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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. Introduce a judge, lawyer and advocate. If people participate and like to roleplay they can do it to spice things up. Time used for the trials count as prison time in the end. If you are not guilty you had at least some roleplay. Benefits - RP - Detectives can show their evidence - Bad Security can be compensated - Misjudgement can be reduced because at least 4 Persons are involved - executiv and legislativ power is not in one hand ( democracy) - Criminals with small crimes could confess their crimes to avoid a trial - Hos Captain can do their jobs and are no longer involved in sentencing - Newspapers have something to report about -
  2. (; Normaly i am a drone, so no crates or boxes.
  3. This would work but I think the already existent fridge is easier to handle and to implement
  4. No problem dissable the cam at the bridge. I dont want a recall function in the tabs, i want to use this console. A nice addition would be , to be able to write announcements.
  5. Only one thing. A second fridge in the Chemistry, exactly at the position where is now the fueltank. - this would be a large improvment to store your chems for later use, like Ammonia, Unstable Mutagen. A good chemist, could make the basics and reacts much more efficient when something is needed. - this would stop the endless piles of bottles flowing arround in this already to small room.
  6. + readd the possibility for the ai to recall the shuttle and set alarm levels ( biohazard, blue, green, radiation..) Red is still considered for humans with two head id´s.
  7. I saw this on bay they had fuses for different departments to enable or dissable . On top of that they hat battery racks to improve /safe power supply.
  8. Support, so I dont have to run to cargo all 2 minutes to produce a cam assembly to get one then run at the other side of the station install them and repeat the cycle. I am not sure are here there different cams avaible like xray nightvision ? If you add plasma sheets and so on ?
  9. Would this block the ai from using it ?
  10. It was an answer to "Let's do hieng particles instead" We would have Hieng Particles in Mining / Chem dispenser, Doors, and so on
  11. I said that liquid and solid particles are nonsense. I changed my comment so that it is more clear to you.
  12. @Mijhead , that is my point .
  13. Particles ? We have solid particles , liquid particles ? --> No that makes no sense! It is more like we have phoron which emmits those particles.
  14. BiberDark


    HM ? IPC are not immune to traitor chems right now , they can forced to eat pills, injected with stuff and so on. Realistic toxic stuff would do nothing, besides some forms of acid.
  15. I find traitor exclusiv chems silly. This is a big research facility, why shouldn't rhey have all kinds of chems. Make it more difficult to produce but not with silly restrictions like chems that you only get through aliens or something like that. Maybe make them need low temps to react. Special research item to keep your beaker cool.
  16. Any news about this topic, the problems are still not solved?
  17. Let it create a portal to the beach. I love the beach and its sound.
  18. BiberDark


    No, this is to dark. This is a research facility. I have never seen a lab or hospital this dark. Thats a thing of safty for the working people. And if its dark the human body switches to night mode. He will get tired and less productive. Especially in a Spacestation without a real sun.
  19. Sounds fun, Dr. Frankenstein is coming. A new way to ressurect someone.
  20. I agree with you completely. More RP Rules / Paperwork / all the unused stuff like the medical database. I do this often. I also tried to force as CMO people to keep, the medical database up to date, or made autopsy reports, for security. But there is no real respones, besides Ah thank you , next one. :cry:. Would love to see this kind of Roleplay more. Just my opinion.
  21. I didn´t say you should get ZAZ back, but you should make Linda way more agressive. People should think about opening a door or window to space, without proper equipment. Because that is highly dangerous in reality. I dont know how fast a room would be without atmosphere if there is a missing wall (3-5 seconds depending on the size of the hole). Not to mention the temprature drop to -200C° or more. It should suck you to the leak in an area about 5 fields at least, to be real. Depending on the difference in air pressure and hole size. There should be more magnetic shoes for enginnering ,too. Also this would make Atmos more needed, to seal and repressure areas within the station in combination with engineers. It's ridiculously easy to open a door walk through a room/maintainance wihtout air and leave it again on the other side. No wonder that those things will be ignored by the playerbase. Civ:i Oh look a meteor! --> Open the door and make a visit. PS: Door Timmings should be shorter. They stay open forever.
  22. Linda is in my oppinion far to easy. On my old station some years ago (Titan Station). I set the old atmos to, I think it was bay Zas, Extreme and still find it easy. Do you know the scene from Alien, where Ripleys Babyalien got sucked out through a 5cm hole in the wall. So it should be! For the complainers: adapt or die! [spoiler2][/spoiler2]
  23. Why not make it to a kind of Biolock & Waiting room( don´t know the english word for it) for treating people who could be infected. This should include a 2 Door passage to outside medbay , only be possible to open from outside : --> | xxx | --> Second Biolock to inside Medbay ( Viroaccess ). Inside there should be : - showers - Biosuits for secure transfering to Isolation in Virology - equipment for bloodsamples - a pipe for transporting samples directly into viro (maybe) - an isolated airsupply - basic stuff like chairs , beds, fooddispenser - maybe a cryotube for critical patients - [scanner?] Usefull for: - People can bring theirselve into quarantine without poluting and infesting the entry area of medbay - minimisation of contact with non infected crew - Roleplay - could be used as gateway if medbay is locked-down
  24. Not a wire, a device you can attach (maybe a pai) . This devices provides access to those door and you could change times and names which are listed. Could be used for framing. :mrgreen:
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