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  1. Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? I can't beat the shit out of you with a toolbox getting closer. Oh ho ho. Then come as close as you like!
  2. The 5th pillarman has been found
  3. Or just don't come over here. In fact, why don't you all just stay as far away from this thread as possible instead? How about that? That seems fun.
  4. Is that a tyranid or a zerg?
  5. 5 What do I look like to you? Some kind of original poster?
  6. Instructions unclear dick stuck in toaster 6
  7. Literally who?
  8. Ew what the fuck is that? No joke? No pun? Nothing? Just.... 3? That's just so.... fouring
  9. I don't see anything TWO wrong with it
  10. What do you mean "Not everyone knows morse code"? Did you even go to school?
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