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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. Can someone make pr in github with the mapchanges ? So that this will be considered.
  2. What about the idea that items have to be constructed, not just printed. For Example Advanced Medscanner. 1 Case ../ 3 Cables / Basic Chip A+ B + T (printable) / Whelder and a microscrewdriver. Attach in the right order. This would be a bigger amount of work but would improve the fun of it.
  3. Yes to the tool ! No to messages. There are already to many warning messages.
  4. This is a little and easy to implant possibility to improve the live of a chemist. When i play i tend to produce bit amounts of bottles ( basic stuff like mutadone , dylovene, and so on ) so the whole lab and tables of this little room , also the floor is filled with bottles. It would be fantastic if we could have a second Refrigerated Medicine Storage to store our stuff in a clean and safe way. We only need to remove one glass tables left to to the disposal unit to place the Refrigerated Medicine Storage. Both Chemist can use it from there. The workplace in this small room would greatly be improved. PS: No, a locker is not equivalent.
  5. Really what is so secret to mix Cryoxadone with Manitol and Mutadone to make it super secret , you could add Mitocholide. So your Cryos heal Mutation, Braindamage, Inner organe Damage as well as brute and oxy. Wow super stealthy...... PS would be nice to have a storage in the chem room to store some basic ingredients.
  6. I like the rules but .... "The Geneticist is not permitted to ignore Cloning, and must provide Clean SE Injectors when required. In addition, the Geneticist must make sure that Cloning is stocked with Biomass and the Cryotubes stocked with Cryoxadone" --> Clean SE sure nice --> but biomass and cryotubes are the duty of the chemist And Genetics is Medical not Science
  7. What happens with the pool if you hack the controller ? Acid Pool ? Hrhr
  8. "unidentified foreign body" This is the description of an alien inside you, if i remember correctly. Maybe "unknown traces of technology found" or "Unknown Object. No information in the database" ( with Adv. Scanners who can detect them.)
  9. Yes this would be great. But we need some SecNews Consoles arround the station. So that not only Sec in their departement can see it. Maybe a holosphere in the bar ?
  10. @ at Jay would it be possible to reduce cpu use if this tiles would be bigger. Instead 1*1 --> 2*2 or 3*3. This would reduce calculation by 75 % (only one instead of 4 times in a 2*2 room). To contribute to walls a filter that says tiles with walls always have a stable value of maybe 1 . So that they are filtered out in atmospheric calculations, i dont know how walls are handled at the moment to block air. If this somehow works you could speed up the whole process 4 times and it would be equal to now. The difference would be not the whole room is calculated like zaz , only a "sector" wich expands in each possible direction. PS: Sorry i have no clue of coding
  11. As far as i read the addon to Linda, was only a little code, not changing the main at all. It would have speed up L-I-N-D-A 4 times for only 50 % increase in cpu. It it is impossible to argue about Linda at this server. It gets locked closed or deleted. Linda is good for cpu and the rest of it is trash. You could remove it completly. Thats Linda -_> http://www.allfunnies.com/wp-content/bl ... 50x600.jpg
  12. +1 to Vent Crawling Yes! And YEEESSS
  13. I dont see why a AI who can set alarm levels like in the past is an dictator. It only means that i can set an alarm if there is an hullbreach or Danger for the crew. So that i can warn them . And as also mentioned red and above are meatbag exclusive.
  14. Couldn´t you make it so that the display shows a big percentage number. The Healthbar of the patient. --> 5 -10 -15- 20 ... A bit like the stages of the singularity for the display ?
  15. Couldn´t you make it so that the karma system is giving a notification, if a player wants to spent a point to an admin ?
  16. Please give the Ai the possibililty back to use the communication console. It is highly annoying that I cant set Alarm Levels or use the normal Announcement System. Alarm Levels would be : Green / Blue / Biohazard / "Invasion" // For Code RED and above ID´cards are still neccessary. Text announcement: So that the Ai can visivly communictae with crew. The voice announcement is missing some critical words. For example : Alien, Spider, Lifeform, Evacuation Procedure ( there is only evacuate ) ... The possiblity to recall a shuttle would be nice but are open to discussion // Using a fax to send a message to nanotrasen
  17. As i remember there was an option for 3 ai cores at roundstart . This could help in large rounds. Then the Ai have to use a intern vote to decide important questions. It sounds fun to me, as a regular Ai player.
  18. I stated in many posts why i dislike Linda. In my oppinion it is growing cancerous ulcer. It digs deeper and deeper into the systems and gets more complicated to remove as time proceeds. It is sure that most of the people think it is a illness to the system, because it removed so many funthings that made space station special.
  19. And give the Ai the ability back to set Alarmlevels // Biohazard / Intruder.. And station announcments, nothing is more silly as a AI which cant use her own Comsystem.
  20. Do not forget - Biohazard - hostile Lifeform - Condition - Blue Red Yellow Green Omega - and most important " Evacuation Process initiated" - Alien
  21. Gems could be used for : - fluff items (rings / crowns / szepter / jewelery / money) - upgrading of different tools like a laser scalpel ? Laserguns ? - Research
  22. Let the griefers try just make the vents and scrubbers more efective. Problem solved.
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