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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. Can you explain, how i can highlight words? I have no clue and i play more then 2 years on paradise.
  2. Threads die because people have said all the things to say to a specific topic. It dosn´t mean that they are not interrested in it !. Do you really want that everybody bumps a thread so that it stays active ? Is it getting obvoius in the past that topics get ignored, after more then 100 posts in it, because someone in the leadship dislikes it. In the hope nobody remembers it, in the next week.
  3. Maybe make drones able to carry ssd bodies and to put them into cryo. Some form of tractor beam ?
  4. We should sacrifice the logic here, because i dont want to look for a hidden door in the llabyrint maint we have. On a second thought with Linda there is no problem... at all.
  5. It is not directly related to the topic, but would reduce the mentionend problems with the greytiders. Maybe it is time, we restrict the jobslots for civilians to 15 or something like that. Instead allow to spawn as a cyborg (maybe 4 extra slots) and/or as NPC or drone. I often see round where the ai has only one to three borgs, and there are over 100 players. I would think it is good if for every 10 "human mobs" one silicon avatar is there. Would be good : - more Cleaning Borgs - maybe more Service Borgs - Security and Medical support - reduceing the ammount of greytiders, blowing up the station. Give the Ai a little more helpers (less drama because they are bound to the Silicon Laws) Maybe the possibility to spawn after roundstart directly as a Posibrain or MMI in robotics (PS: Speak enabled). SO you dont have to spawn a civ go to hop for paperwork then go to robotics and wait.
  6. If this is really a problem then you have to remove the injectors from genetics, because the could give you genetic failures, turn you into a monkey ... ( and give them a genetic resequencer machine for research and manipulation, instead of a syringe) For sarin you also need access to chemistry, too- It is not like every greytider can inject you with a sarin syringe. They allways need access to chemsitry to use this (maybe the can inject fuel but thats all)
  7. Can we finally get rid of the freeze. All coders are working on there projects already waiting for the end. This freeze failed more or less.
  8. If they have to build and restore the departments they would have to order a lot of things from cargo (like my suggestion) - place the ore redemption in cargo not outside , - maybe a requestform for ores (paperwork) stamped by cargo or qm - maybe like the Post, cargo delivers and the person who recieves is has to sign on a digital pad with his fingerprint ( a control system and a computer where you can see what was ordered, who has delivered it and who did get it - Change cargo points to credits , we already have departement accounts, we still dont use them (creditchip dispenser in the departement ?) - remove the autolath from science so they need to oder stuff from cargo instead - the station has to be empty, no tools no hightech machines everything has to be produced and researched first ( materials from cargo until you are self sufficient) - maybe a postoffice in each departement , where packets are send ( signed and so o see above ) + basic access ................................................................................. - Swap medbay with cargo -> bt you have to make a docking port there or split cargo into two rooms one on the center -> distribution and one at the outside cargo dock connected through conveyers - Medbay could have more space for chem , surgery, bedrooms - Cargo is to big i think ----------------------------------------------- Idea of a black market : yes --> source of contrabande and technical prototypes (really expensive) Trading : yes --> credits for ore and items Lockbox : a crackable code (not only a traitor item or this big laserbeam)
  9. How about a massiv reduction of tools and materials and improve the sortiment of the autolaith. So that all departements will order crates of tools for their staff. Based of an old baddly equipped station, which will now be modernized and prepared for work. For exmaple medbay: - only one standard surgial kit - only basic equipment in medbay ( one table, one scanner, one cryotube (low level) can be improved with science - empty rooms what have to be constructed from engineering ( more to do for them ) - nanomeds do not supply health scanners, sryinges, - belts and clothes has to be fabricated by the cargo team - hardsuits have to be ordered or manufactured in cargo - autolathes producing batches of srynges and other medical equipment ( they need ore input , starting with a basic amount to low level supply ) - hightech equipment has to be ordered via shuttle ( scanner , cryotubes ) * a change in cargopoints is required to handle this Job for cargo is it to trade and mine resources and equipment for all departements in cooperation with the other departements. ( Supplier of Goods - Need support of others ) Same way for science departement: - Layout : mostly empty rooms with power and air supply - Gases, Liquids, GasTanks , Slimes, circuit boards,hardsuits, glases.... ( if not already researched ) all has to be ordered and handled by cargo. The RD has to organize a construction and order list based on is employes (full jobslots) --> Engineering and RD has to build the research equipment first. ( No more 5 min insta research because the computers and materials are not provided at roundstart ) The same goes for all departements! Excluded is engineering equipment for the power supply and athmosperics layout ( so roundstart is possible ) they are provided by nanotrasen Result is: - heavy increase in work for cargo ( a real departement of his own, like in the military ) - Cargo departement is now actually important to run and supply a station - Trading is important to aquire needed money for the orders - easy job and more job slots because of heavy increase of work for them - management of cargo and cargopints is important ( each department has a contigent of points at roundstart ) (more points for completed research and productivity during the shift - more flexibility in all other departements based on the crew in every shift - engineering has work to do, even after the power supply ( upgrading te departements ) - more work for the big station poulation - Heads now have to organize their deprtement or it will result in low productivity and chaos - QM has to handle and authorisize all the orders so nobody is ignored Overall - more interessting rounds for everybody - more opportunites to act for traitors because no one is bunkered down in his office with roundstart - because of the construction tools are easier to get ( from cargo ) - Heads are more important - Teamwork and RP in the departments could be improved through the needed teamwork - new players can learn more about basics of this game in construction.... - less boring rounds - station grows with its numbers - less greytiders more jobs in engineering and cargo CPU - more performance because massiv reductions of items laying arround in the station ( mostly empty ) CON - would be a massiv ammount of work to recreate the station map - new items like big tanks has to be made constructable , same goes for different computersystems which until now can build at the station only in mapmaker - massiv change of way how the game is played I know this would be a massiv change in many ways. But think it would e worth it. What do you think ?
