. (there was this one Vox who got addicted and ended up going to the medbay and getting told "sorry, we don't know how to fix you..." and he just sadly responded "okays..." and went back to gib in the kitchen or whatever krokodil does at the end of withdrawal, which broke my heart) Eventually, my friend decides that this wasn't stupid enough and PDAs me to come back, and asks "would you like to just inject people with this? It'll be faster", this still being before I realized what I was doing, I say yes, so he gives me a syringe and a spray bottle of ethanol and neuro-toxin, which I spray people with which little to no effect, and end up in the library spraying the librarian. While in the library, the detective shows up and asks "what the fuck are you doing" so I go over and spray him, he tells me to stop, I spray him again, he tells me "seriously, cut that out", I spray him a third time, and he tells me "okay listen bub do it again and I'll arrest you", so I cut it out, then he goes to light a cigarette, bursts into flames, I panic and run to hide on mining. In this time, I mention what just happened on teamspeak (still unaware the other two were actually in the game, but knew that we shouldn't be in voice comms discussing a round.) and they both burst out laughing, then the chemist explains his part in it and that he's actually playing, and how mad the detective probably is and that I should REALLY avoid him. Anyways, ten minutes of hiding in a locker later, I come back to mining and get shot six times by the upset detective, taken to the brig, and explain that "I had no Idea what was in the bottle, the chemist just told me to do it", and end up dodging brig time, my buddy gets arrested, and he passes the buck on the other chemist (who totally got murdered earlier by something completely unrelated) and manages to dodge brig time too. All five people in the teamspeak channel (myself and four others who've played space station) were cracking up about this for a while.
  2. Rev is like TDM in older arena shooters when the server host was a shit and turned team balancing off, so there'd be 9 versus 2, and the game became really unfun real quick. In all seriousness though, Rev'd be more interesting if yoloflash was something you couldn't do, as it stands, you can just convert a third of the crew in five minutes, then fight the underequipped security who are actually expected not to just wipe out the revs with lasers and such, while the revs will just zerg and kill them. And the game's decided in the first 15 minutes.
  3. Goofy flow chart aside, I'd like clarification on what to do with changelings. Like, if a changeling's actively stinging people in processing and being a shit, but the Captain/magistrate's dragging their feet, does this come under the deadly force clause "Severe Personal Risk"?
  4. Contrary to popular belief, I personally think disablers are way better for borgs than a taser would be, simply for the firerate and spammability. With a high cap cell, you can fire a disabler like 140 times, and seeing as it only takes four to drop a guy, it's pretty nice. Also, pepperspray'd be pretty spectacularly niche, seeing as it's primary use is being a short range stun weapon that can't be used against you, but as a borg, none of your tools can be used against you anyways. I don't play any of the other roles as much to know what's really good for them, though, but I know I love all of the janiborg's things.
  5. No, that's just irresponsible sec officers.
  6. Wow, I actually didn't expect "Officer Clusterfuck" (No offence meant.) to step forward and take responsibility for that. Anyways, this sounds like a magnificent series of events, nice.
  7. You are aware that disablers don't effect borgs right? They do stamina damage to people and are basically spammy, infinite range tasers that take a couple hits to stun. There's only three ways to "stun" a borg without antag specific powers, EMP, Flash/flashbang, and the computer that only roboticists, the Captain, and the Research director can actually use. And seeing as a flash is basically a stunbaton but for borgs, it's certainly not insane. And to answer Sothangel, AoE flashing with a flash won't actually stun a borg. A real way to nerf flashes/buff borgs (without making them unbeatable) would be to not make it unequip all your modules when you get flash'd, so you do actually have a chance to fight the flash stunlock if you get loose of it for a few seconds.
  8. Aight. As mentioned, that was only a "If it's not too much trouble" request, which it doesn't seem to be.
  9. That sounds like a fantastic solution to that, actually. Just as long as the AI looking takes priority, so if both are looking, you can see that the AI is looking (As it's generally more likely to screw you over than A pAI at the edge of the screen.
  10. I'd love to have a PR made up for this, but with one request. (If possible, and not a massive amount of work) Blacklist the two cameras inside of the AI core. I feel like if any cameras on the station would practically never fail, it'd be those, considering how low-traffic the AI core room is.
  11. CTRL+ Movement key to move continuously in the direction you initially started moving in, perhaps?
  12. I was the actual HoP in the referred to round, and I can only respond with one thing. ahahahaa ahahaha ahahahahahaah ahshwrhgedrftgh What was being done by the stand-in HoP was more than a little excessive. You can give *some* silly titles, but they'd taken it just a little far.
  13. It's my understanding that this is supposed to be more like an internals box for IPCs than an actual medikit standin.
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