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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. As Earth said, mech weapons are gated through what can equip them; primarily the Gygax and the Durand; both of these require a decent amount of resources from mining before these are up and running. Additionally, the ranged stun rework dramatically limits the effectiveness of the most commonly used mech weapon; the triple-burst Ultra AC 2. I'd rather not relegate mech weapons to sec or traitor only, especially given the amount of time you and mining has to invest to even build one; likewise, if someone can manage to get something crazy like a Phazon built during a Rev round and kill the heads of staff with it? More power to them. We hardly ever have problem with people griefing or abusing mech weapons---with one exception; the damn HONKER blast (and that problem is primarily because of "Clown Planet"'s easy access to virtually unlimited amounts of bananium).
  2. Sure thing! I take no credit, at all for any of this as my original idea; it's just been a known thing that we've been importing features from /TG/ for quite a while now (a process my predecessor started more than a year ago). I do apologize if it came across that this was any of my own original work. Will definitely edit it to make it more clear. In any event, good to see you on the forums!
  3. Open source+puzzles/secrets = solved the day after it's released--sadly.
  4. Kinda a double-edged sword, sadly. Organ durability was increased by 17% so this should be happening a bit less,but the fact of the matter is--how Baymed's bone breaking system leads to situations like this...and, quite frankly, there's no easy solution. -Nerf mobs damage: then they'll pretty much tickle and be of no point/purpose/challenge to fight--even then, they're still going to break bones in extended fights -Reduce pain damage from having broken bones: basically reduce/elminate the pain from having a broken or having a limb missing...downside is less realism and it also pretty much means that the only downside to broken bones is the "you feel bones moving in your !" which makes you take extra brute damage. -Disable broken bones completely: This is actually super easy to do as it's a configuration option in server setup. It would require the least amount of work, but ...I'll be honest, despite the fact I hate how wounds on Baymed are handled, this is just...I don't know. I think it's better overall, for game balance, but I don't personally feel super comfortable with this option; it also effectively means surgery will be relegated to limb replacement, organ failure, xeno removal, and brain transplants. If the community really wants this, it can easily be done, but it does effectively relegate surgeon to a minor role. The good news about this solution though is that we can disable bone breaking without removing dismemberment. It also means weapon+explosion damage will be far more consistent. I will say this though, Baymed is rapdily approaching the point where balance with combat will be nigh impossible (this is already a problem with broken hands) due to having so many organs+tissue layers--I know they plan on implementing dislocation and long-term scarring soon.
  5. Wasn't making that argument--merely demonstrating the nature of tasers if someone is going to make that argument.
  6. Ideally I'd like singulo and explosion lag gone, as well; getting a new GC slotted in will help immensely towards this; ZAS will still be an issue, but that could potentially be tackled, too. Just a matter of effort, time, skill, and knowledge of the code, really--ours and others.
  7. Autodrobe jackboots are still in--there's a single pair; it was only the jackboots from the shoe vendor that were removed. One person running around and potentially blurring communication of jobs is ok, but 11? No way.
  8. If you're aiming for realism---this is changing. Currently there are real life "stun slugs" that are fired out of specialized taser shotguns. These taser based slugs are completely self contained, meaning there is no need for wires and you can load a new shell into the chamber as easily as you could a regular shotgun. Given this is the year 2550ish, it's not unrealistic at all to imagine that taser technology has advanced to the point where regular tasers utilize a self-contained projectile as well (and even some current tasers have 3 shots) . That said, "ICly" though, tasers are energy based weapons--so it's a bit of hand-wavery--just like laser guns are.
  9. Jackboots are distinctively unique item mostly due to their clomp clomp sounds; if they didn't have this, then I would have left them in, but everyone running around with jackboots blurs information communication to players (yes, I realize that there's still a pair in the autodrobe--but it's only a single pair, as opposed to 10). Psych was removed because it's horrendously visually distracting and hard on the eyes; it's the same reason that I didn't include the green sombrero in the autodrobe update--it's visually distracting and annoying (For other reasons; it spills out onto the tiles next to the person wearing it). Either case, all but two items have been restored, and the autodrobe has even more things in it now and the clothing vendor (new machine) has something like 35+ new clothing pieces in it. We're set for "customization" for quite a long while.
  10. Disabler does currently slow as well as stun, so there's really no need to be proccing a double-slow--that was one of the problem with the pain/HalLoss weapons that effectively meant that once you were shot once, even if you weren't stunned, you were pretty much out of combat for a very very long time. Secondly, I don't want to have cold damage deal stamina damage instead of burn damage--long term goals are to fix cold damage (it's currently bugged) so it's an actual mechanic again--and possibly see a return to making space cold; cold damage = stamina would not only defeat this purpose, but lead to a lot of annoying situations where someone is stun-locked forever, but not dead/dying--which was one of the most annoying things about the "hostile environments rebalance" patch we had about 3-4 months ago.
