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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. Do we even have real fires? I have never seen one the last year?
  2. Currently Air Alarms have only a marginal effect on room temperature. The adjustable temperature has has a to low span and no impact at all, besides a very little pressure change. I would love to see that the temperature range you can set on air alarms has a larger range. A normal one from -30 °C to 60 °C. The Freezer Room -80 °C to +20 °C. The temperature changes should be feel-able by the people working there. At the moment it is no difference for humans and so on, if you have 10 or 30°C. They did not even notice there is a change at all. People should sweat over 35 ° and get a Heat shock and get sick. Also they should react to temps lower then 10 °C, they should get a cold. RP like this would be reptilian races should prefer warmer rooms around 20-40 if they have their own office the should be able to change that. Drask on the opposite should be able to create cool rooms for themselves. If you are extended to a temperature span your race is not build for and you have not the right equipment ( clothes, suits..) you should have drawbacks. Maybe hackable to produce really cold or hoter environments. A room with a temperature about 120 Degrees would not usable by normal means if not handled by a atmospheric tech. Maybe the Airalarms are prone to malfunctions. Even more work to do for engineers and atmospheric techs. All who state the our pipe distribution don´t deliver such temperature, i think it should be handled as a air conditioning system. They should act independent. Maybe colder and hoter temperatures require a higher energy amount to maintain ( faster apc depletion ).
  3. BiberDark


    I am against a joint controll, because Sci has already enough power and impact ( borgs, ai ,weapons...)
  4. BiberDark


    Hm i think this should be added to medbay not science. Something like medical research there could be genetics, viro, cloning, even xeno. And so we do not give the Sci-Departement even more power. Research could be done by experimenting with and scanning of organs. I think Medbay can spare some :D. Maybe a organprinter. If you have research the viological components you can start to improve them with tech parts. Augmented lungs, eyes and so on. Implantation is done in medbay. JOB ( Medical Research Department - Bioengineer / Augmentation Specialist /... PS ( remove genetics science should be medbay only)
  5. Hm not help engineers with repairs ? And why the fuck has the Ai the ability to call a drone to a certain station departement if not to help. And yes this would be direct interaction. I think the drone laws should be rewritten. And restricted to improving the station and dont disturb the work of humans, "Disturb" and not a global "no interaction". PS: I often play them direct as a main playstyle, i like them. And i hate fuckers who without reason destroy them, Only because the saw them moving along.
  6. I vote for this too, the spreading rate is incredible and not scientific. Is grows on metalplates... Also not a engineering or janitorborg is able to remove it, if it is there should also be an easy and avaible way to remove it. Also it causes massive Serverlag.
  7. Maybe restrict the times of cloning. For 10 play hours you can only be cloned 3 times. Antags and Borgs, Drones ect. excluded.
  8. Could it be since the camera update that broken cams are not greyed out at the console like in the past. I think this a bad thing.
  10. Maybe the PDA is able to keep track of the newsreaders ( counter ) So you can see if your investigative journalism is honored by the crew. Your Story : "The Captain is a Changeling" was read by 56 Persons ( 31 voted good / 10 voted down / 15 no comment)
  11. The respect and the punishment should at least be the same level as you blowed up a borg, or the bridge equipment. To remember drones are played by human players, and no asshole has the right to kill it, without being a Antag. I can only speak for myself, a drone is not a thing that i only choose to play if i died, i play mostly silicon, Ai and if there is no slot free i choose the drone. The drone console to blow up all should be removed. Maybe a intern command for the AI but thats all.
