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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. Log System would be nice and a traitor could use a stolen id card to hide is traces. For Example: Traitor stole an id then was able to build a secret door to his office. So logs show that he never left his workplace, or that he never was in the specific room. I also think this shold be resticted to workplaces (robotics/ toxin storage... ) and high security places (security wing). Hallway doors dont need this and the logs would be awfully long. I would also find it cool, if you have to use your card on the specific (high security door) and you have to enter a valid code too. This code could be changed by HOS/HOP/CAP/ AI or the specific Head of Department. PS: Could stop the greytide. PS: Door timmings need an overhaul the are far to long open.
  2. I like the idea, and why the f*** not ?
  3. One idea make the cam lights as strong as a normal light tube (not bulb). This would help alot, for the start.
  4. As AI i find it difficult to see, the station is way to dark now. Could we have nightvision for Ai or something like that. :geek: Quarantine the station objective. This is nearly impossible there are so many doors not visible to cameras and also the shuttles. So it is impossible to stop people. In a normal round also you have very few borgs, and blobs starts right from the beginning. So there is no or only one borg who can assist you. I do not want to sound whiny but I see no way to carry out the goal. And the Crew is mostly like to break quarantine and security does not even think about supporting you. :oops:
  5. Updated Reassigment [large] FORM R-1 [large] -// REASSIGNMENT ORDER \\- [/large] [small] This application must be filled completely ! The document is only valid with a signature and stamp![br] [br]I hereby confirm that I do not work for a criminal associations or law enforcement agencies of earth. [br]I confirm that I have no hostile intentions towards the crew, the equipment or any artificial life forms. [br]In case of my death, I renounce compensation for cloning or funeral coasts. [br]For damage to the property of Nanotransen I am personally responsible with my and my descendants life and proberty. I certify that all by NSS Cyberiad assigned equipment was returned to its former location. This includes: Headset-decryption-keys PDA-Cartridges Uniforms Weapons Armor Equipment SIGN HERE : [field][br] EMPLOYEE: [field][br] ORIGINAL POSITON: [field][br] NEW POSITION: [field][br] REASON FOR REASSIGNMENT: [field][br] SIGNATURE OF RELEVANT HEAD OF STAFF: [/b][field][br] DATE AND TIME: [field][br] COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE ONLY VALID WITH AN OFFICAL SEAL![/small]
  6. I think it would be fun and something to do for heads if all departments would do their paper work correctly. Here are some Examples for the HOP. Feel free to add new things. Credits goes to the example paperwork on baywiki, i only added a few things. HEAD OF PERSONAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB APPLICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [large] FORM A-2E [/large] [large] - JOB APPLICATION REQUEST - [/large] [large] -= NSS Cyberiad =- [/large] [small] This application must be filled completely ! The document is only valid with a signature! You hereby confirm that you do not work for a nanotansen competing organization or a Syndicate organization. That you have no hostile intentions towards the crew, the equipment or artificial life forms.[br] I certify that all by NSS Cyberiad assigned equipment was returned to its original Department.[/small] [br] APPLICANT NAME: [field] [br] APPLICANT CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: [field] [br] APPLICANT DESIRED ASSIGNMENT: [field] [br] REASONING FOR REQUEST: [field] [br] APPLICANT SIGNATURE: [field] [br] HEAD OF PERSONNEL SIGNATURE: [field][br] SIGNATURE OF HEAD OF STAFF OF CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF ASSIGNMENT: [field] [br] SIGNATURE OF HEAD OF STAFF OF NEW DEPARTMENT: [field] [br] DATE AND TIME: [field] COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE ONLY VALID WITH AN OFFICAL SEAL! