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Everything posted by Slojanko

  1. When a player reproduces there is a slight chance that a ghost will be automatically placed into a slime. Same goes for when the players offspring reproduces, even if they are NPC's.
  2. Currently if a player slime reproduces it creates new baby slimes - With a catch. Ghosts will be randomly popped into slimes. And thus they would start attacking crew and reproducing themselves. Turning the round into a chaotic mess. I suggest that if a player slime reproduces then ghosts shouldn't be able to spawn as a slime. They should be NPC only. Thus they are more easily managed and this can have some beneficial aspects for the crew. Like Xenobiology. Players could reproduce and increase slime production for them. Please consider this suggestion. Thank you.
  3. Slime people take bone damage. Which is a little disappointing. I've yet to get organ damage though. So that's nice.
  4. Perhaps you could code it so Diona Nymph's heal in sunlight, very slowly? Would be helpful, I like playing as Nymphs, They get up to mischief and people love having them as pets they can wear! Plus It's fun how Unique it is, They are intelligent creatures with the same rights as animals. Good roleplay to be had, that could be extended with some method of health regen.
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