  12. God, this looks really nice. I wish you great success with the coding. Looks like you have found some coders helping you. This is a good sign for this project. Keep up the good work
  13. A pipe infection of an alien lifeform ( Goe ) - this is not a round type, but a common random event ( 2-4 times a round ] A highly annoying organic lifeform: The Goe A organic lifeform, consisting of colonies of single cells breeding in the vents and pipes. If the scrubber and vents are "infected" they are catapulting new goes around, contaminating the room further. (Same affect like a hacked cleaning bot with gibs) During the time of growth the infection spreads along the pipes into other rooms, where it is blossom again at a vent or scrubber. The Goe infects pipes and spreads along them.The pipes and vents must be be replaced in a special way. To be replaced the room has to be cooled / or heated to a certain temperature so the green goe stops his spreading i. Only then i can be removed from tools, floors machines and so on. ( Something like -200 C or +200 C ) A single whelder is not enough to kill it, only special application of chems can replace it. Different types of goe: Conditions needed for replacement: Green Goe To be replaced the room condition has to be about or higher then 200 degrees a low oxygen level max. 5 % administer special reagent x-100 scrape off Blue Goe room has to be equal or cooler then -150 degress Celsius requires has high oxygen level about 50 % or more administer special reagent x-300 scrape off Red Goe room has to be at +- 20° C no oxygen, no nitrogen ( nearly vacuum ) administer special reagent x-200 goe has to be burned with a whelder scrape off Failing to hit the right conditions will result in: (all conditions must be fulfilled) (random event) --> randomly choosen one of the events ( each time application failed ) massive spreading mutation to highly corrosive ( hull breach room is destroyed, people dead ) maybe a slime enemy npc ( something funny ) [for others to watch] outbreak of a plasmafire
  14. Maybe more tools to restore and rebuild areas that are blown up by meteroids, bombs. Equipment for Airlockseals ( like a Autoclave ? don´t know what this is called in english ), where you can block of people, who intend to open the fucking doors, where behind lies a plasmafire and so on. only opens for people with the right id (engineer, atmospheric, borgs, med-mechs [spaceproof beings] ((heads are not mentioned, because of reason)) ( Special ID Access requirement ) a easier way to build pipelines ( maybe a special rcd ) the machine is kind of silly and you have only one an emergency vent, which you can build on top of a already build pipe ( even if it as high pressure), so that you can make a certain part of a pipe isolated to repair, improve, or sabotage things a traitor item could be a small attachment to a pipe ( where you can pump an neurotoxin in a specific room, like a stunning gas or even deadlier (Immediate effect, even at the lowest concentration) [not available with a chem master ( unique gas for telecrystals ) (maybe in a syndicate shop at the station, see other suggestions) improved air filters (it took ages to filter the gas out of maint ) A more difficult idea is to build several atmospherican hubs around the station. a Master hub ( today's atmos ) delivers high quantities of O2 / N2 / Plasma and so on ( big high pressure pipes) to the small Control-hubs the small control hubs provide a access control tool to define the Mixing ratio and components, temperature each department (or even room, but i think this is to complex) could be regulated individual this mix is not stable and would require constant maintaining, if you dont want something terrible go wrong. For example a malfunction, where the mix is changed from 20 % O2 to 100 % and a whelder behaves like a flamethrower. would be possible to define alien quarters for voxlike creatures, or plasmaman areas with high temperatures for reptilian lifeforms and so on ( do you remember babylon 5, this had special departments for non o2 breathing species Integrate a third cycle (water and sewage) all interactions with machinery (high impact) and consoles (low impact) produce a different amount of dirt on your clothes and body you require to wash yourself and your clothes on a regular basis, more often for dirty works, janitor , surgeon, medic , engineer if you are not clean enough you get sick, and you smell other people can see this due a little smell animation above you you can infect other people dirty clothes have own sprites ( same as blood but grey ) ### now to the watercycle #### the Hub supplies the department with fresh and clean water. That you need to do your work, science and cleaning (bartender, soap, drinking water etc) without a functional water supply , the sinks, toilets, wash machines and showers don´t work. problems see above Hydroponic could clean water due to special plants in a tank, that filters the waste our of it. ( maybe special resources get this way ) //\\ Hydroponics next //\\ §§ make it the source of all air in the station (the lung) (o2 production with algae) - Hydroponics is part of atmosia
  15. Also this would help with inexperienced or new players, which unintentionally could blow up your cover. Because the think, they are rouge and could go on a manhunt. An AI Robot-Interface would be nice, where you can select the borgs you like to hack, and enable or disable their weapon systems.
  16. I even think the rouge ai should choose, when it is time to updatesthe cyborgs and let them knowing.
  17. Another Idea for Sub-Antag Sol Government Spy / / Black OPs Mission: Get in possesion of the newest Reseach Nanotrasen has to offer. Delete any Data who threatens the Power and Influence of the Sol Government. As in my eyes Nanotrasen is a evil corporation, conducting illegal tech research like the Umbrella Corporation in Resident Evil. ( Do not complain look at genetics (: ) Your Job is to copy the research database and send the information back to HQ. HQ will decide if you need to destroy additional data you found or if you need to get a example tech for further analyses at HQ. Keep a low profile and escape without any signs of your intervention. Requirements: - the Hacking mechanik i read in suggestions // special tools (remote hacking device, fake ID, camouflage), special ways to escape the station (maybe a teleporter to a black ops shuttle) - maybe a latejoin subtraitor, initiated by a admin ( select target science ) - Admin is acting as SolGov Secret Service --> Instructions, Targets (Items / Tech),
  18. Yeah, i like the idea of 2 different modes. Swing - a sharp weapon will cut your skin / - a blunt weapon will do brute damage, like now / - a rifle/gun will do the same as a blunt weapon in CQC (no shooting!) PS - a lasersword will do heavy brute and burn damage ( possibility to cut off parts ) Pierce - a sharp weapon, will cause less brute damage, but heavy internal organ damage (target chest) and will stick to it (twist to do even more damage), - a blunt weapon (or gun) will do less damage, but will push you one or two tiles in the targeted direction - a lasersword will cut through your organs and boil eveything, what is not burning --> you are dead (Reference: STAR WARS) Shooting - restricted to guns --> firing bullets or lasers Throwing will count as pierce ( like a spear )
  19. I think we should instead divide it into sub-classes. - Suggestion for RACES - Suggestion for JOBS - Suggestion for QUALITY OF LIFE - Suggestion for ANTAGMODES - Suggestion for BUFFS / DEBUFFES This would bring order to the chaos, and older threads could not be forgotten so easily, after 2d ays and on page 2. But it could be a roadmap for features we wish, and so a Coder could look at it, say i like this and this and start coding/ spriting....
