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Eagle982 last won the day on April 13 2024

Eagle982 had the most liked content!

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Sorry for the late response, I haven't played in some time. I like this strategy a lot, but can you explain the locker thing in a bit more detail?
  2. If it's not obvious to you Norstead, I've been RPing my character to have a fixation with Natalya which started when, as Captain, I started losing my shit on comms when Natalya accidentally got spaced by an uncalibrated teleporter.
  3. Eagle982


    Welcome to the server. I'd love to have a pAI some time when I play blueshield, we ought to link up. The trash talk is because of the furries, as MajikSkooma said, but they're way less common than the subreddit makes them out to be and the ban on ERPing is heavily enforced by admins.
  4. Sir, it would seem I've been living a lie. Thank you.
  5. Why is it that Tajarans and Vulpkanin, non-karma races, have bigger benefits than a karma race like Unathi?
  6. I was one of the officers who responded to this. I never learned what the det's motives were.
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