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About Desolate

  • Birthday April 20

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Miner (2/37)



  1. Basic mining lasers no.. but the mining lasers yes, and the upgraded mining laser can strip that asteroid. However the R&D requirements for any of those means it's pointless to make a mining pod by the time it's researched.
  2. Mechanic has access to the Orm and a notification board yelling them when new minerals arrive. Get there first. You are just as entitled to the Ore as science is. So is the bartender.
  3. It's all good. Keep the suggestions coming!
  4. Borgs and drones have laws they have to follow. Also I can guarantee any sort of stun or shock is a no go.
  5. What went through Dreamy's head when her geneticist polymorphed into a Vulpkanin version of her?
  6. Sorry Lassh, but no thanks.
  7. Reduce the cost to Enthrall. 300 is ridiculus.
  8. Well, that's what I mean though Tully... I mean, you look at geneticists not following SoP, and 9/10 times they're not punished for it, let alone told about it. No enforcement or mention of guidelines would kind've make it redundant to have lines in it right? Genetics is the one's supposed to be manning the cloning, that never happens, no one ever does anything about it, so does it need to be in the SoP at that point?
  9. One thing that I generally notice... Geneticists never follow their SoP. Actually, most engineers don't either. They'll just grab their tools, a hardsuit, and go start on random crap.
  10. What, don't want to see an influx of new players take off their plasmamen suits?
  11. Just going to state.. scientist only antag item? I'm pretty sure science doesn't need more ways to Powe game than they already have.
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