  20. If you call this a heavy RP mechanic, then thist throws a very bad light on your understanding of RP. The CMD is not heavy RP not even medium RP. It is a basic ruleset where have to forget what happend before, the case not a specific time. Just to clarify this, heavy Rp would be that after cloning you have no memories about you death and you develope a Posttraumatic stress syndrome, where you need a psych with at least 10 sessions and medicamentation. Because everytime something is a bit like the circumstances in your death you get a heavy heartbeat, sweat, you couldn´t concentrate and anxiety, nightmares, you're afraid of anything and everyone. You would not be able to work normaly and do your job. This is heavy RP Medium RP would be like that. You awake from the cloner, and have a unsettling feeling that something bad has happend. But you cant remember anything bad that has happend to you, because of the traumatic shock. You dont remember, but it is fine to work normally. But if you go to some place you have a strange feeling, and you try to avoid it or the person. Low RP You awake, you have no memory of the incident. You go to work. No RP You awake and cry the fuckshit syndic XY killed me with a fucking lasersword in location Z. ( the current state) Sure because the griefers and validhunters would have nothing to do, if they don´t know the person. And what is your majority, for this we would need a server voting in byond for at least two weeks, 1 vote for one byondkey.
  21. I see no difference to the fact, that you are not allowed to use knowledge you gain as a ghost. And what should an antag do if his target was stored in the cloner. He has no way to stop the cloning process, even if he destroyed the orginal body. It is even more difficult because the cloning is instant, you have the handle the dead body in the same two minutes where it is getting cloned. In this case(dna stored in cloner or disk), if you are not a medic with cloning access, you are fucked. One solution could be to make cloning a long and limited function. Cloning- Geneticmodification / Surgeries - Psychological Treatment up to 20 minutes of work. Or reduce the number of cloning operations in a shift to a set number of 5 or less.
  22. I fully support this, especially because of the autocloning device. You kill him, hide/destroyed the body, but 4 minutes later you are hunted down by security, because the clone went life and told security everything about you.
  23. Just some Brainstorming. I´d like to know, how you think about the idea to create a subform of our antags. They are not deadly, do not have kill tagets but are plain criminals. Forger Maybe one is responsible for faked id cards or guestpasses. For this he has speacial tools like a other uplink, where he can order blank id. Then he has to get a photo of the specific person and add personal data. The fake ones does not have any special access, but looking like the originals, so if a security officer search you he will not see a difference so you can hide your identity. There could be different levels of this. If he is good he hack (there was a pr about hacking i think) into the security or medical database to create a new profile for you. So it seems even more legit. If he or the client is able to get hold of a original id with access he can copy it (like the agent card) Maybe harder for higher tears of id´s like captain or heads, easier for lowlevel jobs like cargo or clowns. Drugdealer A Sub-Antagonist specialized for drugdealing and production. Again sometype of Uplink where he can order a special type of chemmaster and a book of formulas for drugs. He has to establish a little base of operation somewhere in the station as his laboratory (Walter White). There he produce drugs from harmless drugs, non taxed alcohol to crack or worser. He supplies crewmembers with a drug history( i think there is something in the personal file for this) Maybe he starts with a list where the names of the users are listed. A smuggler A Sub-Antagonist specialized for smuggling and traiding of illegal tech This one can order tools or weapon, which are normaly secured for a specific price. ( open for discussion ) Like special huds, implants (chamelion suits, medical huds, pistils ammunition, contrabande). He has to trade it with bluespace transportation for other items or precious ressources (diamonds, Medicines, research data...) For all to make it clear. All rules apply to them, they are not antags and they are not allowed to kill anyone, by direct action. If somebody kills himself or a other one with drugs or weapons, this person is responsible. The dealer, smugler or forger are criminals, and are only handled icly by security and the detective. This should create some form of Blackmarket accross the station. And a way to aquire items, which are normally out of reach. Maybe for the normal guy who wished to be better protected, the RD who would like to research illegal tech or the hippies wo would like to smoke a joint. If you grief with them you face the consequences, like normal. Besides that this is for security and fun. Maybe to compensate for the extra work reduce the normal anatag count by one or two.
  24. Could we improve our ID-Cards, would be nice to have. So that they show a picture of the legitimate owner, as well as fingerprints, job and DNA ? Something alike a little nanouiframe. A bit like this: Idea is that a sec oficer can check your id card with your face, without opening a security console.
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