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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. They should atleast be not able to open the borg cover and remove the battery. And i mentioned it, maybe flash disables weapon systems but not movement, or slows you down.
  2. Maybe it should be reformulated to : If they try to leave you are free to terminate and cremate them. (; PS: I think if this law is active Security should have new orders to assist the Ai and to make sure nobody leaves the station. So that not only the Ai have to fight all people. It should be supported the crew surely didn't want that their families home would get infected, too.
  3. I am not so sure about that. Quarantine is to protect humanity or other aliens from a spreading pandemic, which started on your station. It would be perfectly fine to kill everyone who tries to leave for the protection of the greater Good ( The other life forms in this sector ). Be sure if there would be a real killervirus in your city military would shoot you dead before you can leave. In every country of the world. In this case crew would be expanded to other nanotrasen facilities and your are classified as enemy or at least danger to the cooperation.
  4. Make it shift + left mouse button. Like the AI
  5. There is no counter to that. You are stunned longer than it takes to flash you again. After that your battery is removed our you are destroyed. This is no way fair. And if your are say the disabler is only rd and captain then change that and give them some guns in the armory. Or at least reduce the stun time by 50 % so the cant stun you again before you can walk away. Most time it is you are stuned and then you battery was removed and you are lost in maintainance forever. At least let us still walk but not able to use modules. I wounder how you would find it if you, the antag would be disabled so easily. Then it would be overpowered....
  6. Flashstun is a winbutton for every person if the fight a borg it is not even funny. Change it at least the sec borgs should have stun immunity ( There are special disablers for that, should cost you extra not a stun for everybody). You are permastunned in the first moment you see an antag. Yeah i know how that sounds . But this is an issue not just now, it is since a long time.
  7. Maybe make it so that they have to enter a 12 digits long number code to initiate selfdestruct sequence. So selfdestruct would be used less and not everybody can blow them up if the get somehow access to a console. The Code could be requested or rd and captain have one part if them. Like nuclear missiles in the real world.
  8. Is is not that only in the database stored illnesses show up on the hud. Dependant on the Research database. My idea would be that viro is revamped. I don't like that the idea of apes get infected feeded with radium and you have a cure. It would be nicer if you have actually to research something like virusstrains, maybe in the way it is handled in genetics. If you research the genome you can replicate a cure in a synthesizer. In Detail: Unknown Virus --> Analyzing blood samples --> gives you a rna / dna strain of the virus or bacteria Infecting the Ape --> scan the ape in a scanner device --> gives you data about the stages of the virus and the possibility of mutation DNA Strain --> (like genetics) you have to change the dna /or you have to found a special chemical component that destroys the sample ( Chemaster ...) If you found the cure it is stored in the Database and you can synthesize the cure for the people. If you have all the data colected the hud will show you what the illness is. If not you get a icon too but as unknown ( only if it is already in research but without cure). If it is not in the database it will not show up on the hud and scanner only shows symptoms.
  9. And exactly this is the problem here. They should be equal. Like you said here
  10. But it should be really medical access/ or Captain and not Command i dont want to see Command running in Medbay and getting all the stuff the like for their pals.
  11. I don't see where i have attacked people. And I think your Idea if balance is wrong. If they were balanced they would be equal, not like a slave and a wealthy master. And a argument on a poor layout of the station is not an attack, instead it is a way to improve the station overall. Progress comes with change. I never attacked anyone with "fancy color names". But i do see that many people would like to remove silicons at all, I even read long postings about this issue in the past here and on github. We the silicon players have to communicate our doubts and problems. And the bluntly argument thats for balance is not helpfull at all, instead it is insulting for us silicon players who were treated as less important than a standard human. PS : We spoke about cyborgs not the AI, they Ai is a completely different aspect with its own issues.
  12. Maybe a fridge for surgery with some medics too ?
  13. It would be a nice feature if you have to clean you instruments after a surgery. I dont know if they even get dirty nowadays. After using a scapel or saw correctly they are still clean no blood.Would be nice to have a tool /machine to clean them.
