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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. I tried to kill my target just to see the Detomatix Cartridge fail 3 times in a row. So failed my objective completly because round end. Fix this !
  2. Thats nonsense, Atmos right now is bullshit. As i mentioned 100times in other posts. Atmos has to be annoying. Is it the idiotic behaviour of people who try to force open sealed areas just to get to bar or somewhere else. They never try to go arround they allways go straight through the sektor with the wallbreach. For this they have to die a long and painfull dead. Best would be their keyboard would give them a electroshock.... Better Atmos would be good for engineering and atmostech, also give the ai back a posibility to kill a traitor. You only have to add a few firelocks so not all of the station is fucked like you said. Besides the problem with what i mentioned before. But they die and learn, at least i hope. See link here : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8924&start=10&hilit=zas viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8868 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8175 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=7588 and so on...
  3. Yeah, i think i would ignore it. It is the same as the captain would say to a crewman: We dont need you! Kill yourselve so that we can borg you! And good point as roundstart ai you have no mmi or cube so you are not living. Ergo what is already dead cant die. ( Maybe i would ahelping such a law.)
  4. If you set it up right. You have short phrases for complete situations. Like -on. Gives a textmesage you the ai x are now online and awaits orders. If you type hop it changes the message to Head of Personnel or Aft Port to Aft Port Solar Access .... If you type -sec (locaton) It gives a long notification to sec that they should visit this place. There is a mute function and jobindicator integrated but somehoe they dont work. To bad i have no clue and knowledge of programming so i cant fix it. If you do i would be happy if you share a updated version. Ps there is a manual and guide if you follow the githublink i provided. . https://github.com/GunHog/MAGNI-Tcomms?files=1
  5. You could add a traitor tool that changes the ID-Code of the card or hide it in the system. So no antag has a problem but they greytide has no way to fuck arround. And i think the timer would prevent from fuckery with ids also to mention the paper it prints at all consoles.
  6. Why not have a basic set (2 in engineering) the others have to be bought for credits from cargo. ( Departement money or personal=
  7. It would be good if every idcard has a unique intern code. So the HOP / ID Console could remotly give them access rights or remove them if needed. Exp. Hos to Hop: I fired Mr. X because he was incompentend and lost all his ID cards in maintainance. HOP looks at his console Mr X has ID Card # 124-235 --> click remove access ID Computer : ID 1124-235 is not longer valid --> automatic prints a copy of this access removal on all id computers... ( grief block ) If now anybody tries to use this card --> access denied Exp: HOS to Hop: Mr. X (detective) needs temporary access to toxin lab for investigation Hop console : ID 123-456 change access level --> prints out a copy of the change As a security measure you could add a timer to this change like the job slots (5 minutes). So nobody can quickly strip command from all access. If that dosnt work the ai can help them to restore it.
  8. @ tzo No no no. A second Ai is bad in all cases. A special Ai with other access levels would be fine. First it can be easily corrupted. It is independent from an apc/SMES unlike the original one. This is bad ( at least i think it is so, if not correct me) It can cut the power of the original ai in an instant ( see point one ) If you build a second Ai it should be bound to the Master AI like a borg It should have no access to the AI Sat Systems if it is not installed there. Really everytime I had a second ai in my shift as Ai it was a desaster.
  9. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9258 There is a big idea for Security. Especially a new and improved security console would be great. May a console with our space law where you just check the crimes and it gives you a brig time. With all the rules so no one is briged forever or to short. Example: ( like the Crime Codes Quick Reference witch Checkboxes) ... Sabotage ( ) Theft (x) vandalism (x) Assault ( ) ... Brigtime = 10 -15 min Results in a Security Record : Code 109 + 208 (Prints a copy for the PAPERWORK) A new hud icon would be good too. A Watchtag so someone is under surveillance. ( Exp. The Clown or Mr. X )
  10. Problem with the Acting Captain stuff is the Acting. In the Crewlists they are not listed under command.
  11. - A Paperwork dispenser in every departement ( IAA HOP SECURITY MEDBAY)*1 - More Job Slots *2 - nerve the glowshrooms, the last rounds complete station was filled with them as soon as someone cries vampire or shadowling.Much lag!!!. And in my oppinion far to easy to spread across the station. PS for a borg impossible to destroy. You can only take samples.... *1 maybe use the requestconsoles for this *2 would be cool
  12. https://github.com/GunHog/MAGNI-Tcomms?files=1 Here the original : This one seems not to function correctly (mute dosn´t work) , dont know if we have changes in our telecom code.
  13. https://forums.yogstation.net/index.php ... coms.3072/
  14. What about important items that the person has? Maybe the nukedisk, stamps, ids, pai, positronic brains, traitoritems, ai, boards. Will they vanish too, if they are in the backpack of the ssd person ? How is the idea the teleport to a secure space strip of all items and then proceed ( teleport back to station ) to cryodorm. Maybe somekind of storage.
  15. Maybe we cant force it but we could send a message to the people. How is a simply red pop-up that states "You have been cloned! You cant memorize anything about the last 10 minutes before you get killed ! These memories were part of the short-term memory and could not be restored due to the trauma. Ding thats all. Could improve the play for people who actually like RP and the others will just ignore it as always. But for new players this is a guide to advance. Raven out.
  16. Then how that, remove the possiblity to set warrants , but give the iaas a special hud + console so the can access the medical and security records. Read & Write + Print but no Arrest. What we need is the possiblity to correct and change the crime record not only add a comment to the bottom line. The change of arrest / prisoner / wanted should be handled by Security itself. Access to the orders of Cargo would be pretty nice but not important. --> again only read + and print ( mr x ordered y authorsized by M)
  17. The duty of the IAA is to control the paperwork and SOP of all departements. He has already HUDaccess to security logs, i think it is not logical that he cant use the security console at all. I can do all the things with my hud already but proper paperwork for sec is not possible. Almost everytime nobody is handling the Security logs with crimes, times ect. This would be a good opportunity to handle some work to the IAA or to controll it even better. Pro - no extra access ( already included in hud ) - could help with paperwork and SOP Con - nothing
  18. That sounds very nice. Something to do for the engineers/mechanics. Is this in the newer code gonn released or their actual build wich is not opensource?
  19. And here we have it again ! A hidden nerf for the sillicon or ai faction. Giving some nice features ( lip-reading power) ok, but at the same moment the only effective weapon are weakened. - Overload Machine cost increased from 15 to 20 - Override Machine cost increased from 15 to 30 - ReAdds Lockdown ( but only 90 Seconds and SINGLE USE ) https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/5355 Paradise went from a thorny to Disney Land
  20. hm engiborgs are able to produce them, if cargo filled their constructor. Cams and APC are possible with the magnetic device. Problematic is a new room, where you would need the blueprint to install a new apc.
  21. Sure more Metaknowledge as we already have. It sucks as a Medic to see people storm medbay dragging people into cryo. And docs have nothing to do. Because Cryo is in my oppionion much to powerfull and has to be nerfed pretty hard. I think it would be good if cryo only accepts orders from medbay staff. Like the id-console.
  22. I realy think you should look here for inspiration (: --> https://www.pinterest.com/jordanbotello ... om-people/
  23. Germany. Land of Bread and Döner, Bratwurst and beer. Biggest Country in Europe and even Americans know where we are ^^. Oh i forgot 8 of 10 army airplans tanks guns are not working. And we will never get our Airport finished. BER Berlin.
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