  10. Dude, this is a game and not the real world and second they are in a big massiv spacestation with multiple layers of steel. So α and β-radiation cant pass the station, because there penetrating ability is way to weak. α cant even pass human skin, β gives you bad sunburn, but a 3 mm thick aluminum sheet absorbs all of it. ​ɣ-radiation is better but the whole station would die if it not was shielded against it. See ISS or any other modern spacecraft or the protection in spacesuits. The earth is shielded by his magnetic field and his atmosphere. Atmospheric damping occurs, without it the earth would be a dead stonerock, because the cosmic radiation ( you called it sun radiation )would destroy every dna string that would see the light of the sun. No evolution on land, maybe in the deep oceans, maybe. But nothing higher then some worms, maybe a fish. Definatly nothing with some form of hands and a higher intelect. Other wavelenghts for example are, the visible light , microwaves and radio. Plants need sunlight especially long wave red and shortwave blue for photosynthesis ( aka visibible light and infrared. And what they need too ? Dihydrogenmonoxid in short H20. You need 6 Co2 and 6 H20 to create C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2. So no water no life. One point if you are interested you can check multispectral images in arcmap or gqis ( geoinformationsystems) at channel combination 4-3-2 , there you can see the vitality of plants. Look in a desert and you will see a difference. Less water less vitality (ok winter is not red too - obvious it is to cold ) Before you blame people here they should read more books, you should hold back yourselfe. Second i currently making my master degree of science in geography, moron. PS: Xray is only a common name for "Röntgenstrahlung" ( discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen ), simplified in english speaking countries to x-ray. Gamma and x-ray radiation is overlaping in a wide range. At the same energy level it is equivalent to ɣ-radiation only difference is the source of the radiation.​ɣ-radiation is produced in the atomcores. Röntgen or xray in high-energy electron processes. Located between ultraviolett and gamma radiation.They are both a Ionizing radiation. PS II : So dionas have to make a spacewalk everytimes they got hungry ? Did they eat there ice meteors/ comets ?
  11. And how should they eat radiation at the station? Jumping in the supermater chamber ? What is the problem to change it to water and healing to solar radiation.
  12. I think the coroner needs a little love. Thinks i would like to have as a coroner ( forensic technican ): - Maybe that the autopsy report could be printed and directly added to the medical database ( because formating that is difficult ). Using the device like the sechud only that it adds the scanning results. - A Medical-Computer and chair in this room ( or the new coroner room ) - more pods ( we have currently over 100 players in a round so they are allways full - Bring back the detectiv tools (dna sequenzer, fibre analyzer, fingerprints) for analyzing.You have to take samples and bring them back into your lab to do CSI stuff. Only scanning is to simple. - Forensic Tech should not be responsible for interrogations like the detective at the moment ( maybe a special job slot interrogator :evil: )
  13. A while ago i played as ai and syndicate operatives killed me in an instant. What happend ? They didn´t even enter my sat or were near my satelite. The choose the right position out of range and fired their weapons. The bulletsound was the last thing i heard before i checked the satelite. This bullets pierced through more then 3 reinforced and some normal walls. The should e restricted to pierce through only one. Even it is a railgun in a handy format it could not pierce 20 meters of massive (high-hardness armor). - Restrict to pass only one layer of reinfoced walls - Restict to pass only 2 layers of normal walls
  14. Then why not port the faster linda ?
  15. HOw about dionas dont need food , but a lot of water on a regular base (it is a plant), like 30 units every 30 minutes. And make them bit faster or readd the drugs so you can move faster with them. PS : I like the concept of the ectoplasma people. Can they phase through walls ? Maybe a chaplain can seal walls with holy wate or sigils to block a certain area, so the cant pass.
  16. Could you add helmet cams for engineering and security? So they can actual stream it to the ai and Warden.
  17. blood i want blood, blood everywhere , instagibblood muhahar
  18. I think sprites are not freezed, if i look in github. And the tree should be already in the code. At least it was in the baycode 3 years ago.
  19. I know back in the days i was a ss13 admin, there is a big monster tree in the code who like to chew people. If a spriter would improve its design this would be exactly the thing you wish.
  20. Whats the use of it if all meta and shut down the messager if is a code red ? Why is everything so hugboxing, where is the deadliness of SS13 from the earlier days
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