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Everything posted by Bantasia

  1. Make Paradise look like Paradise On the right is the east security maintenance tunnels and on the left is the same tunnel. This is what I have in mind when I hear "paradise station".
  2. Coding Difficulty: Custom Map and Custom Antagonist Scope: Minor Gui change, adding a new structure possibly to an existing map, and creating a custom round type with antagonist Information: During the holy council round, there are seven players selected to be antagonist. They are like traitors, but, they don't get to pick what they have, however, they get to customize themselves a bit. Each member of the holy council has the spell open door, long jump, and the last one is their choice between polymorph, xray, fade into shadows, and a few other mutations, giving them a total of three abilities. They all get a light saber of different color. Six of them get black robes while the final one gets a golden robe. They all get to sit and spectate the station in a round table kind of manner, talking about what they are going to do, but, they have a teleporter that only works once every ten minutes and teleports them to a random location in the station. The door open is able to open even bolted doors. Before the teleporter can even be used, the chaplain gets a message from the holy council that they will be assassinating him for worshiping false idols. The chaplain has ten minutes to warn the crew. Objective: Assassinate the chaplain and a few other randomly selected crew members
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