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About AceWhite27

  • Birthday September 23

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Chaplain (7/37)



  1. 4 Cargo Techs revolting, guess Security going to have to deal with Cargonia.
  2. Goddammit, someone had to ruin the fun didn't they.
  3. Well, at least someone one from that.
  4. Finally, another fourth to rival.... The Lusty Xenomorph Maid (sorry kids you had to hear that name again)
  5. No keep going, maybe if we lewd this they will let us get past 2!
  6. Fifteen men try to take Cargonia head-on. Fools.
  7. 3 crates spaced, goddammit Techs.
  8. Name: Rhemus Miller Age: 80 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role: Chaplain Shaft Miner Biography [ONLY ACCESSED BY NT REP AND CC]: Qualifications: Excels in sermons and prayers Mining Equipment knowledge Employment Records: CURRENT JOB AVAILABILITY Chaplain (Preferably, has a high connection to religion) Shaft Miner (Apparently has relevant training and knowledge of equipment, when asked how, he doesn't reply) PAST JOBS N/A Security Records: PAST CRIMES N/A Medical Records: PAST INJURIES N/A PROSTHETIC LIMBS Right & Left Arms and Hands Mechanical Right & Left Legs and Feet Mechanical Cybernetic Eyes and Ears MENTAL STATUS When approached by a Psychiatrist, he is distant. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A person who is older than Christ is standing here, he has long light grey hair, pulled into a ponytail, grey, almost dead eyes, and a long scruffy beard, he is constantly mumbling, and all you can decipher from it is he is asking for forgiveness, probably lost his marbles....... You notice his cybernetics are dented, wires sticking out and entire sections removed. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Arms, Legs, Eyes and Ears were surgically removed by a professional, it is unknown by who. Prosthetic are custom made for a purpose, but can't determine due to heavy damage and purposeful removal of key parts, assumed to be removed by Rhemus. Name change may have occurred, or records were deleted manually.
  9. Well then, time to go for twenty-TWO I imagine.
  10. Well, now we are back at one.
  11. "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE" - Someone, from something I can't fucking remember.
  12. But one can only go to two once, as when one goes to three its kind of stupid.
  13. RIP, another one bites the dust ...
  14. Well, that was shit, one.
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