  14. But borgs do not just consist of security borgs. It is one of 6 choices ( janitor,service,standard,engineering,security,medical ). But 90 % of server pop know how to do that. You have to base such decisions on regular players not newbies to the game. Maybe you have all access but there are only 3 positions where you can charge Ai-Core / Robotics / Showerroom. All of them can be easily deconstructed disabled in case of a rouge AI and a Command Crew who knows there stuff. A human took some food ( 3 seconds ) a cyborg has to be a long time in it to recharge the bigger cells, and the energy drain from rcds, or stunbats is immense. Not to forget you can be easily blown. PS : The rouge Ai should have a possibility to disable the self destruct function in every borg. / And Permastun borgs is a issue, it is just unfair. Free will ? Humans would be never redudant. Did you see ever a borg building a other borg. We are dependent on meatbags. We cant even upgrade ourself. And we are limited to one and only one job if not a human resets us. Electrified Doors --> Insulated gloves easily obtainable by cargo and engineering. Door Crushing --> The door stun is to short to really kill on . It should kill with the first hit. 800 punds of metal crushing in your head and tearing you into to parts should not be only damage you 10 % of your health bar. Screaming --> to be honest everybody and everywhere people are screaming. It is no surround sound so you have to check many rooms. Mostly it is to late and in 90 % the killer is a silent one. The Ai sat is terrible in my oppinion, you are to far away from the station. Syndics with piercing bullets can oneshoot you. Even before you notice they are even there. Happend to me. Nobody will notice it until it is to late. The Layout is idiotic turrets will kill themselves because the even fire if you stand in direct line. It is fat to easy to entry from one of the sites east south west. Next problem a straight line of fire from north directly into the ai core. The constructor at nanotrasen should be hanged for that. Help is difficult because no hardsuit for security. They do not! Last round i waited s secborg for over 35min in the robotics lab. There were to roboticist, but they were more occupied with building mechs. Even more disturbing one fixed me but don´t insert a battery for 20 minutes. This cell was laying directly next to me. We need an automatic borg repair utility , maybe for balance reason a constructed one, were you can slowly repair yourselve even without a roboticist.
  15. I checked it there is no way to open a job slot for borg, if your are the HOP.
  16. Three sound fine to me, in the survey only 10 % of station population play silicons. so 6-8 people per round with an average of 75 players.
  17. I looked as a hop i cant open cyborg slots.
  18. I support this. And midrounds the roboticist is often dead ssd afk or arrested or has no resources.
  19. There should be 3 Slots open one for each departement. Eng Jani Sec. This would also help Ai in lowpop rounds. During EUtime.
  20. Because of that science should be splitted in more departments. So it would be possible to create new sectors. Like bioengineering for medical ( augmented organs) and so on. And a fortress in outer space for dangerous xenobio experiments, like in the alien movie would be really cool.
  21. Could there be not something like a trigger in the code. Maybe all 5 seconds mob tests for the temprature on the tile. If greater x kelvin do this ... if colder y Kelvin do that ?
  22. My oppinion : I realy think this server is a bunch of silicon hating people. The tradeoff for beeing a borg is to have no free will. Why should a specifically build borg for a certain task not do a better job then a human. The key is the human is a allrounder. You can do everything, you have free will, you can change your job to more than a dozen types. You are easily healed and revived. And you are even more robost than any borg. (flash stun / ,, disabled and offline )The list goes on forever. As borg you rely on robotics and if nobody is there you are basically fu**. It is time to change the server policy to improve the silicon live not to harass it even more. Make them superiour in the restricted tasks they have. If now someone says : All access --> to what to do ? There is no point to this argument. The AI would open it for a human with a reason to. Spaceproof --> Minor, and if you are not an engineering borg you will drift forever lost in space, because you cant throw things. Heat / Cold resistance --> No reason to it with current atmos, there anever super cooled or hot aired sectors. Outside a reactor. High damage on EMP too. No illness --> Yes but you cant be improved with genetics, too Improvement with boards --> Human can use every machine /item the got hands on. No food --> you need energy , dependant on science and a willing roboticist. No arms --> a disgracefull misconstruction by silicon hating people, who think you stole their Butter bread immortal --> if you think tis is a pro you were never blown apart or disabled in maintainance , where you can watch the ongoing round for an enternity, because nobody looks for you , even sader if there is no other cyborg on board. Who could look after you. Nobody cares.
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