Hello. New to both SS13 and Paradise, so I may have a completely wrong idea about this. My apologies if this has already been discussed to great length and resolved.
I've noticed that many rounds end with a community vote to "end the shift" when nothing has been happening for some time. Does this feel unsatisfying to anyone else? People often finally have the time to work on some big project, only to have their efforts go to waste because OOC forces have declared the round to be boring (I don't disagree with that, but...)
I think we can all agree that something needs to happen, but wouldn't it be way more satisfying and immersive to introduce new threats/antagonists during such drawn-out, 'boring' rounds, so that the shift can end more naturally and IC? A round-ending vote feels like a bit of a hamfisted and brute solution to the problem of there being not enough action/threat. I'm not suggesting to get rid of it entirely, but maybe there are other options that could be explored before it gets to that point?
Also, the chemistry lab is super tiny and cramped! Can't it be expanded a bit? Maybe the supply room beneath it can be moved somewhere else, like to the isolation room area which is rarely (if ever) used?