  11. And then telescience happened. This is just a bad idea; again, there's already ~FUN~ things you can do with the training bomb if you want to risk getting it.
  12. I'll just leave this right here: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/124
  13. Too easy, too cheap, and not enough skill involved in doing this. Syndicate bombs are size 18 (max explosion size is 24) and you'd only be spending 6 TC for it as opposed to 11TC---not only that, but you can continue to do other stuff with the emag even after you've messed with the bomb. There's other ~FUN~ stuff you can do with the Training Bomb though, if you're smart.
  14. This to an absolute T. It was decided a very long time ago on Para (back around October/November of last year) to open up antag knowledge to everyone; it makes it more of a game of cat and mouse and playing human psychology off of itself rather than following a rule in the sky that says you have to behave like X in a given situation because of roleplaying. Yes, this does lead to some powergaming in some situations, but as Earth said, you can easily exploit this--A story worth mentioning is where the nuke ops mentioned a blue APC before cutting comms then promptly murdering the AI--the entire crew started storming the AI satellite in attempt to kill the AI while the nuke ops slipped onto the station, killed the Captain and quickly armed the nuke. There's still roleplay in this situation, but it generates a LOT of exciting tension and gameplay that keeps things exciting for both sides.
  15. As a few other have pointed out, it just requires a bit to adjust to; you're not longer a walking armory, but you still have more than enough slots to hold all your necessary equipment. If you're concerned about code green, you really shouldn't be; there's no restriction on wearing armor or helmets at any code level; it's recommend at code level blue, but it's by no means barred at any security level (likewise, even if it were not allowed it's largely a non-issue as the security level is always elevated to blue at 1-2 minutes in). Armor itself is capable of holding a variety of guns (this includes advanced tasers!) ammo, or even a telebaton. A sec belt has 5 slots; you can easily fit your baton, pepperspray, flash, seclite, and police tape here--sec light really isn't even a "must have" considering you have a PDA light and your baton is better for bludgeoning things. If you don't take the seclite (or pepper spray), then that's 2 slots for flashbangs or handcuffs. You still have two pockets, which allows for more handcuffs or flashbangs. Then there's your backpack, which, if you take the evidence bag leaves you with 5 additional slots to utilize for whatever they like--evidence/contraband, more flashbangs, more handcuffs, a laser/energy gun, or some even some delicious frosted donuts. Five completely free slots is a lot when you're already the most well-equipped, heavily armed, and heavily armored job on the station (and you can expand it further by utilizing techniques already listed in this thread). Even the Syndis weren't as slot efficient as officers were before this nerf came along--and they're damn slot efficient due to their nature of being 5 vs 20+. Officers have enough equipment and slots to effectively deal with what their job entails; to protect the station and deal with lawbreakers---they're not meant to be a paramilitary force inhabiting the station. As for consulting with individuals: I consulted with Dave on this one as he is, by far, the most security experienced admin that we have--he was completely in favor of them and had recommended them in the past. As for changelog--life can just get busy sometimes: Regens primarily tries to update the changelog, here on the forums, the absolute best he can, but we all have lives outside of SS13 and we just get busy sometimes. I made a post on the changelog that links directly to the github--when any of the coders makes changes in PRs, we do our absolute best to document the changes; the security belt nerf+webbing was documented here, in this PR: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/2 If you'd like a more up to date change log, then I'd recommend reading closed+merged PRs (purple icon) as they're more "on the pulse" of change: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradis ... s%3Aclosed
  16. I wouldn't count on Bay to do this--they don't even have a garbage collector yet; I'd guess VG will likely be first with TG following suit later.
  17. False is absolutely correct in everything he has stated. I'd also like to add that this is a completely new system and should be considered "alpha" state--as such, it will be subject to changes in the upcoming days/weeks--electrode range may be going down further, electrode cost may be increased, disabler shots may be cheaper---but we do have the ability to granularly control each of these stats, quite easily now (before, we didn't). This is a step back from the instant stun system we had, but is actively trying to avoid some of the problems brought up by the previous HalLoss/paincrit system. This very well may happen, and my knee-jerk reaction is that tasers are probably going to need nerfed a bit and disablers are going to likely need buffed a bit. We'll have to see how this plays out; a lot of stuff changed in relatively short order (even when we had Pain/HalLoss, for example, Nukies still had instant-stun bullets), and we'll have to see how all the pieces fit together and play off against each other first. I will say this though, someone who's running around like a maniac is a lot harder to take down with a taser now--the range of 7 seems like a lot, but when you factor in that they're traveling away from you, that range isn't quite impressive. Again, I can't stress enough, that these numbers are subject to change and will be changing in the future.