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reassigment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [large] FORM R-1 [large] -// REASSIGNMENT ORDER \\- [/large] [small] This application must be filled completely ! The document is only valid with a signature and stamp![br] [br]I hereby confirm that I do not work for a criminal associations or law enforcement agencies of earth. [br]I confirm that I have no hostile intentions towards the crew, the equipment or any artificial life forms. [br]In case of my death, I renounce compensation for cloning or funeral coasts. [br]For damage to the property of Nanotransen I am personally responsible with my and my descendants life and proberty. I certify that all by NSS Cyberiad assigned equipment was returned to its former location. This includes: Headset-decryption-keys PDA-Cartridges Uniforms Weapons Armor Equipment SIGN HERE : [field][br] EMPLOYEE: [field][br] ORIGINAL POSITON: [field][br] NEW POSITION: [field][br] REASON FOR REASSIGNMENT: [field][br] SIGNATURE OF RELEVANT HEAD OF STAFF: [field][br] DATE AND TIME: [field][br] COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE ONLY VALID WITH AN OFFICAL SEAL![/small] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replacement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- S-23 Form:[large] [large] - Replacment ID - [/large] This application must be filled completely ! The document is only valid with a signature! [br] Name/Aliases: [br][field] [br]Current Job: [br][field] [br]Was the card lost or damaged?: [br][field] [br]How was the card lost or damaged?: [br][field] [br]What can be done to avoid this occuring again?: [br][field] [br]What, if any, executive action needs to be taken?: [br][field] [br]Head of losing party's department signature: [br][field] [br][small]New ID card requests are goverened by fair use polciy 67C3. NT withold the right to deny any and all applications for a replacement ID dependent on policy 67c3 and any other pertanent criteria designated by NT at the time of the denial of application. Excessive ID loss or damage as laid out in 67c3 is to be compensated for out of personal income and accounts as specified under 67c6 and not uniform work expediture allowances.[/small][br] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complaint Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C-12 Form:[large] NSS Cyberiad Complaint Record Document [large] Complaint Record [/large][br] [br] False accusations are punishable under Nanotransen Law ! [br] Complaint Raised by (sign):[field] [br] [br] Complaint in full detail[br] [field][br] [br] [small]By signing as complainant you agree that you understand your complaint may be shown to any persons mentioned in your complaint, and that all information provided in your complaint is true and in full detail. You also agree you understand if any of the information provided by you is found to be false, intentionally false or out of context, you may be subject to disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, brig time, termination of employment. After filling the complaint section and signing your name please hand in this sheet.[/small] [br] [br] Actions Taken[br] [field][br] [br] Signature & stamp of Head of Personal/Captain:[field][br] Signature & stamp of any relevant head of staff:[field][br] Signature of any involved IA agent:[field][br] [br]
  7. I support this. There are many rounds, when there is no borg around. This is bad for the AI and Bad for robotics.
  8. Helmets for skrells . You can´t wear you medical helmets . And there is no modification set .
  9. I dont get why a health huis overpowerd, in the game everybody can have one they only need a medical hud from science or ask a doctor nicely. + The element is already in game for the ghosts. Instalation of new cams. I have done this a engiborg, a normal cam is possible to install but and upgraded one not because you cant take things in your hands. And to be fair 70 % do not know how to construct things. Or the Ai just have no borgs. The Crew Monitor is big shit in my oppinion as AI and CMO/Medic, you can do stand on your hands and winking with your foods but in a long round more then 60 till 70 % of the crew have not enabled there suits. You will get an idea if you check the numbers in medical database with those on the crewmonitor. Or it shoud be so , that everybody starts with a full enabled suit (vitals + gps (telescience)). If he want to be sneaky he can dissable it anyways. Mostly if you ask for suits you are ignored. Inspect: Maybe it is possible to reduce the information to Live& Happy / Sleeping / SSD / DEAD
  10. I would love if the AI has the abbility to use a health hud for its interface. Because as an AI you can´t look at people directly, if the are sleeping , ssd oder or dead. Only with the crew monitor you are able to determine if a person is only asleep or dead ( This exclude cases with much blood and body dismemberment. ) I think this would help alot to make the ai more helpful for the station and its inhabbitants. Security HuD would be nice but not necessary. --------------------------------- Adlerauge ( AI ) Xerathul Xen ( CMO )
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