  18. This patch/rework is not of my original creation/thought/design; it was designed by Paprka, who often codes for TG--his Github profile can be found here: https://github.com/paprka If you see him around be sure to give him a thumbs up and some thanks! A patch was recently published which reworks the nature of ranged stuns---let me make it clear, melee based stuns are completely unchanged; the stun baton is still an instantaneous stun that will not miss. What's Changed for Ranged Stuns? First off, a number of ranged stuns now have a distance limitation on them--when a projectile hits its maximum range it will fizzle and disappear -Taser shots have a range of 7 -Crossbow shots have a range of 10 -Ninja Stars have a range of 7 -40mm grenade launchers now have a range of 7 Secondly, this stun update largely utilized the new Stamina damage type; I'll copy-paste an explanation I've given on it before: How does this factor in? The "disabler" projectile that was previously used by the Disabler gun is now a beam (meaning it will pass through glass); it deals 36 Stamina damage per hit This disabler beam will be utilized on a number of weapons, namely the new Advanced Taser and Energy Gun. Advanced Taser? This is a weapon that replaces the regular taser; it has two modes; stun and disable. Stun is your typical mode just like it was before; it fires a projectile that, if it hits, will instantly stun the person for 5 seconds. The other mode is disable, which will fire a disabler beam that will take 3 hits (or less if they have higher damage) to stun someone. You'll get 5 taser shots or 10 disabler shots (or a combo of the two). Again, keep in mind that taser projectiles fizzle after 7 tiles, effectively meaning that the taser is almost completely worthless if you're chasing someone; for closer ranged arrests, it's as effective as its always been, but for long range or chases? You're going to have to rely on the disabler to take someone down. In conjunction with these changes, Advanced Tasers will be significantly harder to come by; there's only 5 of them on the map; 3 of them are in the armory, one is in the Warden's Locker, and one is in the HoS's locker. How can an officer get a hold of an advanced taser then? Simple; Officers and Warden (and customs+sec pod pilot) all spawn in with one in their suit storage slot; this will strongly curb the amount of tasers in play and force officers to consider relying on their disable beams more than their instant-stun projectiles. Energy Guns Energy Gun These no longer fire electrodes/taser shots; they fire a disabler beam or a lethal laser; 10 laser shots or 20 disabler shots Advanced Energy Gun This is unchanged and will fire electrodes/taser shots and lethal lasers as it is a high end R&D item. Pulse Rifle Unchanged; it's meant to be broken and overpowered as hell---duh. Overall this prevents insta-win scenarios by the semi-common energy gun; you can't just tase then laser someone to death; you're going to have to shoot them with a disabler a few times to knock them out, reducing both its lethal potential usage against a lone target and dramatically reducing its combat effectiveness. Bullets Most bullets now deal stamina damage in addition to their regular damage instead of just out and out stunning; Detective's revolver will stun in two shots and the C20r will also stun in two shots; the Barkeep's shotgun will now require three shots to bring someone down. Stunslugs, however, will remain an instantaneous stun, though it will be accomplished by utilizing stamina damage in conjunction with regular damage as opposed to just directly weakening your target. In either case, I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that's largely the ranged stun rework.
  19. You can make things with it--like ED-209s, medbots, etc. It's currently the only way to make tech shells. It's pretty much already complete, as is, just no one uses it because it's not well known.
  20. My biggest concern with TG drones isn't from a drone army--it's just day to day drone operation--the ability to pick up items and utilize themselves is rife for abuse, and we have enough problem with drones, as is; that said, the fact that they have to be created rather than as a free respawn mechanic might curb this, as well. I dunno; it's neat, but I get really bad vibes about it when I know what they can do.
  21. It's fine; it's an unclear name for the proc.
  22. Mute isn't just "mute" though; code-wise it disables anything that has to do with communication. You can't emote at all, you can't make custom emotes, and you can't talk--don't really see why you should be able to point if you can't even emote.
  23. You...you forgot your most important character! The one that enjoys eating poison apples that Fox created before claiming "delicious" then collapsing in a pool of her own vomit--only to re-awaken and repeat the process. Darn it, what was that character's name? Usually was seen in R&D. In any event, welcome back, so glad to have you here again! =3
  24. Generally agree; likewise, people who are silenced (via mute-toxin, changeling sting, cult talisman, etc) probably shouldn't be able to point either. It's pretty lame when someone would otherwise completely ignore a target doesn't purely because the person is spamming "point" as fast as they can.
  25. I'll make this very clear. I have a generally good relationship with the Goon community and even a few Goon coders--I have nothing but respect for them and think they've done more for the SS13 community than anyone realizes or would ever admit--while I might disagree with their opinion on keeping Goon closed source or shutting down people who attempts to implement act-a-like stuff, I never the less respect their ability to do so. I absolutely will not be implementing any of their stuff without their express permission. If they want to allow us to copycat them? Sure, I'm for it--if they want to gift us code we can use? Absolutely for it--but I will not be stealing or utilizing their code without their express permission.
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